Everything was special.

Blogging has reawakened that part of me.

When I buy something from an online seller or receive a gift or swap goodies from a blogging friend, I save and savor all of the details.

If you notice anything familiar, please feel free to share a "that's from me!" comment!

Or a "gee, where's that from?"

• • • • •
The other day I was rearranging some things and placed this mirror on the wall in place of a plate that was there. I really like the contrast of rough and delicate. The mirror's frame is made from chunky, reclaimed wood.

Click to enlarge
Sometimes the smallest change can make you SWOON all over again!

Oh wow, those things are all from ME!!! OK, not really - but I wish they were and I love them all does that count? Hey, I love You've Got Mail, remember?? That's got to count for something. ha ha Have a great weekend ~ ♥
I always love to see all the treasures that await us inside Swoon Cottage! ;)
m ^..^
what a lovely post, I really like your arrangement of floral plates, super fantastic and classically shabby.
Ohh I remember my Nan having rainbonnets in those plastic containers. Thanks for the memory.
Oh I go through stages but I am so in one now! My pink board on my wall holds the same type of things! Sweet cards notes and tickets! But we have established we are two of a kind. (well you are more crative of course :) hehe
Hugs, Lisa
Love the details too..are the tiny flowers velvet? I remember those..I saved "things" too...treasures, since we were poor farmers, I loved little special things.
(Come say hi :)
How neat you have a wonderful collection going on there. It seems as though everything is so unique. Just Beautiful.
Hi, Elyse,
I loved looking at all your sweet treasures! I see you, too, like to decorate with vintage plates. The mirror looks wonderful with them. Have a blessed weekend. Vicki
What pretty treasure youve been blessed with. I have a pretty box I keep special things in.....I think I hear it calling me for a visit down memory lane.
sweet treasures!!! hope you have a wonderful weekend
I just adore these little flowers and have held on to a few bundles of vintage ones rather than crafting with them. I'm afraid I'll never come across them again....they are so hard to find!
aka LiBBy BuTTons
Lovely post darling, I am in love with the plates you have on the wall and yes you are correct the mirror belongs there. Have a lovely weekend.
Ooo! You have some of those Forget Me nots! I ♥ them! Where did you get yours?
Sweet to save all theses things and even sweeter to display them. Love the mirror with the plates, great idea! Have a blessed day.
I saved all those little things, too. And, now I look for them again. We are going treasure hunting at a New England village rummage sale in just a few minutes. Can't wait.
Oooooo, you are saving all the good stuff. Lovely, lovely post!
i agree Elyse!!! i save all the ribbons from my packages too...you never know when you will require a snippet or two...great post!!!
Love your new arrangement - unexpected, but perfect!
Oh, I agree! That primitive mirror next to the delicate plates is striking. I also adore that first picture in your post, the pretty saucer with the buttons. It made me swoon. Could you tell me the pattern of the saucer? I'd love to look some up for myself! Have a wonderful weekend, Elyse! Twyla
Elyse, oh my gosh, I was the same way and still am!!!!!!!!! I keep everything that is pretty :) I have a basket full of cards and business cards I have received. I even save pretty wrapping paper because I just KNOW it will have a purpose some day :) I love all of your pretties and those plates are gorgeous~
Love ya,
Hello Elyse!
Very sweet post today. I love, love, love those little flowers. Love them!
I didn't see anything I sent, but I did feature you on my blog today so you might want to take a look! It is the first PINK Saturday post I've done since returning from my trip.
Thanks again for the goodies!
Erin :)
I so agree. Blogging has reawakened that part of me that was so alive when I was little and then again when my daughters were little. I have rediscovered so many favorite things to collect and display.
I can't wait to use your lovely pencil holder, which came in the mail today. When I do I will photograph it nearby some other lovely things I use to hold precious cargo.
what pretty pictures :-)
I have to admit, since blogging and receiving lovely little packages I have started hoarding every bit of ribbon from packages and gift card/ thankyou note! I am not as organised as you yet though! I am in need of a pretty fabric covered memo board to pin bits on to!
Have a fab weekend :-)
Rose XXX
I too save all those bits n bobs, they're just too nice to throw away...love Lucey x
So True!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE forget me not's and have so many of them but if I found one or someone gave me one I would be soooo excited! With me the tiny stuff is really fun.
I like the plates with the added rustic element. Very eclectic. I was happy to see that you visited me and thanks for the encouragement. I am glad you liked the way I packaged them I was pretty happy with it. Stay tuned for pictures from Glitter fest. I wish you could come out to So. Cal, I know we would have so much fun!
I love all your little treasures. Something about small things makes them so cute and "special". Have a great weekend, Elyse.:)
Hi Elyse...your posts are just so heartwarming. You are just the sweetest!! Thanks for stopping by for a visit today!
many hugs..Tami
Hmmmm, you don't appear to have a card or tag from me hunni, I must do something about that 'hehe'!
