
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

where bloggers create

I am very excited to be taking part in Karen's Where Bloggers Create party. In her open-invitation post, Karen writes this about blogging: "the stories, the pictures, the constant inspiration! I love it all. For me, what makes it most special are the friendships I am making and the never ending give and take of creative ideas." Exactly!

My post is a little early and my comments will be a little late because I will be away for a few days with my sisters in Cape Cod. Now on with the tour ...

the picnic table

Outside at the old splinter-making picnic table is where the messiest magic takes place. Neighbors are accustomed to finding me hacking at picture frames with rocks, spray-painting cans, dragging found fence remnants to behind the shed and more.

the girlie office

This bright space is where I do some creating and all of my Etsy packaging.

Almost everything in this room has been tinkered with: the lamp, the chair, the curtain panels, the vanity table, and more.

This chair has been many, many colors.

I keep many favorite crafty treasures on this shelf. It's kind of an I-Spy of items purchased, received or swapped from blogging friends. Look around and you might spot something familiar!

My simple white bookcase from Staples keeps ribbon at-the-ready thanks to tension rods.

Where blogging happens!

Books filled with inspiring photos ...

and encouraging words.

A girlie vignette tops the bookcase

The closet ~ which I treat like its walls are made of rubber. (It's time for real shelves. Currently things are stacked on a baker's rack from our first apartment.) Using a curtain instead of a door is a real space saver.

the dining room table

Lots of creative action happens here before and after meals, and after the boys' bedtime.

I hope you enjoyed your visit. Sorry for any reruns or too many photos. {In reviewing my post I am laughing at all of the cans pictured!}

Thank you so much to Karen for having the great idea to put all of this together. Awesome poster, too!

I am so looking forward to seeing everyone's spaces! Please visit Karen for details and links.



  1. I now see why you're so creative! You've got the Craft Fairy living in your sweet little room.:) I'm still in love with your wire shelf.

  2. Elyse, besides being so cute...have i told you that you are BRILLIANT!!! ribbon on TENSION RODS!!! it's genius...why didn't i think of that...i love all of your crafty spaces...your chicken~wire shelf is tdf...i want one!!!

  3. Elyse, Elyse, squeeeeeeeeal, you are such a doll, chickee!! AND you have a Mac which elevates you even more in my eyes, sugar!! What a lovely space you have for creating. Your little shelf reminds me of one I saw today in a girly restaurant but was just too much money for it. I adore your post, sweetpea! Darling......

  4. Tension rods inside a bookcase to hold your ribbon! What a great idea. I have all my ribbon in a drawer but knew somewhere there had to be a better idea. Thank you!

  5. Elyse- Aren't sisters the greatest!! My sis came out 2 weekends ago to help Bill take care of me and I will be going down this week to NM to close on our house there and she will continue to pamper and spoil me during my recovery time!!

    I loved seeing where you create- if I had spaces like that I might be able to be a little more creative! My crafts are still stuffed in a huge closest from our move-

    Have a blast in Cape Cod!


  6. What a fabulous space. Love the colors. I am crazy over that shelf..wherever did you get it?
    aka "LiBBy BuTTons"

  7. Elyse~Come help me makeover my sewing room pretty please with sugar on it! Your space is great. Have a fun time with the girls...wish I was there:)

  8. Your room is lovely. And I love the cans!! Why didn't I think of covering cans in pretty paper! You seem to have beautified everything in there! Thanks for sharing.
    Cal x

  9. Elyse, I love your girlie office. What a sweet and cozy place to get creative.
    I love your cute wire shelf, and that little table with the blue stripes....eeeeek! that is gorgeous!
    I could easily get lost in your beautiful room, and not be seen for days! hehehe!
    Hugs, Debi

  10. Oh Elyse, everything looks yummy! LOL Especially that little girly space/corner of yours. I am enjoying looking at the little and big things :-) So pretty pretty.

    Now, now if ever I am to create something outdoors, I would so love for those cute little birds to come visit me too. What an inspiring day it would be.

    Have a safe trip!


  11. OK... You are off to the Cape. I am so jealous, but so happy for you!! You enjoy yourself!! I can't wait to see pics.

  12. You're in Cape Cod??? WOW! How fun is that!?!

    I love your creative spaces! That room is so full of light and fun!

