Friday, June 5, 2009

the lucky me~lucky you giveaway

Before getting down to giveaway details, I have some very cool pinks to share for this week's Pink Saturday. If you're not familiar with Pink Saturday, read all about it at Beverly's blog and join in on the frothy fun!

my winks of pink

Outside a book store in Wickford, Rhode Island

More Wickford shops

What a cool idea! The al fresco section of a restaurant in Jamestown, Rhode Island.

lucky me
Last week I won the Cottage Charm giveaway from Stefanie at Rose Petals and Rust!

I won this pretty plaque from Stefanie's shabbyrific shop Rose Petals and Rust (what a great name!). I am thinking it will look very nice in my living room (shown above) among all the shades of blue.

lucky you
It's always so much fun to be part of a giveaway that I thought I'd hold another one myself! It's also a thank you for all of the generosity I find constantly in blogging.

I have loaded all kinds of cottage treats into a little tea-for-one set.

Like my indoor plant markers which are nice additions to plants, bouquets, wreaths and gifts.

My cottage clips, ribbon, glitter, and more!

To enter simply leave a comment on this post. For a second entry, mention my giveaway with a link in a post and leave a comment letting me know. Entries may continue until I post a winner (planned for Wednesday).

FYI: Some of these items are also available at my Etsy shop,
Tinkered Treasures.

Happy Pink Saturday (and good luck)!



Unknown said...

I'd love to be entered in your give-away! Thanks!

Rachel Knoblich said...

How sweet to do a giveaway. Love the plaque you won. What a beautiful picture!

Lisa said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I'm very excited!! You'll need to stop by my blog on Monday I'm having a giveaway too! I so hope I win your lovely items!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Melinda said...


Be sure to drop by my blog as well. I will be hosting my very first giveaway in just 26 more posts, for my 100th!!


Diane Mars said...

Count me in everything looks so fun! I love your giveaway treasures!
Hugs, Diane

Marilyn said...

Hi Elyse..count me in please. I love the things you make, they are always so cute. Marilyn xoxo

debi said...

Elyse, Love the pretty plaque you won...that will look lovely in your livingroom.
What a beautiful giveaway! I can't believe all the sweet goodies! I've posted your giveaway on my blog.
Hugs, Debi

Pearl said...

Wow what a giveaway!! So pretty please enter me in your giveaway. I also am posting your giveaway on my blog.

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

OH Me OH MY, what fun! Please count me in. I will add a post with a link to you...what fun!

Pink Princess said...

I'd love to win those goodies, what a wonderful give away.
Thank you SO much for offering these.

Hugs from Marian

~Tonja~ said...

Oh my what a sweet giveaway..please
enter me in your drawing....
Have a great weekend...
Sweet Blessings...

LiLi M. said...

Your prize is lovely! Just as if it was made for your living room! Your give away isn't bad either...I would love to be entered. Happy Pink Saturday!

Beki said...

I love pink saturday, think I might have to start joining in!
Would love to join in your giveaway but understand if you don't want to post overseas and the picture you won is beautiful.
Have a great weekend
Beki xxx

Sandy Shirley said...

What lovely items in your give-away! OOOO! I hope I win!

Coloradolady said...

I would love to be entered in your always have so many cute things to show!!

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hello Elyse,
what a lovely interesting blog you have, it has been great visiting with you, and I would love to come back!

♥Mimi♥ said...

Saturday mornings are mine. I spend them traveling the web, hopping from page to page visiting some of the most lovely blogs loaded with pink all thanks to Beverly and her great idea.

Thanks so much for sharing your pink this week and for making my morning just a little bit brighter. Wishing you a special weekend filled with fun and family.

Caroline said...

Love the picture you won...and I love the items in your giveaway. The colors are so pretty.

Susan Cahill said...

So much loveliness to win, and all in my favorite color!
You are one generous lady.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Kim said...

Oooooooohh how sweet. Please enter me in the drawing for your wonderful giveaway.

