Cute brief case
Lately I have been reading posts where people create lists on topics about themselves. They are quite fun to read. Because I have held so many different types of jobs, I thought that would make an interesting list. At one point in my early twenties, I had four jobs at once. Ah, youth.
Hold on, here goes ... [This list includes paid positions only.]
Flea market vendor
People-counter at the Gap
McDonald’s crew person
Movie theater concession cashier

Cashier then assistant manager at a card and gift store
Sears portrait studio photographer
Cashier at a home décor shop
Disc jockey at night clubs playing before and after bands

Cocktail waitress (2 nights only)
Clerk at a food packing company
Secretary at a civil engineering firm
FUN FACT: Named a street after myself in Mansfield, MA: Elyse Road!

Work-study office help at the Anthropology department of my college
Telemarketer for a water purification company
Café worker (1 day only)

Caregiver at a group home for people with disabilities
Cashier at Pier 1
Instructor for a kids’ creative summer camp at a community college
Film and video production, various positions and locations

On this shoot I'm lurking behind the scenes, getting the director coffee and things of that nature
Advertising and Public Relations for a financial services company
Advertising sales person at the Brown Daily Herald newspaper
Freelance desktop publisher
Target sales floor team member
Cashier, merchandiser and event planner for a toy shop

Communications Consultant at a health plan
Phew! I consider myself a late bloomer but all of my varied experiences make me the person I am today!

