Saturday, August 15, 2009

1st blogthday giveaway

My Mother's Day cake


In a little less than 2 weeks, my blog will turn 1! It seems like just yesterday that the boys started school and I decided to create a blog. Who knew all of the positive elements, new ventures, and wonderful surprises having a blog would bring?

To celebrate, I am having a Blogthday Giveaway!

Included in my giveaway will be this glittered canvas {like the ones I sell at my Etsy shop}:

and a bag of surprise crafty treats and tinkered treasures!

To enter, please leave a comment on this post.

For a 2nd entry, simply add this little button to your blog along with the link to this post:

The winning entry will be selected (using on August 28th, the date of my first post.



Vintage Lizzie said...

WOW!!!...One year!...Blogging is SO much fun!...Just think with out you like to say...GASP!!!!...we never would have met AND that would be sad!...Happy Anniversary Sweetie!...Here's to MANY , MANY more!!!...Hugs...Lizzie

Unknown said...

Happy Blogthday to one of my favorite bloggers!!! I am so glad you started a blog Elyse! I just love ya and your blog is a favorite!
Big Hugs,

Penny Mothershead said...

Congratulations on "One great Year" Your blog is one of the first ones I started checking on a regular basis. I am new to the whole blogging world myself and yours was so inviting and cheerful I make it a daily habit. Thanks for your inspiration. Penny

Theresa said...

One year! I love blogging and like my morning coffee, can't get the day started without it! I would love to be entered in your giveaway and would LOVE to win:) Thanks and have a blessed day! Posting your button on my blog!

Claudia said...

Well - congratulations sweet Elyse! A year! Isn't it such fun to blog and meet other bloggers? You know you are one of my favorites. (Your little package should be on its way to you somewhere around the first part of the week - if I can ever finish mowing the endless lawn!)

Unknown said...

Happy Blogday!!!! I just adore your blog . It brightens my day. Thank you!!! Diane

Karen said...

Well Happy Blogthday! I can't wait for mine!!!
Blogging has become part of my life. And I laugh when I read other people's posts that assure me it's that way for them too! I remember when I found your blog several months back, I was THRILLED because I loved everything I saw! And I posted your button! Which is rare - I only have 3. (Does that count for the 2nd giveaway entry? or I can post the other one too, let me know!)
Well, hope you have something special planned for the 28th! Very, very fun!
Happy day! Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds :)

Brenda Pruitt said...

Celebrations...landmarks...forks in the road. As you surf through blogland, you find everyone in one or the other. I am so glad you started your blog, Elyse! How else would I have met you all the way in Rhode Island when I'm in Texas?

Its So Very Cheri said...

Congrats on turning one. I would love to be the winner and see what is in the bag and be the winner of the lovely canvas.


Its So Very Cheri said...

I just did a post about your give-a-way--


Small House said...

Happy Blog-Day!!
What a nice giveaway. Thank you.

I enjoy stopping by quite often.
Have a good day.

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

Happy Blogoversary! It's mine too this month and I'm celebrating with a give away. Hasn't it been fun? And it is great to know of so many creative women.

Keep on writing for us.


Michellee said...

I'm new to blogging. Love your blog and all your cool things you make.. Would love to be entered in your giveaway..

Jen Kershner said...

Happy Blogthday to you! I'm so glad you joined the blogging world. We are all better for having you here.

aimee said...

happy posting! it is soooo much fun!
awesome gift!

Beki said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday (well nearly)!
Any chance of a slicew of that cake please? Actually, no, it's far to gorgeous to cut!
Hope you're having a great weekend
Beki xxx

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy I year Blogging Birthday! One year blogging is quite an accomplishment, Congrats! I love your sweet goodies! Please enter me in your wonderful Giveaway and I will also put your Giveaway button on my blog. Happy Pink Saturday to you too.


LiLi M. said...

Congrats on your blogversary! Oooh that cake is to beautiful to eat! I am happy that we met here Elyse and I hope there are many blogversaries to you to come (or whatever direction we are evoluating in) here in blogland. Have fun and enjoy your party!

Anonymous said...

