When you like to tinker, you tend to save bits and pieces of almost anything with the thinking of "maybe I'll use this to make something someday ... "
I found my initial efforts of trying to keep this random assortment pretty organized (as in this older post photo) slipping through the cracks. It was becoming difficult to find what I needed when I needed it. The make-shift baker's rack-as-shelving in the Girlie Office closet just wasn't working.
Over the summer, The Hubs* installed some adjustable shelving. I quickly moved everything back in and it helped but still lacked organization. So you know what I did the other day?
Click to enlarge for a fun game of I-Spy!
Find 1 wreath; 3 corsage pins; 1 broken sea shell lady; the word "celebrate"
Yep. I dumped out every box in the closet to do a super-sort! Even my boys were shocked to witness the mess I had made but like I always say, sometimes it takes a mess to clean a mess. There I sat amongst scattered piles of bagged sequins, spools of thread, half sheets of stickers and much more with emptied photo boxes at the ready, determined to categorize my crafty chaos.
I soon determined categories worthy of titles and posted notes to each box.
I didn't want to invest in new boxes but still desired a tidy look so instead printed out uniform titles to label each box.
Much better. Now I feel more like a tinkerer and less like a hoarder (for the moment, anyway; in this closet, anyway)!
Can you relate?
*Is The Hubs a good reference for Jeff? Sounds better than Mr. Cottage or Mr. Troll. Hmmm?