  13. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! This is what I have to do to! No fabulous crafting room for sireeeee! I can never show my "creative spaces" though...I'd get kicked out of blog land! ;)
    HAVE FUN AT THE CAPE!!!! How fun will that be! I'm going to have that song in my head all day long..."you're gonna fall in love with 'ol Cape Cod..."! ;)

    m ^..^

  14. Hi Cutie! Love seeing piccies of ya! Your office is so pretty Elyse! Your so lucky to have a space of your own! With five boys, we are lucky to have a place to sleep, lol! Love how you have your supplies organized! Wonderful post, love it!

    I hope you are having a fabulous time with your sisters!

    Love ya,

  15. Hi Elyse :)

    I love your space! No wonder you're so creative!! Perfect room for making beautiful things :)


  16. Elyse, I love your creative spaces! Your girlie office is beautiful and so inviting. Like you, I create at various sites in the house, simply because there is no room here for a studio. I am also taking part in this fun event. You are terrific!


  17. Elyse,
    Your creative space is as lovely as your creations. I love to create everywhere too, and I love that Cinderella dress on your shelf, and your sweet bluebirds helping you create. You are always showing us beautiful things, and now I know where your inspiration is born.

    Happy Cape Cod, don't forget to look up when you visit Homespun Garden!!!


  18. Hi Elyse, This is my first "visit" to your blog . . . love it!!!!
    Enjoy Cape Cod. :)
    Barb in Texas

  19. I love your crafty space. Thanks for sharing everything.


  20. Your "studio" looks a lot like my "studio." Anywhere I can find a space to work...with one is MUCH tidier!

    Erin :)

  21. Your cans are beautiful! I was anxious for Friday's party so it was nice to find your's early! Thanks for showing us your creative space. It looks pretty and wonderfully organized! Twyla

  22. I love your office!! You must have the most fun in there!! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Lisa

  23. Have a wonderful trip to the Cape... thank you sooo much for showing off that space of yours! What a beautiful place to retreat~~ and inspire! Love it!
    Christina :)

  24. Aloha Elyse..
    I am so glad I found your blog while visiting a friend, You have such a beautiful blog and really great ideas. I truly needed some motivation, and when I came here my creative spirit started to flow. I like the ideas about the ribbons and extentsion rods. My ribbons have been all over the place in different areas of the house and what a great way to keep them all together. I will surely be back to visit and I have also taken one of your buttons so you will be just a click away (smile). I love the house button I hope it's okay!!

    Blessings Lorie

  25. Elyse.. now that is very comfy room to create! I really love the ambience of the rooms.. just lovely.. so many great ideas here.. I love it! so girly!

  26. Love all the colors (and cans!) in your creative spaces! ♥

    Have a wonderful time with your sister, Elyse!

  27. I love that pic of you outside and the birdies. You look so cute. The inside photos are lovely too. A real feast for the eyes. What a treat. Thanks for sharing, tinkering goddess.

  28. I LOVE your little Cinderella looking dress card holder thingy-where did you get it. Little Miss G4 should have one in her room.

    Come by for my GIVE-A-WAY this week by 10 pm Fri.
    and then check out our newest addition.


  29. Hey, I just love your space! So warm and inviting, Elyse. You know what? The other night I went through my magazines in the bedroom bookshelves, and I found Summer 2008 of Creative Homes with you in it! I thought I had that one. Have fun, girlfriend!

  30. Can't wait to see it your fab ideas. I have a splitery table just like YOURS! Mind is ready for the TRASH!

    Care if I follow along?


  31. I sooooo need a craft room and I have always thought yours was so pretty(;I love that wire shelf too.

  32. A creative person's spaces are always so creative, and you are no exception. I really enjoyed seeing all of these wonderful spaces. laurie

  33. Sweet Elyse, I love all of your creative places! You are so neat and tidy! I make a mess of things! LOL as I look at my craft room! I am thrilled I have so many of your darling cans and clips! I smile each time I use one, two, three, well lots of them each day! I love the new batch you just sent! Oh the pink roses are to die for, well so are the blue rose ones and......! Thank you for the sweet postcard. LOVE it! You know me. I just finished your Birthday banner! Have it all packaged up and ready to go. I will have it in the mail this weekend. Have a wonderful time with your sweet sisters! I love sister time.