I was happy to link your Bloogy Birthday on my blog. I've just recently started following and I love your blog so much. Happy "Blogirthday" !!!!

Marilyn said...

Hi Elyse, blogging has opened up new horizons for me and I have made so many lovely friends. I love it. Please enter me in your lovely giveaway. I have been following you for a long time and always enjoy your blog. Marilyn xoxo

Marilyn said...

Hi Elyse, blogging has opened up new horizons for me and I have made so many lovely friends. I love it. Please enter me in your lovely giveaway. I have been following you for a long time and always enjoy your blog. Marilyn xoxo

Lisa said...

Happy Blogthday! Well in a few weeks! HOW super! It's funny you and some of my other blog friends haven't been blogging much longer than me! This looks great I've been eyeing one of those postcards!!! Lets just swap!!! hehehe Think anyone would notice!
Hugs, Lisa

leesiebella said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!! You are always such a sweetie!!
Here's to many years of greatness ahead!


Rebecca Nelson said...

Elyse...Ok... YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY cracked me up!

Milk, Eggs, Spray Paint? The smile I needed to SMILE on the last day before my hubby returns to me.


Diane Mars said...

Elyse, you know I'm in on this Celebration, count me in and congratulations, keep it coming. I sure do enjoy your Posts. Hugs, Diane

Casey said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary Elyse!! Your blog has given me so much joy and inpiration!! Thank you for that gift!! And thank you so much for your most generous and delightful giveway!! Here's to many more years of your blogging the "Cottage" way!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy bloggy birthday, Elyse! ♥ Blogging *is* so much fun and I'm so glad I found you!

Lisa said...

Happy! Happy! Anniversary! Your blog is so sweet and just so ever-lovin' cottage-y! It's the best! Wishing you many many more anniversaries!
PS The give-away goodies are glorious!

Caroline said...

I am a regular lurker to your pretty blog and I would like to wish you a happy blogthday!!

luckygirlgifts said...

Congratulations on your upcoming blogthday.
I'm so glad you did start a blog, it's been so nice getting to know you and recieving your sweet comments.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Lovely blog you have here x

Preppy Mama said...

Congrats!! I love reading your blog and seeing all the pretty things you create! Happy Blogthday!!

stefanie said...

a year already, time flys, i love the picture of the cake, gorgeous!!! i would love to enter your giveaway,(who wouldn't)
congratulations on one year!!!!!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

What a beautiful cake, much too pretty to eat. please enter me and of course I will add your button!

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Congrats on a full year in bloggerville, xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...


Happy blogthday!! You sure have accomplished alot in one year(; Congrats and I wish you many more years of fun.

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

LOOOOVE the sign and a bag of goodies, oh my!!

please enter me & i am ADDING your cute button to my blog too!!


{oc cottage} said...

Me, Me Me!!!! ;)


debi said...

Congratulations sweet lady!! So glad you started your blog. Don't think I could make it through the week without your beautiful and witty posts.
Happy Blogthday!
Hugs, Debi

cindy said...

How exciting for you! I've been blogging for years, but just started my first one dedicated to decorating/crafting after seeing so much inspiration on your blog and many others. :o) Congrats, and keep up the great work....cindy at cottage instincts

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Happy PS and congrats on your Blogthday! Please enter me in you lovely giveaway!

Irma :)

Barbara Jean said...

Oh i do love those prizes!!

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary coming up.

My anniversary was in July, but i still have not done anything. Maybe I'll have a 400th post (already been there too), 1 year, 61st birthday in September.
In the meantime sure would like to be entered in yours.
Barbara Jean

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This is my first visit to your blog and I am so glad I stopped by. Your giveaway looks wonderful.

Have a great rest of the weekend.


Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Just came back to let you know I posted about your giveaway on my blog.

Irma :)

Angie Acapella said...

congrats on your 1 year anniversary! Blogging is quite fun, isn't it? Hope I win!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

wowwweeeee.. congrats Elyse! what a great way to celebrate with giveaway and I don't wanna miss.. kindly enter me in your giveaway!

thank you & have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Elyse congratulations on your blogging anniversary!! You are one of my favorite blogs- I am so glad you decided to share your creativity and inspiration with us by starting this blog in all it's sweetness!!