Great post! Must've all contributed to your awesome talents today :)
Cool list! I thought I had a lot of crazy jobs!I don't have half that many even and I'm older than you! hehe
Hugs, Lisa
Wow, Elyse! I don't know how you did it all ( I know it was at different times)! Wonder woman without a doubt! I am impressed! Oh, I LOVE Elyse Road!!!!!!
OMG, that is amazing! My head is spinning. That's a lot of jobs. I'll have to go back and count (you should add a total, lol).
I thought I had many jobs but mine don't come close. You win!
OMG Elyse, you have some background. Can you imagine all the knowledge that you have gained. And now your job of mom (which means many many hats, and artist too.
Good Gravy--
That's some list of jobs!!
Aren't you worn out???
WOW~ You've got me beat! I love the variety you've had. Do you get bored easily? I do and I blame that for having held many different jobs. I still don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up.
Hi Elyse, just popping to tell you that the card for Amy was sent yesterday. You are totally right about all your different jobs. They are all experiences that made you. I remember too well when I finished my study history at university and couldn't find a job whatsoever. It was in the late 80-ties and unemployment was high. So I did a lot of different jobs too. When I was going to work as a pa of a member of parliament who was dealing with 'work circumstances' all those jobs meant the world! Have a lovely day!
PHEW is right!
And to think, all this and you're only 29! ;)
wow Elyse...that is some list!!! in my 43 years, i have only had 4 jobs: a waitress job while in high school, worked the info desk at the hospital when i was going to nursing school, icu nurse for 8 years, and current job for 14 years...maybe that's why i am so boring...LOL...
Girl, you made me tired this morning:) My list isn't very interesting... skating rink snack bar as a teenager and /Southern Bell-BellSouth for 30 years:) See... that's all I got. Have a blessed day.
Oh my gosh! You have been busy. I cannot boast such an illustrious nor interesting career path.
Erin :)
What a great list! You have a very interesting resume, my friend. I love the street named after you...Now don't you have a slight urge to steal the sign? (Just kidding!)
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my post the other day...writing is so elusive but sometimes it magically turns out right.
Wowza! Fun list, Elyse! I would love to hear more about this street sign thing! ♥
You have been one busy gal. WOW!
Interesting that the waitress jobs lasted 1 or 2 days.
Enjoyed the read.
Wow! I feel like such a loser for having my same job for 17 years!
Ha!!!!!!!!!! Are you sure there's no Pandoras Place anywhere?????
m ^..^
WOW Elyse!! You have had some of the coolest jobs!!!! You are just amazing, I love this post!! Your lucky to have done/seen so many things :):)
Love ya,
Wow Girl, you've done A LOT!!!! Makes me think of all I have done . . . might be fun to reminisce. (I think my list for PTA would be longer. I tended to do a lot of that.)
Whew! makes me tired just reading it!
Okay you totally crack me up Elyse. Its like I was reading a page out of my own work history! Funny funny. I just wanted to let you know that I sent a card out to your friends niece yesterday and also passed it along to my co-workers. So if Dear sweet Miss Amy gets a bunch of cards from Western MA. Then its from us. :) Have a great day.
Hi Elyse,
I'm very impressed! Such a versitile carreer life. I really enjoyed this post...it was fun.
Have a wonderful day.
Wow - what a list! You have been a busy lady. When I was in 6th form (aged 17, I guess) we had a young and rather boastful teacher (a MAN, in a convent school!) who had a list of jobs which seemed far too long and impressive for anyone his age. You know, ski instructor, swanky stuff like that. Now I've aged a bit, I've decided that he probably had done it all, because, like you, he multi-tasked quite impressively. Belated apologies to Mr Wallace.
that's alot!!! of jobs, whew you must be tired,lol
omg youve been busy!! I feel so boring, LOL!!
Hey Elyse! You forgot the MOST important one of all! MOM...!
The day I turned 16, mom walked with me to a diner nearby and told the owner I wanted a job. guess what? I got it.
xo Roberta
cute post....wow have you done alot...what a variety of jobs! My list is very very short!
My goodness, Elyse, you have certainly been busy! Sounds like you have had a very interesting time at your various jobs. I had always thought it would be fun to work in tv or movie production in some way. Thanks for sharing all of your talents. Vicki
Wow I am amazed!! I enjoyed reading your post and knowing more about you. Have a sweet and lovely weekend my darling.
Love & Hugs
Duchess ♥ ♥ ♥
That's too funny! I think I have a total of maybe 5 or 6....I'm feel so boring now!!!! ;)
You are what I term "well rounded." No, has absolutely nothing to do with your body. Which we can all see is small anyways. Your experiences have given you unique perspective and therefore: you're well-rounded.
I love your list. You've had as many jobs as I've had apartments. Here's to trying lots of new things and places!
Wow - that is quite the list! Who knew you worked with Arnold! :) Amazing! You should add "Craft Queen and Blogger Extraordinaire"! :) Thanks for your recent comment - made my day! :)
Oh my what an interesting list of jobs you have had!! And to have 2 jobs at once- whew that made me tired just reading about that!! Doesn't look like you liked the food department as much as the other jobs (2 days!) There were a few jobs that I wished I had quit the 2nd day!!!! I worked for an attorney for 2 days as a temp and came home from lunch the first day covered with hives it was so stressful! I am glad the job only lasted 2 days!
Happy Fall!
Wow! That's a lot of jobs, such an interesting list, I love "Elyse Road", Have a sweet weekend! x
Hi Elyse,
Thank you for popping over to my blog to say hello! It is always so nice to meet new people here in blog-land!
And what a pretty blog you have too :-) So interesting to read about the different jobs you have had!
Hope to speak to you again soon!
Have a great weekend :-)
Rose XXX
Gosh! I am worn out, are you?!? Chuckle. Cute post. Have a lovely weekend ... TTFN ~Marydon
What a marvelous idea. And. An impressive list.
I have to admit out of all the jobs you have listed my favorite would be the Event Planner for a toy store. How much fun would that be. OMG!!!
Thank you for visiting my blog, I've missed you too.
xo Cathy
Be sure to come by tonight around 9pm (Eastern time) for the announcement so you don't miss out. I promise-it good-really really good.
Its So Very Cheri
Great Post!! just like your FABULOUS Blog!!
Have a wonderful week!!
OHMYGOSH girl! LOL! That is a lot of really different jobs...I think you should tell the story of why the cafe job lasted only one day :)
WOW! Elyse,
you've had some pretty cool jobs. The road named after you is the best!!
♥ Rebecca
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