Friday, March 9, 2012

wishing out loud: book news

Wish Out Loud (WOL) is a little expression I made up for myself. It's all about putting it out there ... your dreams, your goals, your wishes. I often WOL and SOL (Smile Out Loud) here in blogland because it is a place so full of camaraderie.

About two years ago on a cold winter day, my boys pleaded with me to take them to the playground. Knowing I would be that-mom-in-the-car, we stopped by the library so that I could pick up a book. I grabbed Alicia Paulson's Stitched in Time. Despite being "sewphobic" I knew it would be lovely and enjoyable because I follow Alicia's blog, Posie Gets Cozy. What I didn't know was that just a few pages in, I would be struck with this wonderful and exhilarating feeling of I can do this. I could write a book. A craft book!

Right then and there in the cold car, I hastily scribbled thoughts onto an envelope (no iPad here!). Soon I began to research and discovered my next steps would be writing a query and a proposal. This may be around the time the frequency of my blog posts slowed because any extra time was used for writing, editing, creating and then finally ... submitting!

I sent my query to a publisher and I waited. I tweaked my query. I sent it again. I obsessively checked my email. I inquired. I waited. This process continued for about a year until I finally received a gentle rejection.

My next step: I wished out loud. Some of you might remember that about a year or so ago on the upper left sidebar of my blog it said something like: Attention Publishers. Book deal wanted. I had seen another blogger do this and thought -- I'm putting it out there. This act felt brazen.

Weeks later I received a phone call from a very special person who noticed my WOL. We talked and she told me that she believed in my idea. She suggested a publisher to whom I should send my proposal. Again, I tweaked, edited, reviewed and sent it. And waited. And obsessively checked my email. And then at last heard from the publisher who found my ideas "clever and very, very lovely." Months later on my birthday, I received an offer. A few months after that ...

a contract! (Guess I could've dressed-up for the pic!) I am busybusybusy working on a book of 35 projects. The release is planned for Spring of 2013!

I thank all of my friends in the blogging community for always cheering me on, for leaving comments like I hope you write a book someday because I would buy it! These good wishes let me know that this was possible.

I hope you WOL your hopes and dreams, too (even if it feels brazen)!

{So, if I'm not so great at reciprocating comments, I hope you'll understand. Please know that I read and sincerely treasure each comment.}



SLR said...

i am BEYOND thrilled and can't wait for the book! congrats again, dear friend!! my WOL is here:


stefanie said...

I am soooooooo happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

Well Elyse...WOL is such a terrific concept...and I'd like to extend my hearty congratulations to you! I'm not only happy for you because you're a fellow blogger...but also because you are an artist that likes to work with your hands.

I love writing too...and just might have to WO even Louder on my blog! lol

Thanks for your inspiring and infectious cheery disposition!


ciao bella
Creative CArmelinA

The Feathered Nest said...

I'm so excited for you girl!!!! This book will be absolutely wonderful, I just know it! It's a dream of mine as well to write a book...maybe I should wish out loud too :) Have a great weekend sweetie, hugs and love, Dawn

NanaDiana said...

I am SOOO happy for you and you so deserve it. You are one talented gal and I am blessed to have found your blog. Congratulations!!!

Blessings- Diana

Into Vintage said...

What a thrill it is to read this post! I wish I could fly across the country and give you a hug. Congratulations and thank you for *your* inspiration today, a day when I really could use some. Can't wait to see what I know will be an absolutely beautiful book! xo -amy

Sandi said...

Hi Elyse,
I am so glad that your WOL is coming true!! YAY!! I can't wait to see your book, but I guess I will have to...wait. :)

Free Pretty Things For You said...


Rose Garden Romantic said...

Oh, how wonderful! Wishes do come true! Good advice to wish out loud! So happy for you and can't wait to see your book in print!
Michelle xoxo

Blondie's Journal said...

I am SO happy for you, Elyse! Dreams and WOL do come true! I just know that your book will be fabulous and I will be first in line to get a copy!! :)


debi said...

Oh Elyse, I am so excited for you, and So very proud of you for being brave enough to put it out there.

I can't wait to see your book, put it on my coffee table, and tell people, 'I know her!'

Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration, for sharing your sweet personality, and for bringing smiles with your always cheerful and colorful posts.

Sending BIG hugs, Debi

drooz doodles said...

this made my DAY!
the notes on the ATM envelope, the Publisher "call" oin the side bar... the WOL and (SOL)..
i'm so looking forward to seeing your book!

Lorrie said...

Congratulations! You had a dream and you went for it. I'm just thrilled for you.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you and happy for you, too! ♥

Jenna Ruth said...