Hagve a great weekend.

Lori Lynn said...

Nice giveaway! I posted about it in my Pink Saturday post! Count me in as well!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

Unknown said...

I've just found your lovely blog in time to enter your giveaway . Thankyou , count me in please .

Cathy said...


I adore your "give-away" treasures. OMG!!! I want them! lol I hope I win! hehehe.....

Thank you for inviting me to join in my sweet.

xo Cathy

fairiemoon said...

What fun! I am working on a give-away to celebrate my 100th post.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Erin :)

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello My Darling Elyse!

Thank you so much for the sweet get well card you sent me! You are so thoughtful and I cherish EVERYTHIING that comes my way from YOU! I had fun getting caught up on things here..HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and hubby! C U T E wedding picture...ahhh, bliss! Wishing you millions more. Looks like you had a fun shopping day and met a wonderful artist! Wow, even her shopping bags are a treasure! I love the rose painting that you won! Oh my goodness Elyse, it is so you but I might need one! I went to her shop and bought a darling vintage glass figurine white doggy, but that rose painting is haunting me now! Please add my name to your wonderful giveaway! Tea-for-one is a good thing! Sweet little goodies from Elyse!

Have a wonderful weekend and I love you tons!
Maryjane xox

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Your blog is such a breath of fresh air!! Love it, love it, love it! Giveaways, love 'em! I'm new to them, but I'll hook it up to my blog and maybe you'll get some new visitors, too. Have a great Saturday ~

Connie said...

I come here to see the "eye candy" and dream, sugar! It is one of the top 5 I just watch and my eyes glaze over with all the perfection confection here. I'm never ever disappointed. Just adorable always.

lorhen82 said...

I just love giveaways! Thanks for the chance to win! ~Lori

Laurie said...

What a wonderful give-away!! Yes enter me for a chance to win!!!!

stefanie said...

hi elyse, thank you for blogging about me, i think your wall plaque is going to be perfect in your beautiful home. i love that pink chippy metal chair. please enter me in your giveaway, they are really to much fun. happy pink saturday, and have a wonderful weekend.

The imPerfect Housewife said...

OK, I posted a link to your blog and giveaway on my blog. :) And I think I even did it right!! ha ha Have fun with the giveaway - so cute ~

Sophie said...

I would love my name thrown in your giveaway please. Your blog is jucyt soo cute I'm glad I found it.

Déjà View Designs said...

Everything is just lovely! That is so sweet that you are hosting a giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Elyse, I'm Holly! I just found you and I love your sweet style! Please enter my name! ♥

Lisa said...

Oh Elyse! Please enter me in your great giveaway!Have a great weekend!

A Joyful Chaos said...

I am so glad I found your lovely blog!

Your giveaway is sooo sweet! I would love to be the winner!

Claudia said...

Dear Elyse,
What a wonderful giveaway! You have such great taste, my friend!

Love that old pink chair and congratulations on your win! That plaque is so beautiful and will go so nicely in your home.

You've Got Mail is on the docket for today. I always wanted her hair cut, but my hair is just too fine - so it is only in my dreams! I love her apartment - every time I watch it, I find myself pausing and noticing more details!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

I will put your link on my blog sidebar. What a great giveaway! Love your pics for pink...just perfect! I want that chair!

Tudy said...

I have only been blogging since Jan. and love it. I also love all the neat things you are giving away.

Susie Jefferson said...

So pretty, that plaque, well done! Please enter me in the giveaway (lovely idea). Happy Pink Saturday.

Stephanie said...

Oh Lucky You! That painting is fabulous!!

I would love to be entered in your drawing!!

Betty Jo said...

Elyse congrats on winning the beautiful painting. It will look wonderful in your darling home. Count me in the giveaway! I adore the tea set for one and all the other pretties you've brought together. I'll post about it on my blog soon and let you know. ♥

Lori said...