I will post the link - will come back when I have it done as I am trying to get a post up in the next day or 2


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Congrats on 1 year! Isn't blogging just so much fun? I can't imagine how I got along without it!!! Here's to another fantastic year!!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

WOW!!! What a great give away. Happy blog birthday!!...m...

Anne Fannie said...

Happy blogbirthday to you!
What a fantastic giveaway!
You are such a sweetie!


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Congratulations! I would love to be entered in your lovely giveaway. laurie

Pearl said...

Beautiful Generosity

Junk It Folk said...

You have THE cutest blog ... it really takes the cake! :-) Thanks for the sweet treat and Happy Blogthday!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

A YEAR!!!! Hooooray....what a totally darling blog you have. I ADORE it. Congrats on your blogthday.....and many more.


Coloradolady said...

Happy Anniversary. Great it! Please be so kind as to enter me.

Pink Princess said...

Yup, a year flies by so fast doesn't it. Love the giveaway. Happy anniversary.

Hugs from Marian

ItaJeff said...

Happy Blogthday to you. You have such a lovely blog.
Have a nice weekend

TUTU Monkey said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!!! What a fun blog:) I hope you have many more

Cottonwood Tales said...

Awww I love your blog!! Wonderful giveaway too!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Hugs, Karen

Anonymous said...

I added your button! ♥

Sandy Shirley said...

Happy Anniversary! I really enjoy your blog!

Kelly said...

What a beautiful blog you have. I came over from Theresa at They Call Me Ganky.

Happy Blothday!

Sandi said...

Hi Elyse,
Congrats on your one year anniversary!! Love your site and your giveaway!!

Lori said...

i guess the word really is getting around:) you have a lot of contestants already for your sweet little giveaway...happy one year of blogging Elyse...i'm so happy that we met each other here in blogland!!!

Lori said...

link is in my side bar dahling!!!


Rebecca said...

Congratulations on almost a WHOLE year of beautiful blog-living! Your creations and beauty bring joy to so many! Hope it comes back to you in a cup full and running over!

DeeDee said...

wow A year goes by fast..what lovely litel things you ar offereing..

vist me at

I will feature you in my side bar...thanks for my chance to win..

Mary Ann Jenkins said...

oooohhhh I'd love to win!
Congrats on 1 year...I've been visiting for about 3 months now!

icandy... said...

Congratulations, my sweet friend! Have a beautiful Sunday and... thank you so much for hosting this dreamy giveaway!

Snap said...

Isn't in amazing how quickly a year comes and goes! Congratulations on your blog-birthday! What a great give-a-way!

Kim Caldwell said...

What a beautiful Blog. Thank you for stopping by so I could come take a peek at your shabby world! just gorgeous! Happy 1st year Anniversary!

Hugs, Kim

Anonymous said...

Found you in my e-mail this A.M. So very happy about that. I would love to congratulate you on your one year versary and I will have one also soon. In Nov. I cannot believe that. It seems I have always been doing this. I will post your button and post a link. Visit me when you can. I will also visit your ETSY.

Sometimes It's Good said...

Happy Blog Birthday!! May you have many more with your wonderful blog!
Hugs, Susan

Anonymous said...

Well congratulations on your blogiversary Elyse! That cake is to die for - oh how I wish I could make something like that. Your blog is lovely - so here's to many more blogiversaries ahead for you :)


Pamela said...

I treaure YOU and your blog!
Best wishes for many more to come!
With a smile and appreciation for your creativity. . .

vickie said...

Happy Pink Saturday! Wow,time flies doesn't it! I love your cheerful blog. Congrats!

Traci said...

Hello, I just discovered your adorable blog! i would love to be entered in your blog!! I will be back! Traci

Country Girl Country Life said...

Congratulations on your first year of successful blogging. Time flies by quickly when you're having fun. Looking forward to reading and enjoying more

Helen said...

Happy Blogthday! What a nice giveaway you're having to celebrate. I enjoy stopping by each morning over coffee. Here's to the next enjoyable year....

Lisa B. said...

