Photo credit: Cath Kidston
Okay ... well, maybe since discovering Cath Kidston right here in beautiful blogland, I have written a post or two (or three or four or five, or more ...) about my adoration of all things Cath. And further admittedly, her cheerful vintage-inspired patterns on everyday items have become my top Etsy shop-funded splurge.

I have also been known to GASP out-loud (GOL?) over finding
Cath Kidston products at places such as HomeGoods, TJMaxx, and book stores. So when my sister Dede recently visited, she got quite the crash-course in Cath 101.

Order here
This is the current syllabus for Cath 101: the FREE catalog, which is actually a 98-page quarterly magazine brimming with fashion, home, and regular features.
I knew that Dede had passed the course with brightly flying colors when during an after-dinner sisters-jaunt to HomeGoods she called over to me, "Is this some of that Cath Kid-something stuff?"

GOL! "Why yes, Dede. IT IS!"

"And look!" exclaimed Dede, "It's on the clearance shelf and each tea cup and saucer is $3.00! I'll buy them for you." {Hooray for sisters}

Attention Cath-crazies: You might want to start checking your local places!
{Thanks again, Dede!}
SOL! er, that's SCREAM OUT LOUD!!!!! You lucky, lucky duck!!!! I.am.out.the.door!
Congratulations and love,
Katy xo
oooooooooo, P.S. It's a sign! My word verification is "relate". As in, "you are 'related' to a wonderful sister. Or, "I can 'relate' to the joy you must be feeling". etc. =]
Great find!!!! Love her stuff! I had no idea about the magazine ~ thanks for the link!!! Very excited.
They are so gorgeous, what a lucky find.
LOVE Cath! Sadly, I don't have ANY of those stores near me! But darn it, Elyse...you enabler you...I just ordered that catalog, thanks to you!
Hope you're having a glorious start to September, my friend!
Elyse, those Cath teacups & saucers are almost to die for! Look how dArLiNg they are!!!! Thank heavens for sisters! Dede, you made Elyse's summer!
Now I must get ready to go to HOMEGOODS!
Oh Dede! sisters truly are the best (even honorary ones! psst this means you)
darling! you're a lucky duck!
ooo i am jealous!!
oooo, I want a nice sister like yours!!! they are beautiful!!!
You have a pretty collection. I just requested a free Cath Kidston catalog. Oh no maybe a new obsession?
Hi Elyse,
I found your wonderful blog through (Sprinkles on Top). I just had my blog re-done by Sprinkles. Becky from Sweet Cottage Dreams told me about Sprinkles. I love my new blog look.
I have been reading your postings and have enjoyed my visit with you very much! I love to shop with my sister too, we always have so much fun.I will follow so I can keep in touch with you. Your blog is just delightful and so happy. Its been a pleasure meeting you today.
Big hugs~Elizabeth
Oh boy. Dede wins a big prize! You have educated her well. Like they said in Kung Fu, "You have done well, grasshopper."
Love the cups and saucers!
Who doesn't Cathe Kidson, right!!! I didn't know about the catalog...got to get me one of those! And my Romantic Homes came today and your jar project is adorable. LOVE that little rose decal!
i want i want i want!!!
Oh my, Elyse. They're beautiful. We don't have a Home Goods. I'll go look at Marshalls tomorrow.
Holy smoke, those cups are gorgeous! The prettiest of all, in my opinion:) Great Sister you have there! Have a blessed evening! HUGS!
Those cups & saucers are wonderful!!! Oh, how I love Cath Kidston. I still have yet to own anything of hers, but I think I'll be stalking HomeGoods now! Thanks for the tip!
lucky you. :)
Well, I have to admit that before BlogLand I never even knew who Cath Kidson was. Isn't it amazing what we find from other bloggers? I absolutely adore her stuff. There is something that reminds me just a bit of Mary Englebreit's style.
Just wondering...would your sister like to adopt and older sibling? I could use a sister to spot and shop for me! Lovely blog - I like coming to visit here- Diana
I will be on the lookout for sure!
Sisters are wonderful friends and Dede is a peach for sure. When I saw the first picture on this post I gasped...I thought that was your collection Elyse!! (I know you've been accumulating CK here and there) I love her catalog, too and I have some of her stationary. Why oh why doesn't a branch of her store come here????
Enjoy your tea~
SO SO jealous!!! Just gorgeous, and a steal!!
GOL! What a great find! I will need to go and visit my HomeGoods Store tomorrow!
Thanks for sharing.
Irma :)
Hi Elyse! What a dreamy cup and saucer set! I wish we had a Home Goods in our area! We love Cath's stuff too. Her colors are wonderful! Have a nice weekend! Twyla
Yippee! ♥
Oh I know I adore CK...just wish we had a few stores around here...but I do get her catalogue and dream and wish one day I will order something..I have found a few things around of hers and in fact I do have the fridge notes too. xoxoxo
Hugs my sweet friend.
Gorgeous gorgeousness!!! Thanks for the CK101!
Well, what an incredible find! You can imagine how hard it is to find CK stuff here in France - I do have friends who regularly bring me one of the magazines back from the UK though.
ok, I ordered the FREE mag. yippee, no shipping at all!
I am astounded. I have not been a thorough enough shopper at Home Goods! I did find a little piece of Cath Kidston material on Etsy for my swap mate for one of Heather's matchbox swap, then ended up having to shrink it and gave her the material which was too large in scale. I'll bet you will have a ton of us heading to these places now, Elyse. I am psyched!
Dear Elyse, you are a so lucky girl with a more soooooo lovely sister!!!!!
Beautiful, wonderful teacups!!!
maria cecilia
I forgot.... tell your sister to buy me a dozen... i´ll pay the shipping costs... jajaja!!!!
I am going to RUN and not walk to my nearest Home Goods store! Thanks for sharing this amazing resource tip!
NO FAIR!!! Our Home Goods never gets Cath! :( I got a 2011 planner from B&N last week!! Herr stuf is too fun!! WHat a great deal and what a sweet sister!
Hugs, Lisa
Those teacups are soooo pretty ... can't believe your sister found them!! And thank you, I just ordered the catalog.
Thanks for sharing about the catalog -- I just ordered it!
I gasped so hard when I saw those teacups, I just about turned inside out!!!! I have GOT to find some of those!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Just gorgeous! You are such a lucky girl! I'm dying to get to my local TJMaxx/Homegoods now!
Oooh what a lovely cup!
Oh, I love her things. The patterns are all so pretty. One of my sons gave me twp of her pretty notebooks! ;) Paulette
I'm having a love affair with Cath toooo.... I'm actually starting my sewing room today with that theme.... A tiny bit of real and a LOT of knock off.... It's that looook I'm going for. And, I think you've now coined GOL! Good one.
Warm blessings,
PS... I could picture your blog and could NOT for the life of me remember the addy... That perfectly adorable little Claudia to the rescue. I was certain she'd have you on her sidebar...and she did. God bless her.
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