How wonderful to meet you this Saturday! Thanks for visiting and glad you liked my picnic basket post! What a precious giveaway too! I'm going to return this evening to read some past pretty posts of yours, visit again soon! Lori

Beach House Dreamer said...

Love the al fresco ballons and the shop in Wickford. I have been there a couple of years ago but don't remember a pink shop.

Sandi said...

Love your blog!! What a beautiful giveaway too! I would love to be entered! Hop on over to my blog and enter my giveaway to if you are so inclined.

Carma Sez said...

lovely. please enter me :-)

Natasha Burns said...

Loving your pinks, that chair and those lanterns are gorgeous!
Lucky you, what a beautiful prize you won~
and how kind of you to offer a giveaway too!!

LOL you never fail to crack me up. To answer your question - how cold here on average - it depends which part of Australia you are in. Like the US, it's a huge country and the climate varies a lot from one part to the next. Down south where I am is one of the cooler climates. Near the city of Melbourne we can get an average in the 40s in Winter, it can get down to the 30s but not often. Sometimes we get 50s. It does FEEL colder though. About an hour to two hours from Melbourne, it can go below freezing, and snows. Doesn't snow in the city though, we're not high enough above sea level. Sydney is warmer in winter, and the further north you go, the warmer it gets. Queensland is where we all head for winter, it feels like late spring up there. Never snows, probably 60s - 70s up there. Those people don't own coats or boots!!!

she dreams big! said...

this is just too cute! please enter me!

Jonnie's Shabby Cottage Creations & More said...

Happy Pink Day~I loved your site and read almost every word. Followed at least half the links and enjoyed all of them. Please enter me in your wonderful and generous give away.
Many Blessings to all Bloggers!!

C. C. said...

Hi Elyse!

Please enter me in your give-away! Someone is going to be very lucky to win that! You are so sweet. Are you going to do another camp for your boys this summer? Thank you for all your sweet and encouraging comments on my blog; I really do appreciate them.


C. C.

Marilyn said...

Please enter my name in your lovely giveaway. What fun to be your winner.

Anonymous said...

Hi I came to your site through a mutual friend Beth Russo and I love all your photos and how pretty everything looks. I use to blog here but never seemed to get many comments so I stay on Xanga. My site is I would love to be entered in your give-away. And even if I don't win I will come back and visit.


Anonymous said...

Oh it didn't show my entire site name.

Andrea said...

Please enter me in! I love it all and I hope I win! xo Andrea

Anonymous said...

I left a post & a link of your site on my post hope you drop by and read it?

KatCollects said...

Love the pink chair outside the shop. And congratulations on winning the beautiful picture. Please add my name to your sweet giveaway. Happy Pink Saturday.

Unknown said...

Oh yes please count me in - I love all those lovely goodies you are giving away!

Anonymous said...

I think I would love to enter that bookstore cause it looks so inviting with the pink :-) Oh if only.

Congratulations on winning! And your giveaway treats are cuteness! Is there such a word? :-) The teapot is just lovely. Sweet! I'm sure everybody is crossing their fingers :-)

Happy PS!


Unknown said...

What an absolutely adorable first photo! Way to draw 'em in!!! You had me hooked at "giveaway" and that darling photo! :)

I really hope I win! I do! I would love to put those little plant picks in a little potted herb garden for my kitchen! :)

Lori said...

Elyse, i love your winks of pink...very nice indeed they are:) what a lovely painting you won, hooray for you!!! i would love to win your sweet little giveaway...count me IN!!!

Barbara Jacksier said...

Happy Pink Saturday a day late. We've had so much rain that we keep losing internet, phone and power! Please count me in for your very generous giveaway.

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Count me IN! I adore that pattern on the tea set!! How fabulous Elyse! and your plant markers and things are gorgeous too! I love everything!

I'll be doing a post tomorrow and will certainly include you!!

Have a great weekend sweetie! Hugs, Cyn xox

Tumbleweed Trails said...

