Sunday, April 18, 2010

mes grandes nouvelles

This week, painting the bedroom, cheering at freezing cold Little League games and trying to make sense of our home minus basement storage has kept me mostly offline. But I am carving out time right now because I have mes grandes nouvelles to share which according to iGoogle means my big news in French (hope it's correct!).

As you may already know, my blog is featured in the May issue of Romantic Homes magazine. I was beyond thrilled when Editorial Director Jacqueline deMontravel let me know cottage would be included in their we love / site seeing section. As a thank you for her gracious message, I sent a custom package of my les petits tiroirs to both Jacqueline, and Jickie Torres, senior editor (whom I had been in touch with when my essay was published last June). Upon receiving the gifts, Jacqueline asked if I would like to write a how-to about my tinkered matchboxes for June. GASP! I am so grateful to both Jacqueline and Jickie for their support.

Extra photo taken for how-to

Perhaps because I'm on the East Coast, my copy hasn't arrived yet. But a big, warm thank you to my sweet blogging friend Joyce of Scrap for Joy for taking the time to snap some pics and send them to me. {Thank you again!}

Photo credit: Scrap for Joy

I am a big magazine enthusiast with all kinds of publishing dreams so this is a gigantic deal to me. {I'm sort of pinching myself while in a little trance. TMI?}

Last Monday afternoon

I will save details of the bedroom re-do for another post. Oh, and the boys' room, too! Until then I plan to catch up on blog visits and hope my June issue gets here soon!



Beedeebabee said...

OMG, how exciting Elyse!...and those pages of your things in the magazine look sooo beautiful! I love your creations...they would pretty up any magazine they graced, AND bring on many "oohs" from drooling readers, I'm sure!
A big congratulations to you!!! xo Paulette

stefanie said...

see....dreams do come true!!!! I am so happy for you!

Cindy said...

Elyse..congratulations! I hope things get to be less hectic for you at home..I know it's a pain when everything is out of sorts.

Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

It's me said...

What a nice blog you have !!.i follow you.and come back soon !! have a nice happy week !! hugs from Ria.......maybe you come to see my blog.............???

debi said...

OMG! Elyse, that is so, so exciting! I have to start looking for that issue. I'm SO happy for you! *squeal*

Can't wait to see the bedroom redo...white paneling....I love it already!

Diane Mars said...

Congratulations, those sweet treasures can be had by all! Have a great Sunday. Hugs, Diane

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Congratulations, you have every right to be thrilled.

myletterstoemily said...

how exciting to see your lovely work in
such a fabulous magazine!

when you are rich and famous, please
don't forget about us. :)

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Way to go girl!
How wonderful for you!!!!
Hope you get your copy soon...
oxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Kammy said...

Congrats !
Can hardly wait to see the bedroom re-do !

Little Pink Studio said...

Yeah! That's so exciting Elyse!
Cerri xxo

koralee said...

Congratulations I will be looking for you in Romanitic favourite magazine. xoxoxo

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty said...

How fantastic to have your article published!! Congratulations Elyse!

Claudia said...

You know how happy I am for you, my friend! You deserve it.

I may be just a wee bit jealous.

Nah! I'm over the moon for you!


Dumpster Decorators said...

Pinch yourself you should! Many congratulations.

Kim said...

OH my gosh!!! That is so exciting! I can't wait to see the issue & find out how you make your little creations. Congratulations!

Free Pretty Things For You said...

OMG!! Elyse!! OMG!!OMG!! OMG!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow girl! Congratulations! I just came across your site and am loving it! Hope your having a great day! xoxo

Sandi said...

Congratulations Elyse!! SO so happy for you!!! May good things continue to come your way!!

Hearts Turned said...

Congratulations, Elyse! What a wonderful thing--not much of a surprise to the rest of us, however! Your work is always so fabulous--such an inspiration! Can't wait to see the magazine!

Hope you're having a beautiful night!

Theresa said...

I am so excited for you Elyse! I will have to watch for this one to come out! I tried to make one of these and while it wasn't a gorgeous as yours, it was still pretty darn cute:) Enjoy your evening and get you some rest! HUGS!

Jacqueline Roy said...

Congrats! I love looking at your pretty blog. I'm from the French part of Canada and wanted to let you know we say "mes grandes nouvelles", the adjective comes before the noun in French. I'm a teacher in case you're wondering. Ha!

Elyse said...

thank you, jacqueline roy!


Anonymous said...

and you deserve it all, Elyse. YOu have a beautiful site, lots of pretties to offer and you are one lovely lady :-) So COngratulations again!

I really am looking forward on your bedroom redo.

Jill said...

Congratulations, Elyse! I can't wait to see that issue!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Yahoo Elyse! The pictures look great! Cant wait to get my issue. Congrat, woohooo! you go girl!

My Life Under the Bus said...

Many congratulations !!! I found you through Romantic Homes ( I too am a total Magazine Junkie !!!) I can't wait to see the new article in person : )

My Life Under the Bus said...

Many congratulations !!! I found you through Romantic Homes ( I too am a total Magazine Junkie !!!) I can't wait to see the new article in person : ) said...