The mirror looks great with the plates, the contrast works really well!
Beki xxx
p.s will try and reply to your email later once i've settled the little man down xxx
I agree that blogging really does make every little thing a treasure!
I think it comes of sharing our joy
and out special love for kismet and finding beauty and appreciating.
Sharing makes life so wonderful!
Love the sweet flowers in the glass bud vase.
And your mirror and plates~
thanks for sharing your pretties with all your blog sisters~
Beautiful photos Elyse! I haven't posted a comment in a while, but I faithfully follow your blog!
(Hope you remember me!) : D
Janet (RI)
Bonjour Elyse! Long time no seen, hope that everything is well with you. Yes I love these little things still...all 47 years of my life I collected the ribbons, the little umbrellas, the tickets...
I only have to organize them..hehehe!
Have a great weekend!
I have things all over the house from bloggers - and tucked into my memory board. I know what you mean!
You sure have lots of lovely sweet things! I keep too many things ... we need a bigger house! Happy weekend!
Love your blog thanks forf your comment....luv Lucey...xx
I smile every time I see pretty little silkie flowers like you have in the glass florist frog(what a clever idea by the way!!)
I was sorting through a few of my drawers and thinking what a pack rat I am with all the bits and baubles I keep. Guess there are more of us around then I thought!!
Such sweet pictures to make us smile- thank you Elyse!
Your vignette of beautiful plates is lovely.
I too have always saved "little" things. The smaller the better.
Thanks for such a sweet post.
Cari b.
I love all of those little details too. I just never know where to put them! Your photos are always so pretty! I love your style.
I love the mirror with the plates(:
Everything looks so sweet!
Hi Elyse, I love how you collect all those pretties from all the treasures you've received. I love all the colors and so much eye candy!!
♥ Rebecca
Hi Elyse, I'm just like you too. I love when there are special little extras in my packages like a tiny rosebud, or pretty ribbon wrapped on a spool. It's so much fun to enjoy the little things in life. Especially the cards and trinkets with the boutiques name and logo, just love to hang them.
xo Cathy
Those are pretty. I love the tag with your name.
Just like me...I adore little treasures placed all over my home...makes me smile everytime I see them! xoxox
Isn't it amazing how the smallest thing can make you smile. I constantly love to try things in new spots. Loved your plates i have a secret passion for old flowery plates. Can never have too many. Traci
Elyse, What a pretty post!
I love saving all the pretty bits that I get here and there, too!
I recognize a couple of things in your post. *wink* Love how you did the forget me nots in the flower frog...I really think I need to copy you on that one! k?
Love the chunky mirror...it does look pretty with your plates.
hugs, Debi
I agree!!! Thanks for this post! ;)
Hi Elyse, thanks for your sweet comments. Yep, that is me festooning the world...I came by it naturally. Love your blog. Look like we adore the same color pallet. I may have to follow in your footsteps and open a Etsy shop for all my Monday Junkin finds! See you soon.
So sweet post, you have great treasures.
Hi Elyse! I so know what you mean about blogging reawakening that "everything is special" part of me, too! Ha ha! I remember saving things like that as a child. The little things in life are what count! :)
~TattingChic ♥
I saved a lot of those things too, when I was little. I am a saver and sometimes wish I wasn't because I have a house full of stuff! But now I just keep the pretty stuff. :)
So many cute items! Do you mind me asking where you got those little flowers in the first photo....I love those but can never seem to find them. THanks Daisy~
Darling, have a great rest of the week. I am glad I came in again and took one more look of all this beauty. I love the first pic, the plate, if I am not mistaken is called, Fragrance by Royal Albert. I love that pattern and what the plate holds.
Love & Hugs
Hi my name is Michelle and all I want to tell you is that your blog is just perfect!!! and is at least to me one of the most beautiful blogs I ever seen. You really are a fount of inspiration. All of your creations bring me back memories of my childhood, every time I look at one of your creations I feel so inspire and happy and also let out the little girl that live in me. Thank you very much for sharing your good taste and great talent. I'm also going to decorate my blog with your cute little banner, if it's ok with you.
I used to do the same thing....I even came across an old box with my "junk" that I saved as a kid. I wish I still had half of those things - especially all of the Cracker Jack prizes!
You always have to cutest things to swoon over!
OH my your blog is just brimming with sweetness and light! Thank you for visiting mine. Just followed your blog!
I am sooooo stealing the idea of the bitsy flowers in the flower frog. How cute is that? Now, I just have to figure out where the heck those things are! :-) It's just toooo cute.
I love to add little goodie bags to all of the packages I ship. I found some great candy bracelets and lipsticks at our local dollar store and also found marpoles in our local market. These are made of different colored strands of marshmallow that have been twisted together. They have a very whimsical feel to them and my Etsy customers love them. It really is all of the little things in life that make a difference. : )
~ Wendy
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