Happy Blogthday!! You have such a lovely blog, and I love everything in your Etsy shop!! Your canvases are so pretty. Love everything shabby and glittery. Please enter me in your giveaway. I will be visiting your site often!!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What a sweet giveaway!
Congratulations on one year of blogging!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary! What a pleasure it's been to not only visit your lovely blog this past year, but also have the honor of your visits to my blog as well! Thanks for the bloggy love! Here's to many more years of bloggy happiness! :)

Roberta said...

Well well...Happy First Blogday Elyse! Wonderful goodies as would be expected from a talented Cookie like you. Oh, I picked up a really pretty rose floral laundry bag today I dare say....(marshalls). Enjoyed that post and ordered a catalog. thanks for sharing that info.
xo Roberta

Heartfelt living said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Time does fly when you are having fun. I love stopping by your blog, I hope you enjoy more years off blogging!
Have a lovely week,

fairiemoon said...

Oh Elyse, what fun! I don't know if I will be able to figure out the button thing before I leave tomorrow, but I CAN leave a comment! I totally want a piece of your mother's day cake!

Happy Blogthday to you!
(Mine is coming up soon as well, but not until October, so I still have time!)

Erin :)

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Elyse, the blogging world would not be be the same if you were not a part of it! I am soooo grateful you are because I love you to pieces! You are bright, cheerful, talented and loving! Happy 1 Year of blogging!


Lisa said...

Happy Birthday to your wonderful blog. Here's hoping for many more great postings.

Have a great end to the summer and can't wait to see what new and exciting post you have for us in the future!!

Jenny said...

Congratulations on one year blogging. Your blog is just beautiful.
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Kelee Katillac said...

Congratulations Elyse!!! And thank-you so much for becoming a friend of The Katillac Shack!

Your work is sooo lovely and heartfelt. The blog's design is fresh and delicate....

Brava for creating such a warm site....

love, kelee

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Beautiful. I will add your button to my next post. I would LOVE to win!

Sonia said...

It is a very lovely giveaway. I also have an anniversary giveaway going on. I'm entering yours, please come by and enter my giveaway too.

Kim said...

Beautiful blog - keep up the good work!

Charo said...

Congratulations for your first year. I just meet your, and see your beautifully things you make.
Charo said...

Hi there, just came across your blog, thanks for dropping by mine and leaving a comment. Great giveaway and congrats on 1 year of blogging.

June said...

Happy 1st blogthday! Every time I come here it is a feast. So here's to many more blogthdays!!!

Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Pick me, Elyse! Oh how I wish I could win some pretties from the Queen of Swaps! Well, we're many miles away for coffee on my side porch, but we can pray for a miracle!

Ana~A Petite Cottage said...

Hi there. I learned about your blog and blogthday giveaway through one of my blog friends and I am so happy she shared it with me. I would love to be included in the beautiful giveaway. Congratulations on your Blogthday! I have happily become a follower because I think your blog is simply adorable. Have a wonderful week.


Stacey said...

Hello! I found your blog about a week ago and to say I LOVE it would be an understatement! I look forward in coming to visit you each day. Happy One Year and Best Wishes for many more!!

thedoodlegirl said...

oooh yay! Count me in! What a fun giveaway and a beautiful blog!

Cheryl said...

congratulations on your 1st birthday. I love your blog and wonderful creativity!


nancyj31 said...

Love your blog. Happy Blogthday. I've only been a lurker until now but couldn't resist the goodies.

Brittany said...

How cute and congrats on your "birthday"! :)

Recycled Rita said...

Happy Birthday! I just love blogging, you meet so many wonderful people! Here's to another year of great a beautiful blog for you!

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Oh how exciting Elyse !!

First you need a big Congrats!!! I remember when we first started to email, one newbie to another :) I'm so glad you told me about it, I feel very out of the blog loop lately, I used to be able to visit so often, but this summer has been coo-coo crazy busy! But things will be back to normal when the kids go back :)

Count me twice sweetie! I'm adding your button right now and would LOVE to win such pretties!!

Congratulations again and have a wonderful week sweetie!! Hugs, Cyn xox

Ruby said...

