Meg Ryan wearing the greatest outfit ever, with Tom Hanks and Nora Ephron
Even though the weather was pretty warm here in the Ocean State today, there are signs that fall is on its way. School has started, good sleeping weather is back, and I'm just beginning to think about packing away my flip-flops. Why the above photo from You've Got Mail? Well, Meg Ryan's wardrobe in this film probably comes to mind with almost every clothing purchase I make. Would Kathleen Kelly wear this? I swoon over the soft cardigans and simple flats.

Being just-shy of 5'8" and a slave to comfort, I have always worn flats. Before there was Kathleen Kelly, there was Skipper. Barbie's little sister is looking quite proper in this pose but I assure you, Skipper has some pretty groovy ensembles: short, flowery dresses paired with crocheted tights and bright flats. (That was more of my look in my 20s.)
Now for some You've Got Skipper-inspired browser-browsing for shoes ...
Some fabulous flats from j.jill

Leave it to good ol' Target to sell similar styles for a fraction of the price.

Also from Target, these are the ultimate Skipper shoes. Although a little bright for my mostly muted wardrobe. Would Kathleen Kelly wear them?
Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!

you are lucky to be tall Elyse...i have always been disappointed with my height...LOL...i love a cute little cardigan too!!!
Oh girl, I am so short... need platforms:) But I do love the flats... will check them out! Have a blessed day:)
Super cute! I don't get to wear cute shoes any more! I wear scrubs and sneakers to work and that mostly what I do. Summer is flip flops and winter is Birkenstock clogs! For my few outings! These examples are super cute!
Hugs, Lisa
Love Meg Ryan and ANYTHING she wears. One of my fav movies features Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia, Meg is an alcoholic. Tear jerker. I think the title is, "When a Man Loves a Woman." I remember Skipper with the long flowing orange hair. My sister had Midge and I was so jealous. Remember Midge? Not as popular as Barbie, but stunning nonetheless!
Oh my gosh, Elyse - you know I love that movie. Her clothes are the best and everytime I watch it, I go nuts! Perfect clothes - perfect movie. I am officially 5'9" - but more likely 5'8" now that I am older. I haven't measured myself in a while. I always gravitate to flats and comfortable ones at that! Now you've got me thinking about new cardigans and new flats!
Well, now you make me want to look at that movie again, just for the clothes. hehehehehehe
Fun post. Thanks!
You are just my kinda girl Elyse! I love all of those shoes (don't know if I'd actually wear the bright ones though). Right now I'm boot obsessed though-still mourning the Anthro boots I didn't buy on sale last year.
That is funny because I almost always wear heals because I am 5'5":-)
Oh Elyse! I wish I were as tall as you! I am only 5 feet!! yuck! AND to top it off, I have disgustingly small feelt and have to wear KIDS shoes! (dress shoes)!! I would LOVE to be able to wear these adorable flats!! You lucky girl, I can live through you! I think you should go for it and get ALL of them!! At Target's great prices, why not? Your a doll and I love ya!
I loved finding your blog, gosh I remember admiring Meg's wardrobe from that film, especially that one in the photo, so soft and pretty. Catherine x
One of my favorite movies of all time. I'm 5'4" but I wear flats almost all the time. I love Meg Ryan's wardrobe in this movie. And I love her apartment, too.
Elyse, You've Got Mail is one of my all-time favorite movies! And you must believe this, but I love her outfit so much, I have put a freeze on the frame or rewind it several times to see her DARLING outfit (I love the sheerness of it!) and of course see one of the most romantic kisses in movies! LOL! Oh girl, I am truly your fairyblogmother! I love ballerina flats! Cute post! Yes, bring the coleslaw! Bet it turned out YUMMY!See you on Monday at noon! :)
What a cute post. I live for comfort too, and always wear flat shoes - I'm 5, 9"! So I totally get that. My favorite shoe is a white canvas sneaker. No stripes, no frills, no wedgey heel - just plain and flat! I wear them all the time!
Hi Elyse,
Although I am only 5'4 my most favorite type of shoe is the "ballerina" flat shoe. I know, I know I should be wearing high heels more often because I'm short :-) But they're so cute! Have a wonderful Sunday.
Oh yes, Kathleen Kelly would wear it! I love that movie. I always cry at the part where Kathleen says "Oh Joe I wanted it to be you".
I'm going to have to watch it tonight.
Whow, you really managed to find some Skipper flats, amazing, they look like they will fit like slipper. Over here those flats are made for french women who have feet that are half as wide as mine, no comfy flats over here :-( so I will stay with the Uggs this Winter. Have a nice Sunday, as long as it lasts!
Oh I so hear you....I live in flats...and have many pairs...my downfall. I think they look amazing on all heights and sizes..give me comfort please! Lovely post today!
Well, there's something else we have in common. I'm also just under 5'8" tall. And I'm a flats girl. Love the pics...cute shoes!
Muy hermoso blog, todos los detalles especiales, femeninos, delicados, un abrazo desde Argentina, Chany.-
Oh yes, these are wonderful shopgirl flats. Think of the pretty flowered dress and simple cardigan to go with them. And if too much, you could always get them in black.
More and more I am finding that I am in love with the ballet flat shoe. They are the best! have a great weekend.
Hi sweet..... I would wear 'em! They are just so cute and look so comfy!
This has to be the cutest post that I have ever read. You crack me up, Kathleen Kelly. Oh, I love that movie, and I too love the way she dressed. I love those shoes, I am a mary jane kind of girl. Although I envy your height, I am shrinking but I used to be 5 ft 3. I love those yellow ones.
Good Morning Elyse