Congrats!! I'm sure it's a lovely book! :)

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Oh! I am so excited for you! That is marvelous news! Thank you too, for the inspiration to WOL! Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

Unknown said...

Wow that is amazing! LOVE the WOL and hope you don't mind if I mention that on my blog about wol..I think we all need to start doing this...I know I certainly do...I have real issues about that and you are an encouragement for me. Thank you.

Many great wishes being sent to you that you have the most successful book ever.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

How excitingly wonderful!! I am so thrilled for you!

Scrap for Joy said...

I am so happy that someone out there was wise enough to latch onto a clever idea when they saw one! Your magazine articles are always enchanting and a whole book of tinkering ideas will be a treasure for sure! While you are writing and tweaking on Rhode Island, I will be cheering you on from Pittsburgh. If Amazon will carry it, there will always be the option for pre-ordering and I'll be right there to sign up.
Congratulations to you dear really deserve this opportunity!

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Good for you!!! I will be looking for your book next year!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations on your book deal - I cant wait to read it! What an incredibly inspirational post :-) I just love your 'can do' attitude and I think from now on I will WOL too :-) Becks x

Claudia said...

Congratulations, my friend!


Jill said...

Congratulations, Elyse!!!! I'm so excited for you, I could throw glitter in the air!
I love your WOL concept, and do believe that there is something to "putting it out there". I can't wait to purchase my copy of your book- I know it will be full of sweet, cheery inspiration!

Jeanne said...

This is great news Elyse! I know this is something you have wished for for a long time and I'm so happy your wish is coming true! It just goes to show you the power of putting your dreams out into the universe!

Rustique Gal said...

Elyse, I LOVE the idea of Wish OUt Loud! I am doing it and now I know what to call it! Congrats on your book=that is toooo exciting! Can't wait to see it.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Congratulations I am so happy for you! Your book with be sooo cute! Have fun and enjoy the journey!!


Jenny at Red House said...

Well done! it just shows dreams can come true! jennyx

Theresa said...

Oh my goodness, I am so proud of you! Can't wait to get my copy of your creation:) Wishes still come true! HUGS!

A Ruffled Nest said...

How exciting!!! I can't wait for the book !


molleydzigns said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm looking forward to the book!!!

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Hello Elyse,

Congratulations! You go girl!


casapinka said...

Well, I'll be the first to buy yours, E. I've already bought the new Romantic Home and shown your article to everyone!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Elyse!!! Wow! I am sooooo happy for you!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

A big congratulations! So well deserved. I just love "wishing out loud".

Hearts Turned said...

So wonderful, Elyse! I'm so thrilled for you! Love reading about your process in all of this...I definitely think I'll start doing a little WOLing of my own!

Wishing you the most beautiful weekend, dear friend!


Suz said...

That is wonderful, wonderful news. Yes You Can!

Lucille said...

Congratulations, Elyse! I would certainly be interested in purchasing your book! I look forward to its publication! I agree that we should always keep our hope alive!

Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT! I just knew it! How many times did I tell you!!? So very excited for you my awesomely creative friend!!!

I know there has got to be tons of work involved. Maybe you should start taking down the hours worked to see- even for curious me!

Well I am not nearly as adventurous- Trying to work on this little creative space of mine has me in about as much excitement as I can stand! Having fun which is the main thing! You have fun too with your new adventure!!

bee blessed

Unknown said...

That is just fabulous and it inspires me to WOL! LOVE IT! Do let us know how this progresses!

Apple Blossom Barn said...

That is amazing news, you really do deserve a book deal, I will so excited to buy it!

Best wishes


Unknown said...

I love your idea about wishing out loud. I think you are so blessed in so many ways. I look forward to reading your book.

Congratulations again Elyse. You deserve the best.


Passionate for White said...

Well deserved...CONGRATS!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Lysie, for the inspiration to WOL.
I am going to take your advice, little sis.

Love, BABA

Unknown said...

CAN.NOT.WAIT for your book! I know this has been mentioned here and a dream of yours! This makes me smile. So happy for you for having your dream come true!

Rainbow Gatherer said...

great news and gorgeous blog =)

Amy C said...

WHAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yeahhhhh - (can you hear me I am cheering out loud) Elise that is super fabulous and SO HUGE.
Yeah for you AWESOMENESSSS and total excellence.

koralee said...

Oh sweet friend...I am so excited for you...your book will be beyond amazing. Isn't if funny how things work have to take chances..and as the saying goes.."go out on a limb...that is where all the good fruit is" I am sooooo happy for you.
xoxoxo Hugs

wilhelmina said...


Pansy Cottage Girl said...

I am so very proud of you and so glad it is public news! I remember those emails and phone calls full of dreams and all I can say is WOWZIE! So very thankful the biggest dream of your heart came true. You are more than deserving sweet Tinker. Sending you a gigantic hug. xoxo

Vintage Home said...

so very exciting!