Happy blogthday! Boy, is that a mouth full. LOL. I'll be posting the button too! Thanks for the sweet giveaway.

matty said...

Darling site! Love love love the background!


The Old Parsonage said...

Congratulations! I just found your blog and am now following!

I'd love for your to visit The Old Parsonage!

Thanks so much for the contest.

I'1l be back!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog site...yet...but do so enjoy reading yours along with several other favorite bloggers :-)It's a wonderful media for sharing everyday events with a wide range of new BFFs!

Happy Blog'day!

Cheryl at Casual Cottage Chic

Whatever Is Lovely said...

Congrats on your 1 year Anniversary! I would be honored to be entered in your very generous giveaway! You have a beautiful blog!
Thank you! ~ Teresa

Rachel Knoblich said...

As always I love your blog and what a great giveaway. To many more posts...

Rebecca @ Belle Blog said...

Happy Blogthdayiversary!! Congrats Elyse!!
♥ Rebecca

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Congrats on one year! I love your blog! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Happy blogthday, Elyse!! You KNOW I love your stuff, girl! I posted about your giveaway on my blog also. I hope you and your blog have lots of cake & ice cream on your b-day! ♥ Have a great week ~

The Faded Cottage said...

Happy Blogthday to you, happy blogthday to you, happy blogthday dear Elyse, happy blogthday to you!!! and many more posts to share with all of us!! I just love "clicking" on your blog and love that you share so much inspiration to all of us. Please count my in on the gorgeous give away.
Sweets to you, Janice

Lori said...

Happy Blog Birthday, time certainly flies when were with our blogging friends! I would love to enter and will post a link on my sidebar! Lori

Unknown said...

Wow . . . doesn't the time go by fast! Congratulations on almost a year!

Your cake looks wonderful . . . hope it tasted great too!

I'll be happy to post your button on my blog . . . what fun!

Happy Belated Pink Saturday!


Jennifer said...

Congratulations on 1 year blogging!Your blog is so pretty.I love that cake it looks so yummy.Your giveaway is so sweet.Hugs,Jen

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

HOw fun to have a birthday! And to give something away too...what a lovely thing. Thank you so much.
I also love your blog! So pretty and gentle!
Take care.

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

I also added your button to my sister

Natasha Burns said...

Congratulations on your first blogthday (wow what a mouthful, try saying that after a few drinks?!!!)
I'm so glad you started a blog :)

Adeline Country Cottage said...

omg Cottage with a red door was right!!!! your blog is beautiful, Big kisses to you on your 1st blog birthday.

ps: I think I just added you on face book too.

Tiedupmemories said...

What a sweet giveaway and asweet blog!I saw tour button on Lori from myfaeriewindow! I'm off to put it on mine! Nice to meet you!

homespun1 said...

Happy Blog birthday!! Have a wonderful week!

redhead said...

Loving the button!! Happy Blogthday!!

Floss said...

What a beautiful blog you have! I will be delighted to put your giveaway link onto my blog - apart from anything else, it will match my decor perfectly! I would love to be entered in this giveaway, and will now have a good read through your previous posts.

Amy C said...

Thank you for sharing all of your creative goodness with us!

Michela said...

Hello! I've just found you, what a fabolous blog you have!
Happy blogoversary!

Nancy said...

Love the treasures shown. I really like your packaging. So sweet! Happy Blogthday! if I don't get back in time to wish you on the appropriate day. Still traveling in the south and due to return to VT on Monday!

Lady Pamela said...

Happy Birthday! Love the cake. I have posted your button on my blog as well as a link to your Etsy shop.

busyascanbe said...

Congrats! 1 year goes by so fast doesn't it! I love your blog! said...

congratulations on your first year!

Jean Knee said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!

Unknown said...

Hi Elyse,
What a lovely giveaway. Happy Birthday. Your blog is one of my favorite places to come to, and I can't believe you are only blogging for one year.


Cindy said...

Happy Blogthday, please enter me in your giveaway. You have such a beautiful blog. Hugs, cindy s

The Pink Rose Cottage said...

Congrats on your 1st year!!! Your blog is so cheerful!