Oh congrats on getting the tutorial. Very exciting!

Lori said...

congratulations Elyse!!! how fun for you:)

Anonymous said...

Dear Elyse, Your sweet and pretty boxes are definitely magazine worthy!
~Big hug~

Jen Kershner said...

How very, very exciting Elyse! You deserve every bit of recognition because you rock!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Congrats to you Elyse and well-deserved. Don't always get the same magazines on this side of the world. I seem to miss out on a lot of bloggers getting published. Good luck with your bedroom makeovers and have a great week. :) Tammy

beth said...

Elyse--big congrats to you, your pieces are so pretty! I had to chuckle about the chilly nall games, I was right there with ya!

Glitter & Bliss said...

My sweet friend.... Yes, I saw your feature in Romantic Homes, and I bought it just because of that reason. I had to brag about you to my sis, hubby, and friends. You are such a rock star. I think all of our cheers have certainly paid off. I am over the moon thrilled for you. Can't wait to get the June issue too. Hugs..Leslie

Anonymous said...

Fabulous, Elyse!!! I'll be looking for it!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS ELYSE!! This is wonderful! But I am NOT at all surprised! You are super talented and a wonderful writer. I love your little boxes too. I cannot wait to get my copy and see this!!! It rocks knowing someone so famous :)
I cant wait to see all your room redos too!! I bet they are perfect!


How exciting Elyse!! Congrats to you (;

Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

I was also delighted to see your "how to make" article in RH's June issue. Kuddos!! Great pics and easy to follow directions :-)

Duchess of Tea said...
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Duchess of Tea said...

Congratulations my darling. To celebrate your exciting news, I will bake a batch of blueberry scones, will brew a fresh pot of Earl Grey tea and before devouring them, I will raise my teacup in your honour. Now, if I only can get my hands on an issue!!

Love & Hugs

luckygirlgifts said...

You are so sweet and thoughtful, you truly deserve all of the success that has come and much more to come.
I can't wait to get a copy of the magazine.
Have a lovely week, stay in your trance a while, it's probably a cool place to be.
Cari b.

{oc cottage} said...

Aaaah that Jickster! She has a good eye! ;}

m ^..^

Katy Noelle said...

You know, we just feel it for you. This is Waaaay too exciting!!! and, those boxes are just REALLY pretty. I can't wait to see the finished rooms, too. Ah! Life is soooooo good.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I read it last night, Elyse! I'm so happy for and proud of you! I turned the page and saw those little match boxes, and said to myself: well, I know THOSE belong to Elyse!

fairiemoon said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is a really big deal! I will have to go right out and get that mag! Yay you!

Erin :)

Secondhandrose said...

congratulations! what an honor. Come for a visit.

Jessica Rodarte said...

Congratulations!!! Your petits tiroirs are so sweet. How fun to see them in print!
PS. I'm hosting a pretty pockets swap. If you're busy remodeling and such, I understand, but still worth giving you a heads up. You crafty, inspirational lady, you. :)

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

WhooHoo Elyse! I am so proud of you darling! Look how cute your treasures look once more in the magazine! You go girl! Maybe someday you will have your own magazine!

Love you!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Dear friend, I will say it again...

I am so proud of you! Way to go!! Happy and joyful!!

Can't wait to get my copy!!


FrenchGardenHouse said...

yippee!! Just saw your beautiful "how to" in my issue, and I knew right away you made that. It has your sweet style all over it. xoxo Lidy

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

What a happy time for you! A definite "feel good" moment.


I am so looking forward to seeing you in print!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Kim-Fille de Fleur said...

Hey Elise,
you are so sweet to be so excited about my post! It is so funny that I have never shared something so personal before because in "real life" I am so open about everything. I did not want to talk about being in RH because then I would have to talk about why I no longer lived there and I did not want to write about anything sad or negative. Wow was I wrong! Not only did I feel better right after I wrote it but I have also gotten really great responses back that have encouraged me and the other person. Well I guess blogging is cathartic too who knew?????

We are now both in RH and I could not be happier for you! It is such a thrill when you find out.....and then when you go to buy those extra copies you want to scream in the store THIS IS ME! THIS IS ME! (actually some of my friends and family confessed that they told the checker and other people in line that they knew me) Ha!
Enjoy it, it is fun and I am so happy for you.
Someday I will come back to the east coast and we will go to lunch, Oh the fun we will have....Kim

PS Your little surprise was mailed day before yesterday!

Bethany said...

Ack! No way. How did I miss this. This is crazy exciting, of course you should be in a trance, pinching yourself. But you know, be careful of bruises.
Oh that fated day I mentioned my blogging to you.
You are just out there baby, yee haw!

Rebecca @ Belle Blog said...

Wow Elyse, I haven't been on to read blogs in a while. I am so happy for you about being in Romantic Homes magazine. That is awesome!! So cool!!

Cassandra said...

WOW congrats on your how to article!

Also I wanted to say thanks for stopping by to visit me the other day! Hugs Cassandra

Julie Ann said...

Congratulations, Elyse!!!! :D You'd better get a cute magazine display rack for all the issues you're going to be in in the future, too! :)