What beautiful items you've selected for your giveaway. I would be thrilled to win such treasures. Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks for your generosity.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your giveaway and congrats on your win.


Unknown said...

OHHHH Elyse!!!! I love everything!!! I want to win this sooo bad! What a beautiful generous giveaway :) Thank you so much!

Congratulations on your win! I love the plaque and it looks so pretty in your home :)


Stephenie said...

I just love that chair...Love all the chippy colors to it...That painting you won is just sooooo pretty...It will look adorable in your home...Your giveaway is just so pretty...So many pretty treasures...

tere said...

Wow! beautiful things!!! i would looove to win!

Amy C said...

you always find such fab images for pink Saturday - I love that chair.
And LOVE your beautiful creative goodies.
You rock.

Char said...

I just want to say that I love that shop and the surrounding area. The chair would be so nice in a yard all painted and ready to sit in. Your give a way is one I would love to own, Happy Pink Saturday and please wish me luck, Char


Count me in, everything looks so cute!! Thanks(; I love the pic you won!!

cindi said...

i have just recently entered the blogging world and found your site through the FARM CHICKS website. you have so many beautiful things. i hope you pick me heehee

cindi said...

hi again... i also put a link on my blog... thanks again

vickie said...

What a beautiful group of goodies!
Please enter me. Happy Pink Saturday to you.

SmilingSally said...

I'd love to enter your giveaway and be considered for that darling tea for one tea set.

Please come and enter my three book giveaways! See my sidebar.

cottage farm villa said...

What a gorgeous plaque you won!!!! It would be wonderful in any room or any home!

Have fun with your giveaway! :)

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Ooh la la...such pretties...count me in! And congrats to you on your wonderful looks beautiful!

Love those pink lanterns!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Sonia said...

Wow, please enter me Elyse. You do such cute stuff!! And I also have your giveaway posted on my sidebar =)

Jessica Rodarte said...

How lovely! <3 I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled over here from Everything Etsy, you make beautiful things!

Dawn said...

I've been a silent fan of your blog for some time. The giveaway has coaxed me out of hiding! Please enter my name. I was pleasantly surprised to see your pictures of Wickford Village. I live nearby and visit often. Thanks for the fun and inspiration.

AP Mommy said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I stumbled upon your blog from My Life at Pansy Cottage & Garden :) I'm off to check out some more fun finds of yours.

Maria said...

Hello ,

What beautiful goodies you are kindling giving away! I would love it if you could enter my name in the draw.... thanks :) Have a lovely day!

maryboys said...

please add my name; and thanks for stopping by my that i could find yours! have a good week:)

CeCe said...

Loving what I see on your blog!

KayC. said...

Please enter me in your giveaway!
Thank you :-)

Barbara Jean said...

Those were wonderful pinks!!!

Barbara Jean

Barbara Jean said...

OOOOH! I just read the rest of your post. It is a giveaway!!!

Love love love all those cute things.

I just left a comment about your cool pinks, but his one is to enter, and to tell you i posted it on my blog.

Blessings, and off to check out your ETSY..
Barbara Jean

luckygirlgifts said...

YOu are just too amazing. I love all of the pinks.

sylvia said...

I love your blog!! How about linking eachother in our blogroll? We might help eachother to get more visitors...

Marie De Marco said...

hi elyse
i did go to the web site you mentioned. i plan on taking a road trip sometime in july i will visit the shop you mentioned. i love all your goodies in your giveaway wouldn't it be nice to have such sweet things right here in my home!

Anonymous said...

What a nice giveaway, I'd love to be entered! Madeline

southerninspiration said...

What cute little giveaways!!! thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hi Elyse,
Wow, have just stumbled on to your blog! I love it!!! You are one very clever lady
I will add you to my blog roll & will be back to check out what you are up to. Come visit be back when you have the chance.
Shabby Roses & Pretty Things

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Hi Elyse :)

It's me again :) just letting you know I did a little post about your give-away!