Sandra said...

Congratulations and good on you for your determination and stick-to-it-ness! Many dream about writing a book someday and few carry it through - it is to your credit that you have done so. Sandie

Kim Faucher said...

I have followed you quietly as a huge fan of your written articles... I marked your site as one of my faves and I just discovered that you are here in RI!!! What a truly exciting and proud thing!!!! cannot wait to see your book. Im also considering myself lucky to live in this beautiful state of ours amongst all this talent!!

Unknown said...

Oh my how this post touched my heart....I am so proud of you! I just love your WOL makes you believe that dreams really can come true if you just keep on that path of trying and trying and to not give up. You may get 100 rejects but someone,someday will eventually say-yes! And that makes it all worth that effort! Congrats my friend! If there's anything I can do for you let me know!

Margarita Bloom said...

Stopping by from Daisy Pink Cupcake... This is so awesome!! Congratulations to you!!

Special 'K' said...

I can only imagine it will be amazing. I am always so excited to find and follow new special places. I have no doubt I will enjoy engaging and supporting this wonderful space you have created. Thank you for sharing, I am so glad to meet you. I hope you will find some time to come visit me soon. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

Paula said...

That is SUCH a fabulous story! How wonderful for you - congratulations, and good for you for having the confidence to 'put yourself out there'. Can't wait to see the book. Here's a big cheer to 'WISHING OUT LOUD' - Hurray!

Melanie said...

Congratulations on your book. I will have to keep up with you just so I can get a copy of your book when it comes out! I love your blog and a lot of the ideas and pictures you have here. I am not brave enough to write a book. My WOL is that more people would just stop by my blog and let me know they stopped by!

A Splash of Ida said...

Congratulations, Elyse! :-) Continue doing something that you love and you will surely be successful! :-)


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

WooHoo Elyse! That is so very exciting ... your own published book! I will need mine personally signed of course! Can't wait for next Spring! So very happy for you my dear!

I need to start wishing out loud!

Lots of love,

Tiffany ~ The Fancy Farmgirl said...

yay!!! It's about time!! You have needed your own book forever. I will be first in line to purchase :)

luckygirlgifts said...

I knew you would do it!!!
I am sooo proud of you.
Cari B.

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Hi Elyse and thank you for your supportive words about the book business. I just visited your Etsy and you have such sweet and wonderful items!

Rustique Gal said...

Elyse, This is so exciting! I can't wait to see that book! Your ideas are great-I love Wish Out Loud!!! I'm going to do it too.-finally going to open a second-hand store in my shed-room. You are an inspiration to me!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

sending you happy easter wishes and a BIG congrats on the BOOK! elyse, i see your magazine contributions all over the place and just smile big when doing so. way to go, girl! and like others have said, i will buy your book, too! you are living your dream and nothing beats that...unless it is something chocolate and cute!!


fairiemoon said...

I am so excited for you! Congratulations! I haven't been as bloggy lately either but it is because I have felt so uninspired. Sometimes we just don't have anything to say, so forgive my belated congratulations! Can't wait for the book!
Erin :)

Karen said...

I'm late! I'm late! I almost missed your big news! Oh ELYSE! I am so flipping' excited for you! It has always been my dream to write a book, but - now working so much, the dream is put on the back burner...again.
But GOOD FOR YOU! OMG I think this is such wonderful news.
And you can bet when it hits B & N and I see it - I will stand on the counter and shout "THIS IS ELYSE'S NEW BOOK!!!"
And then I will grin because I'll be able to claim to actually know a famous author - one with feet just like mine! LOL!
Congratulations! My fingers are crossed and in my here I know it'll be FAB!
HUGS! Karen

trish said...!!! :o)
You are so brave for wishing out loud! I have a "dream" and would love to wish out loud on my blog! :o)

Terri said...

Elyse, I am so behind on reading my favorite blogs that I had no idea you were writing a book. You are so inpsirational and have sparked a desire in me. I have thought about doing this with a friend for our creative girls club ministry and now I feel like it's possible. I am so happy for you and have been so thankful for your creativity and inspiration over the years. i can't wait to buy your book! Terri

permanent magenta said...

This is such an inspiring story! Seeing you follow and achieve your goals makes me happy, what a great thing to "model" (as they say in parenting). I love your idea of Wishing Out Loud, excellent, will put it into practice immediately.

Terri said...

I woke up super early this morning and wanted to catch up on my favorite blogs. You have started my day with such inspiration Elyse! you always do. Thank you for putting your ideas and tips out there to help us all feel brave like you have been. Can't wait to buy your book! Terri