Anonymous said...

happy blogthday Elyse!
I blogged about your giveaway here:
:) Missy

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I sweet girl! Oh yes, please enter me in for your giveaway. Congrats on your anniversary and for sharing your sweet life with us.

I will add the button to my sidebar.

hugs and best wishes for another fun year,

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

one year huh, well done indeed! a very big congratulations!!!

Little Pink Studio said...

Congrats Elyse! You have such a lovely blog!
Cerri xo

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Blogthday Elyse! Ever since I discovered blogging I learned many terms associated with it :-)Who new?

Time sure flies fast, don't they. And my, my knowing the tinkering you've been doing to create lots of treasures, I know this will be a treat!

Congratulations too for reaching a year.



Hi, just wanted to leave a comment to say how much I've enjoyed reading your posts today. You have a really interesting blog & great pictures too. Best wishes

Kathleen Grace said...

Hi Elyse, I followed your link on Beckys Sweet Cottage Dreams and found the sweetest blog! Happy blogthday! Now I can't wait to go check out the rest of your posts:>) Hey, head over top my blog and check ouot my giveaway too!

Candy said...

HaPpY BlOgDaY!!! Time does fly when you're having fun. Love the glitter canvas and will be posting your ad on my sidebar. Thanks ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm here from Holly's "Girls at Heart" blog...she posted about your Blog Birthday. Blogging is so much fun...I've been doing it now on and off since March 2006!

Your blog is lovely and I can tell we will be kindred spirits as that little mermaid in your side bar winked at me! Love it!!♥

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

COngratulations, friend! That's awesome. I wish you many more years of happy blogging. I love blogging, I have been so blessed with the friendships I have made through it. People like you who drop by my blog and say hello. Thanks friend. Thanks for dropping by Bloggeritaville~ HOpe to see you tomorrow.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I posted the link on my post today on my blog.

LaurieStar said...

Oooh! I didn't see this! Please enter me into your drawing! I need one of those fabulous canvases you create!
Happy Blogthday!
I'm off to add your badge to my site! :)

Christie said...

Congrats on one year! I found you through Holly~Girls at Heart....I'm so glad I came over here. What a pretty blog you have...I love your header! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway, so please count me in. Have a great day!

Kim said...

I came over via Leigh at Tales. First off, gotta say that yours is the prettiest blog ever! Love, love, love the background and overall design. Wanted to leave a quick comment and enter your fun giveaway and then I'm gonna go back and check out more of your blog!

Happy blogiversary!

Diva Kreszl said...

How sweet!!! I just wish the magazine was still in print! Congrats on your anniversary!

blushing rose said...

Happy anniversary ... so enjoy your posts. TTFN ~Marydon

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Congratulations on your Blogthday...isn't this fun. I found you via a post from Leigh at Tales from Bloggeritaville. I'm going to go now and browse through your older posts. Nice to meet you.

Our Porch in Hillsborough said...

I just discovered your blog today and will be checking back regularly. Happy Blogthday!

Stacy said...

What a wonderful giveaway! And your blog is just gorgeous. Thank you so much!

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your blog birthday. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Thanks Michelle

Sandi (Meme) said...

I'm just 6 months into blogging, so I can't wait until my first anniversary! Congratulations, have a great week!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Happy Happy Blogthday....
I love your blog... its so fun and welcoming!
I turely enjoy my visits here!

I would love the chance to win your give away!
Please enter my name in the hat!


giveitawhirl3 said...

Happy Blogthday to you! Keep up the great work!

Reighn said...

Wow a year of Bloggin should never go uncelebrated!! :) I hope you enjoy a huge piece of delicious cake/pie or a bowl of yummy ice cream! I just found your blog button on Cynthia's Cottage and look foward to spending some time reading :)

LukesLove said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway for that sweet sign!

Jill said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I just found your blog and I LOVE it! I can tell that we like a lot of the same type things. I'm looking forward to visiting often!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Congratulations! Blogging is wonderful isn't it?! So glad you decided to share all your sweet talents and creativity with us. Lovely giveaway! Twyla

Beth Gales said...

I just stumbled onto your blog and have been enjoying it! Congrats on the first year! Here's to many more!