  34. It's lovely, I just love all your pastel colors!! Everything goes together so nicely and the cans are really pretty!

  35. Love your creative spaces! My favorite part is that you use every bit of living space available. Now that's creative, Elyse!

  36. You've already got 36 comments and I just got here a day early! Wow, you are amazing. Your creative area is so pretty and calming. I hope to accomplish that one day!
    You are amazing!

  37. I love your creative space! So creative! The tension rods for the ribbon..way to go on that one!

  38. So sweet and cute. I love all your painted furniture! outstanding.

  39. What a pretty crafting space, beautiful, and as for the dining room table, you're a little like me, alot of creating takes place on my table too! Thanks for sharing. Mandy x

  40. Hey chickadee! I love your space so shabby! Big hugs


  41. I especially love your idea of tension rods for ribbon spools! Thanks for sharing your photos. They're full of inspiration. Hope you'll have a chance to visit all the other blogs while you're in Cape Cod.

  42. Elyse, I am so glad you participated in the party! I did too and it was the kick I needed to set up my space in our new house.

    I love all your stuff but the wire shelf is AMAZING. What a fun way to display all your gifties.

    Have a great time on the cape I never got to go last year when I was on the east coast but I hear it is wonderful. I love my sis we should plan a trip there........

    See ya when you get back,

  43. Love your sweet studio space...the wire shelf is BLISS! I have become a follower. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Such a great creative space! I love the little white decopaged chair & ribbon rod ♥

  45. Making us of everything. I love it.
    Thanks for letting me look. It's a fun party.

  46. Hi Elyse!
    Well, you already know I love your space, because I've already told you that!
    I'll be your next door neighbor any time!
    So again, I just adore your and look forward to each and every post you share!
    Some Days Are Diamonds

  47. I love your cottage chic style! The chicken wire shelf is right up my alley. You have a beautiful space, thank you for sharing and have a sweet weekend!

  48. Truly lovely creative space and gorgeous blog! Thanks for so much for sharing...please come visit me when you return from your vacation!

  49. What a sweet space. It is really cute.. Love the wire shelf.. Thank you for sharing your lovely space.. Keep Creating!

  50. Love your creative spaces! I adore your bluebirds on your shoulder.......oh wait, isn't that song? zipadeedodah!

  51. It's all enchanting and delightful ~ the rose on the back of that chippy chair especially warms my heart! Love it!!
    I didn't get my studio photographed for today's event, but I will be hosting a Christmas in July giveaway on my blog tomorrow (Sat), if you'd like to stop by!

  52. Your space is absolutely divine my dear!!! All sorts of clever little storage solutions. I love the wire storage unit. Thanks so much for playing with us today. I'm having soooo much fun! Hope you are too!

    My Desert Cottage

  53. I thought I was here and left a comment, but apparantly I waited for the party, you have a great creative spaces Elyse and clever ideas, thanks for inspiration!

  54. ok, that shelf with the chicken wire is fabulous. So nice to meet you here. Very nice post...have fun today!

  55. What a pretty space to create in!!

  56. Oh, that is the best way to store ribbons that I have seen yet! Thanks for the tip. I love your studio.


  57. Elyse - I just have to tell you thank you so much for the stuff I bought at your Etsy shop!! Your delivery was SO fast and the stuff is just beyond adorable - no regrets at all. This WON'T be my last purchase, that's for sure!!! The things were even cuter than the pictures. I've already put this down as a place to "shop" for Christmas. Thanks, girl ~

  58. So cozy and creative and I Love all cinderellas helping you along!!
    Lynn -trashtotreasuresrt

  59. I love your space and I love the beautiful soft colors. So peaceful. Love your little birdy friends too.

    Cathy ♥

  60. What a lovely space, Elyse! Love that chicken wire shelf! ~Lori

  61. I adore the photo of your dining room table. It is soft, and lovely, and all things pretty! What a beautifully creative space you live in! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance at this lovely event; please do stop by for a visit soon!

    Enjoy the party!

    Warm Wishes,


  62. I love your tension rod idea...I am hitting my head WHY didn't think of that:) Thanks for sharing...
    Dancingly, Denise
    A Day In My Life at:

  63. Beautiful, light and friendly! I love it!

  64. great space... your colors are so beautiful and i like everyone... want the shelf! thanks for letting me wander in!