I love how Meg Ryan looks there too. I love flats, but my DH is always asking my to wear something with a heel. Not that I'm short (5'8 and he's 5'11). But he likes heels. I agree to wear them sometimes, but I'm with you, at my age, I want comfort!!
Thanks so much for stopping by The Old Parsonage and your sweet comments. You were the 3rd person to comment, but you didn't say if you wanted to play "Pay it Forward." Can you please let me know either way via e-mail (there's a link on my side bar). I'll need your address if you're going to play so that I can send off your little gift.
Thanks and enjoy your day!
Cute shoes! I'm a flats girl, too, Elyse! I was just shy of 6 Ft. by the time I was 13! I've since shrunk some but I'm still TALL! ♥
Yippee! you won wizard n faerie going to Salem this year? drinking witches brew coffee..
thank you for lovely comments,,been absent have a cold already! LOL Denise..Hull,Mass
i loved what she was wearing too. the studio always dresses her soooo cute. i wear flats all the time. i am only 5ft and 1/4 inch. my husband is 6.5. we get a few looks when we go out :)
Fun post, I wish I could be in flats all the time, however, not being so tall, that is not an option. Love your blog, happy new week to you.
Love & Hugs
Duchess ♥♥♥
My favorite flats I wear at home...a pair of ugg slip ons I took from my daughter, (shame on me!). I wear heels out and about, as my feet feel comfy in them. Walking a lot in flat shoes actually is uncomfortable on me.
You've got mail....a favorite of mine to.
I'm a flat wearer (WORD?) to.
Have a good day.
My grandmother had the best flats - those kind with the elastic around the edges - and embroidery, too. Thanks for the memory!
Fun post Elyse! I am tall too!!!
Meg is a great style icon and dig those cardigans!
love, kelee
I love that outfit too. I just wish I had that super skinny waist to go along with it!!! Darn!!!
What a cute post.. I always like wearing flat shoes..I really just can't walk in heels though.. I'm a little on the short side 5'6'' to be exact.. I would love to wear flip flops actually all year long..Although, I know my feet will freeze in the winter.. hope all is well..
Hello Elyse,
I just got home from our long, long, cross country trip and received your package. I loved it! What a sweet thing to return home to! (Tell me, fellow Eng Major, how do you do away with the dangling prep on that sentence, perhaps I am just too tired to see it right now). I can't wait to blog about it, but I think I will wait until Saturday and use it for my Pink Saturday photo! Don't you think that would be perfect?
Anyway, thank you so much!
And by the way, I did not know you were so tall. Alas, I am shortish...sigh...so I tend towards a little heel. I am also not skinny enough to dress like Kathleen Kelly, but sometimes my hair looks a little like hers.
Erin :)
Great find, Elyse! Those are adorable! I'm tall, too, so flats are (sadly) always my shoe of choice! Guess I'll have to head back to Target tomorrow and get some...
such a cute post!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! huge hugs!! Britt :-)
You've Got Mail IS my favorite movie ever!!! A girl at work said to get "Sleepless in Seattle" because it's even better - UMMM, NOT!!! No way. I still crack up at that scene in the elevator when Patricia is looking for her Tic Tacs - soooo funny! Flat shoes = comfort and that is how I function, that's for sure! Have a good day ~ ♥
PS - Did you know that You've Got Mail has a soundtrack?? I work at the library and I got it from there and put it on the computer - LOVE IT!
Great post. Love the Skipper doll. You ARE Skipper. You always look so darn cute, in college too, I remember!
Even if I'm short, I like wearing flats :-) Won't make my feet ache after a long walk LOL And aren't the ones they're selling now too cute? :-)
Just saying "Happy forthcoming weekend!" as it's been so long since I came over here!
I loved the Skipper doll growing up! I also love flats being 5'10 I don't like heels because I feel like Jolly Green giant. Traci
They aren't pink?
My blog has just been growing like a crazy weed and I haven't been able to get by for as many visits. I miss all my blog friends.
Come for a visit and see both of my new parties for the week. They are up every week and I hope you will participate.
Its So Very Cheri
as a fellow tall girl, I too live in ballet flats. I'm loving those ones you showed from J. Jill. I might have to head over there....thanks for the tip!
Love tose sweet little shoes. I tihk I will have to check those out. I adored Meg Ryans clothing in that movie!
How about "those" instead of "tose". Though it makes a cute pun.
Skipper sure does look super in her ensemble! I love flats and never wear heels! I have to, I'm clumsy. Twyla
Who new that Skipper was such a trend setter?
Is that like "what would Jesus do?"..."what would Kathleen Kelly wear?"...I LOVE her apt in the movie!!
And the part where she closes the Shop Around The Corner and imagines her mom spinning her around...geez! I cry every time! As an amazon, I used to be all about the flats...but then I just thought... what the heck? so, I'm 6'in these shoes...so what? Just wedges tho...I can't negotiate real heels! :)
m ^..^
Oh, I do love this post. We have a mutual Kathleen Kelly thing going, as we already know. It seems we're also both very tall. I'm 5'10", but I adore heels. Comfy heels anyway. It makes me happy when I am six feet tall. I love it!
My daughter Sloane is falling in love with your blog as I browse around. She's seven and now she wants to know all about Skipper. She also wants to know if those are your Barbies or if you found the picture somewhere. I told her that I would ask you.
It's 3 days before Christmas and I have a million things to do, but now all I want to do is watch "You've got mail" and go shoe shopping! Thank goodness I've taken a week's vacation between Christmas and New Years.
I enjoy your website! Looking forward to more in 2010!
Susan at Charm of the Carolines
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