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Last night while poking around favorite blogs and websites, I saw this beautiful photo at Better Homes & Gardens

Not only do I love lilacs but I really love the color of the bottles–pale lavender. Whenever I am asked my favorite color, I rarely think of lavender but it probably ranks much higher than I realize. Especially when paired with pale blue.

Country Color Combinations
chalk & sky–what a beautiful color description. I love this photo!

my antique shop window backed with wallpaper samples ~ light gray walls

pretty lilac bath salts, blue foaming bath, sea glass ~ pale blue walls

my sweet violet

The Color Kittens
Purple as violets.
Purple as prunes.
Purple as shadows
On late afternoons.
I love purple. And I LOVE what you have done with your house. It is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I'm not kidding. I would move in tomorrow. Do you want to come and help me get my basement looking so sweet and homey?
I love the colour Lavender... my rooms are painted a pale lavender and I have white trim. My living area is then decorated in mostly blue and white.. I just love it. Marilyn
Hi Sis!
Chalk and sky is quite poetic. What a serene phrase. I just love coming over and reading your blog. It makes me so happy!
How's your week going?
xo Lysie
Elyse, how funny...i would never list lavender as one of my favorite colors either...but as i read your post...i was thinking, hey! i really do love that color...and you are right, it is a perfect pair with pale blue...great post!!!
So Pretty Elyse!
I've always wanted a soft lavender and white bedroom, just never got around to changing it all yet, but the color is so sweet and tranquil! I love your items, they are so sweet and pretty too!!
It's been another busy week here, Just trying to get the house ready for the nice weather, painting, re-doing etc. But I am off to see your house post now :)
Enjoy the nice weather today sweetie! xoxo
chalk & sky...now that's lovely!
GORGEOUS post Elyse!I love lavender too and often forget aboui it, lol! That books was one of my favorites when I was little, it brought back memories!
Cute post! Love the soft calming colors! So sweet. :)
pretty things, and I love the color kittens too!
What a fun post..I love pale lavender. I used that color in my powder room with alot of white accents.. I just love that window with the wallpaper (the print is beautiful).
I remember that book from when I was little.
Great post. I am learning to like purple. You helped. Love the children's book esp, and great poem. That made my day. So sweet.
I am loving the purple accents. I am so hooked on a bluish/purple color called minnow. I can't get enough...it is wacky. I also love your pics of your precious house. So New Enlgand like... I wish we were heading your way this summer, but I think it is a no go. If so, we would have met for coffee...that is for sure. Last spring we stayed in Newport for a week. It was amazing!!! Maybe next summer. Yes, we are crafting almost around the clock to keep up. I tend to work late into the night after I put the boys to bed. It works for me. Sis is more of a morning person. Rah!!! Rah!!! Rah!!! My sweet friend.
Me too! I have never been there? May be cheaper to buy just wood shutters and paint them yourself.
Ditto Elyse! Such a sweet post and pretty pictures. I have found over the last couple years lavender is a sweet, calming color. And I now LOVE the smell of lavender! I had that little book when I was a little girl! Memories of spending the night at my Grandmother Sadie's!
I love those bottles and love lavender and blue together, but for some reason I can live with pink longer?? I have the RA comforter & sheets in the lavender color but I don't ever use them and I'm not sure why, anyhoo enjoyed the tour, your house is so cute!
Elyse, what a beautiful post! Lilacs are so pretty...and the scent.. mmmm!
I too, never thought as lavender as a favorite color....even though when I see the plant blooming....I gasp at the gorgeous color!!! and the scent....mmmm!
My last bedroom in CA...had lavender walls and accessories....great bedroom color if hubby doesn't mind. Very soothing.
Hi Elyse!
I have always like lavender, too, but never say it's one of my favorites. I guess we just take it for granted that our lavender colors are always with us as a given, and a "favorite" would be something other than the main-stay!
I LOVE your home! So nice! I think your little shed is perfect the way you have dolled it up. I immagine you can live with that a long time as cute as it is. I am sorry I have no ideas for your stairs. I suppose white to match the house; perhaps doing your pink decopage flowers on the rails or something. I am into overhangs so the steps don't become icy; but that can be troublesome to build (my husband built us a covered porch once; he is a "belt and suspenders" sort of builder and he was digging the holes for the uprights when he dug so deep he cut the electric line! Yikes!)
At any rate, if you are not able to do anything with the steps right away, I don't think they detract from your lovely home in the least!
C. C.
the color kittens are soooo sweet...is that from a book? i love it!
Thanks for visiting! I liked your lavendar post - very serene. Will be checking back to see what you decide to do with the front steps. Great idea asking your readers. M.
I love lilacs as well. When we first moved into this house we had three antique lilac trees. When we were having our yard renovations done, the workers to my horror pulled them out and tossed them away. I will never foreget their sweet blooms.
I absolutely LOVE that antique shop window! Gorgeous! Lavender is one of my favorites too. Especially during the spring season!
Wonderful post. I also love lavender.
Happy pink Saturday. Riet
chalk and sky...ahh
love the photos!
thanks for the visit.
xo Roberta
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