I love all your treasures!! I hope I win!!! :)

Hugs, Cyn xoox

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Congratulations on your win! Your give away is so cute! I'd love to win! Your blog is beautiful, I love your style. Have a nice day! Twyla

Pamela said...

Hi Sweet Elyse,
Your blog is one of my favorites! I hope I win the teapot - the fairies would love to have a tea party with it!
Happy June!

Jenny said...

Enter me in please! This is an amazing giveaway! Happy Late PInk Saturday!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

happy pink saturday and what a great giveaway Elsye! and i hope its not too late for me to be entered into your giveaway! Have a good week! I am late for my PS.. I was away for s short break..

take care!

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

oh my! i saw your giveaway on my friend holly's post! so BEAUTIFUL! i'd love to be entered and i will blog about it later today! i collect tea cups now and this would be a lovely addition!!


Stacey said...

Elyse, your pink images are all so pretty. Your give away is perfect.:) You just have a way of making everything pretty and cottagey.

Faythe said...

Oh so sweeeeeeet...


Amy M. said...

What lovely goodies!!! I'm hosting a giveaway too so feel free to stop by!!


The Tattered Cottage said...

Oh what a lovely giveaway, please enter me. And for another chance I will post about your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi, sweetie! I posted about your give away today! ♥

My Shabby Rose Cottage said...

Oh...who wouldn't love to get these!!! Tooo cute! Please count me in and don't forget to head over to my blog to enter in 3 giveaway drawings!

Warm Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Please enter me.


aimee said...

what an awesome gift & so pretty:)
love your blog. count me in!

Domestic Designer said...

How cute! What a lovely blog you have. Please count me in. I will definitely be back to visit!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Congrats on winning!!

What a fabulous group of goodies! Thanks for the chance to win!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Elizabeth said...

I would love to be in your give-away,I jumped over from Pearls' blog.

Bluebell said...

Hi this is the first time I have seen your blog and I love all the pink things, I was directed here by Cythia's Cottage Design.The items you are giving away are lovely.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I stopped by from Cynthia's Cottage to check out your beautiful Blog. I'm not sure if you will allow me to enter your giveaway since I'm an overseas Blogger : ) But I did enjoy my visit here, you are very talented for sure!
Sincerely, Jannet

jenny said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is lovely. Love the bright and cheery!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What a gorgeous giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

Kathleen Grace said...

The just beautiful! I found you through Cynthias Cottage designs. Love yur blog:>)

Suzann said...

Oh my. I would LOVE to win this. It's simply amazing and delightful. Please include me.

Ginny said...

Please enter me into your giveaway! I like all those little treasures!

Karen said...

I heard about your giveaway from Cynthia at Cynthia's Cottage Design. I am so glad. I love your blog!
Please enter me into your giveaway! Your treasures are just adorable, and very generous of you.
Have a great day! Karen

Karen said...

I FORGOT! I added your button to my blog! Yay! It is very cute by the way!

Unknown said...

Lovely blog!

If I'm not too late I would love to enter your giveaway :)

Vania :)

Linda said...

all I can say is wow!!! What a lovely giveaway. Pick me.....

anythinggoeshere said...

What fun pink stuff. Congrats on your win. xo Joan

pinkkandy said...

fun fun pinks....your things are pretty
God Bless

Jeanne Oliver said...

Look at that plaque you got...amazing!!! Love all your little fun and thanks for the giveaway!

Anne Marie said...

super nice to meet a new face!
found you over at your comment on Laura's 52 Flea....that girl has talent! and so do you!
I actually think I've been here before.....hhhmmmm.....

but please leave me out of your wonderful drawing -

I'll see you again for sure!

Jen Kershner said...

Oh you are such a generous girl and queen of the cuties! You are such a sweetie, do you know that?

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Elyse! Please do enter me in your "lucky me-lucky you" giveaway!.. Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're having a wonderful week!

Unknown said...

Hi Elysse thankyou for visiting my blog and directing me to Laurie Star , what a bright and happy blog that is .

