On December 6, my sons' elementary school will hold its 13th Annual Snowflake Bazaar. The PTO-sponsored event will feature arts and crafts from local artisans. This year I will be one of them! I have been working like an elf on my "tinkering" in the small bits of time I can find (and loving every minute of it). My friend Shellie (by-a-thread) will be joining me with her beautifully sewn items. If you are local, come on by; if you aren't, please wish us luck! For a complete gallery of my items, please see my flickr account. This is a first-ever for me so any advice is welcome!
Hi Elyse!
You are so welcome! I enjoyed doing it! and btw, good luck on your first show, how exciting!! and I just love your pieces, they are so creative and unique and so so pretty!! If you come back with any pieces left, id love that soft green shutter, what a fabulous wall hanging, ive never seen one decoupaged that way and I just adore it!! Id buy it right now if you had a store, have you thought of doing an etsy account and putting your beautiful pieces up for sale??
let me know if and when you do, I'd love to shop!!
~ Hugs ~ Cynthia
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my applecreek blog! I really enjoyed your blog -glad to meet you! What a talented girl you are-you will have no problem seeling your beautiful creations! I just looked through your flicker account too-loved what I saw! Hey I'd like to invite you to join my blog -I actually have two so pop on over and join up if you like. I am adding you to my list of fav's-and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your designs!Thanks for the inspiration!!!
~Tam :)
Congratulations Elyse!! on winning
the giveaway from Cynthia's cottage design.
Many Blessings, Virginia
ignore the previously deleted post...forgot I wasn't signed in as "me" ooops...
I love your blog!! I have been drooling over all of your pretty little things!!
Hi Elyse!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I can't believe you recognized me from Creative Homes Magazine. I spent some time reading through your blog and see you were in the magazine too! You home is just lovely and I love all of your wonderful cottage items you are creating for the Bazaar. I know you will sell out! Stop in and visit me anytime.
lovely things - I really enjoyed the before and after pictures of your house.
HI Elyse,
Just wanted to let you know your package went out today, so you should have it by Friday or Saturday the latest! I put a check in there for the gorgeous shutters too, its in a little clear cellophane bag with ribbon, thanks so much! Hope your havin a good day!
~ Hugs ~ Cynthia
ps: I would have emailed you, but my AOL is down for a bit or something wont let me log in, argh :)
Hey Elyse,
I don't know where my other post went. I just wanted to say I'm really excited you're doing the bazaar. You'll be fantastic. Good luck. I love your tinkerings, and your articles and your blog. Your house is amazing. I ncovet that blue crackle table.
So fun to see you at the library and learn about your super bloggety blog!
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