Susie Q said...

HERE you are! Lost my job and you were on my work computer....I'm so glad to be back...

Happy birthday!

Mary said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!
You have a really sweet blog. I enjoy reading your posts. And I'm going to headoverto check out your etsy!
Have a beautiful day!
Mary :)

Elzie said...

I just found your blog and thought it was very nice and what did I see? You have a giveaway. Of course I want to enter. I'm mention you on my blog too.
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie

Stayathomemommy said...

What a wonderful giveaway I have added your button to my blog.

Pearl Maple said...

Congrats on the achievement.

One of nicest parts of blogging is all the lovely creative people you get to meet.

KatCollects said...

Congratulations on one year! I am playing catch up on blogs tonight. I hope you are doing well.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What a beautiful giveaway..and..what a beautiful blog you have. I must visit your etsy shop..
Of course I will post your button.. :) happily!
It's nice to meet you! Please do enter me in your giveaway!

koralee said...

What a beautiful blog you have..I adore the sweet wallpaper! Happy Aniversary to you!!

Judith Tetley said...

Hi Elyse, I happened by your blog and have had a lovely time visiting. Love all your very sweet handwork. Congratulations on your fist blog birthday and thankyou for such a lovely draw to enter.
Kind Regards
Judith (Australia)

Anonymous said...

Wow!...what a yummy giveaway, Elyse! I have posted your button with a link on my blog!..
i love all your 'stuff" lol!
beautiful site..i'll be back.

marble rose said...

Hi there!!!

I love your blog and have really enjoyed going back through 1 YEARS WORTH!!! of great posts. I think we have really similar interests too - I need some advise on the decals!!! Your give away is fab and obviously I'd love to enter!!!

Take care


Bunny said...

Congrats on one year. Lots of entries. I would love to win. The prizes are just amazing. Good luck to everyone and I will add your link to my blog.

carole brungar said...

Congrats on your blogthday!! I hope to see many more posts to come! I already bought one of your fab canvases and would love to win another to give to my daughter!
Carole ;)

barb's creations said...

I just discovered your blog and think it's fantastic.I'm going to be adding it to my blog side bar as soon as I can.Thank you for hosting such a sweet giveaway and congratulations on reaching a year in's exciting isn't it! :) Barb.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

What a lovely website you have - just very pleasant to look at! Happy Anniversary too! Thanks for a chance to enter your giveaway!


lemonade kitty said...

Happy 1st birthday, please include me in your generous givaway, always look forward to reading your lovely blog luv lucey x

Mahala said...

Happy Bloggiversary!

Lisa said...

What a gorgeous blog... Thanks for the opportunity to go in to win... Happy 1 year Blogybirthday... Lisa

Saskia said...

Beautiful blog, lovely candy!! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it! I can only dream it's me! :)

Sweet greetings,
Saskia :)

**you're at my 'candy-bar'**there's 'summer candy' at my blog**

Aik said...

Happy Blogthday! I'd like to enter your giveaway. Thanks!

aikychien at yahoo dot com


Happy Birthday!!! It's fun being ONE!!!
I found your blog and Love it!!
I had my blog birthday in June.
Maybe you'll come visit me.
Deb :)

P.S. I would love a chance to win your little surprises :)

The Chateau of Remnants said...

Happy 1 year of Blogging!! I so admire your blog!! Such great things to read about all the time~

Please enter me!!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!!

I just love your cottage home.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Connie (

Linda said...

What a lovely time I've had this morning enjoying your's a real delight! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. I've added your giveaway link to my sidebar.



Margaret said...

What a beautiful blog-Congrats on your blogthday.

Debbie said...

congrats on your blogaversary - please enter me

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

You have a darling blog! Congrats on one year! My blog just turned two...looking for a blog makeover but not sure what to do yet. But count me in on your giveaway! Thanks and enjoy your big day!

Marilyn said...

Congratulations! One year.... I am not faraway to my one year either I dont think. Please count me in your giveaway if I am not too I love your fun blog and I just adore your colors and creativity. Marilyn xoxo

Vintage To Chic said...

please ad me to you beautiful give away and come over and join the one I have going on.