Glitter & Bliss said...

Enter me... I have my fingers crossed!!! I am freaking out at the picks from Wickford and Jamestown... Two of my most favorite places on earth. I visited Wickford on Halloween several years ago. I watched the cutest children, all dressed up, walk through the streets. It was one of those visions that you never forget. They were the most adorable children I have ever seen.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

What cute items. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. :)

Denise said...

Please enter me in your giveaway!
Everything is just so precious.
I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Love your blog!

Have a Fabulous Day!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

I just found your blog and have enjoyed my visit today. Please enter my name into your giveaway. What a thoughtful and creative gift you are giving to the lucky winner.

Enjoy your day,

Cottonwood Tales said...

I would love to be included in a chance to win your great giveaway! Very sweet and thoughtful of you!!
Love your blog!
Have a great day,

Carole Burant said...

Oooooh what a delightful giveaway! Please enter my name, I would so love to win these beautiful items:-) I'm here via Holly at Girls At Heart!! xox

Angie said...

Congrats on winning such a great giveaway! I am sure it looks fantastic in your home. Please throw my name into the hat and make sure you check my blog this week so you can sign up for my giveaway, too.

Hugs ~ Angie

redesigned said...

What a great giveaway!
Please enter me.

Merci, Christine

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

What a great giveaway! Please emter me. I'm off to post about your giveaway on my blog.

Hugs :)


Sharon said...

What beautiful treats! Please enter me in your generous giveaway!

Have a wonderful day!


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

First - I lov the quote from You've Got Mail that movie - and your giveaway is really pretty - all "girly" :-) Came her from Pearl's blog - glad I did. Have a great week :-)

Brenda Pruitt said...

You've got a great assemblage of "winks of pinks."

LaurieStar said...

Oh my goodness - how much cuteness in one post! I love your giveaway winnings and your giveaway goodies. I am going to try and add a blog post about it - when I do I'll be back!
BTW - I love that pink shop! Too cute! I want to go there!

Terri said...

Oh Elyse! I'm so excited!!! I am glad I got in on time. I will post a rose tutorial on my site soon just for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope I win! I blogged about the giveaway at:

:) Missy

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Hi Elyse,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words.....I am so glad that you did so as now I am here visiting your beautiful blog...I look forward to reading more of your posts and to getting to know you better!
Be well, Laura

mimi said...

I just found your blog and love it! I hope I win--I love these items, especially the tea pot and the plant markers---so cute. Pick me, pick me!

Shaam said...

How sweet! I am so glad I came upon your blog! Please enter me for those beautiful goodies! Thanks!

All the best,

Sue said...

Oh, Goodness....I hope I am not too late to enter!! I LOVE your goodies!! (and your wallpaper, and your layout, and etc....)

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

You are "won" lucky girl to have WON those wonderful treasures!
I LOVE your giveaway! You always have such sweet treats to offer!! Please add my name to the GIGANTICUS list!


Ree at Prairie Rose Cottage said...

How fabulous!I would love to be entered into your sweet giveaway. Thank you so much!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

You have such a pretty blog! And what a sweet giveaway! Love the plaque you won! A belated Happy Pink Saturday to you. Enjoy your week.


Elyse said...

thank you everyone! the giveaway is closed.


{oc cottage} said...

Oh so cute!!!!!!!

m ^..^

homespun1 said...

I just made a mad dash to enter your give I too late? such lovely stuff all in pink! Thanks

shabbyscraps said...

omg, those little plant markers are the cutest! too bad I am to late for the giveaway. You stuff is always adorable!
xoxo, Tiffany

Unknown said...

Sweet giveaway please enter me! Warm wishes, Esther

Debra said...

Please count me in. <3 Giveaways! Stop by my blog I'm having one and enter to win from some friends too.
Your blog is sweet.
Thank You,

Delia said...

I love the beautiful lanterns,
yes please enter me in your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

So gun!!!! love it