  65. Hi Elyse, your post did not dissapoint! I love everything about your crafting spaces. have a great time with your sis!
    hugs, Missy

  66. I love your organization so pretty..I need help!

  67. Elyse, You have so many beautiful things..I loooooove that wire shelf you have your crafting treasures on.. I also love your little bird friends...I wish I had some(hehe)...

  68. Hi Nice to meet you!
    your ART clip are so cute!
    you have just beautiful blog! and your art is so romantic and nice!



  69. I'm here to say hello and visit your space! Absolutely fantastic place and supplies! Soooo romantic too!!! :O)

  70. Hi Elyse. I hope you're having a great weekend.

    I wanted to let you know that I posted my clip art that you gave me for Pink Saturday today.

  71. Tinkered treasures, outdoor workshop, and lots of cans, sounds enchanting. I love painting outdoors. Love that you craft in your living spaces. Thank you for sharing how your ribbons are on tension rods. I've been looking and looking for a way to store mine. I'll have to borrow your idea.
    Thank you so much for sharing your refreshing crafting space with us. Hope you trip is wonderful.

  72. Thank you so much for having me over and sharing your studio. Very pretty.

  73. Hello Elyse,

    How pretty your space is!! I love that old chair with the rose on it. :0) I think most of us have that "drag this and that home" proves we really are all kindred spirits! :0)

    Please drop by to see my "studio in progress"..I've just recently moved into our home and have been remodeling going on three months! But it's getting done slowly but surely.

    See ya,

  74. I love your space..thanks for letting me much creativity in your room...

    visit me at:

  75. Wow - I'm so glad that I checked in. I love this post! I love that blue/green coffee table in your girlie office. Very cool to have a tour. Of course I also loved the Snow White birdies helping you outside too! :) Very cute!

  76. OK - I'm out to buy tension rods! Why didn't I think of that! I was going to have hubs put dowles in the shelves - and then how do I get the empty spools off... oh - too much thinking... your idea is much better! I've always loved your blog - it's so sweet - and so are you! Hugs, Patti

  77. I just love your office. I could sit in it for hours. I hope you are having a great summer. Can't wait to hear about Cape Cod.

  78. Your creating spaces are so pretty. I love your color palette. It is really neat to see where your pretty stuff is born or reborn!!
    Thank you for sharing!!
    PS. Have fun at your retreat.

  79. Love the chicken wire and the yummy colors. Such a wonderful, inspiring spot to create at!

  80. I just ADORE your white wire rack! So beautiful!

  81. Hi Elyse - Just wanted to pop by and tell you I'm having my first blog giveaway! Well, I'm not giving away a blog, but I'm HAVING a giveaway at my blog. Hope you can pop by and have a great rest of the weekend ~

  82. What a wondeful idea....and how fun to see where you do all your beautiful creating! I miss those days when my yard in California and my garage were where all my inspiration took place!!! It was a special time in my life....keep creating!!

  83. What a beautiful workspace - I love the calming colors and comfortable working areas you have created. Thanks for sharing!

    :-) Molly

  84. Hi Elyse,
    I love seeing where you create your beautiful treasures! And the tension rod idea for the shelf is a great one! I may have to borrow it ; ) I hope you had or are having a wonderful vacation.

  85. What a darling studio!! That chicken wire shelf is fabulous!! Thank you so much for sharing!

  86. What a lovely creative space, the colours are so lovely and soothing, I love the wire shelves that you have.
    Cheers Linda

  87. you are so cool and so inspiring - thanks for sharing a few more glimpses of your creative goodness!

  88. Hello Elyse,

    Your space looks so inviting and comfortable. . .I am still working my way through the various blogs on Karen's list as well! It sounds like you have so much fun creating! Do you live in MA? (I live in MA, and since you have a post about the Cape and Brimfield. . .) Thank you for opening your creative space for us to tour. Have a great day!

  89. Thanks for a fun tour! I love that wire/metal storage shelf! Gonna hop back and visit with you again!
    bunny hugs,

  90. Your shelf with your favorite crafty treasures made me smile Elyse. What a beautiful reminder of the wonderful, creative, supportive, friendly world of blogging!

  91. That space is gorgeous!! Love it!!

  92. Hi Elyse,
    Every place you create is great, whether it be outside or in. I'm dying over that cool shelf.


i treasure your comments and thank you so much!
