
Monday, July 20, 2009

brimming with brimfield pics

Hello, again! Last night's post was about what I bought at Brimfield; today's post is about some of what Shellie and I saw. Huge thanks to Shellie for bringing the camera along!

Hold on to your vintage hats ...

This amazing display is from Nifty Thrifty Dry Goods. Owner Susan Gower has an online shop and brings her unique notions, buttons, trims and more to shows across the U.S.

This lady knows how to display!

Susan's displays make me want to remove all of my ribbon from their dull cardboard spools and re-wrap and (hat) pin them to antique wooden ones. Okay, so that might not happen but a girl can consider it ...

Susan even had a bunch of silver thimbles in a jar and it looked fabulous!

Here is Architiques & New York Salvage (aka Fragment Freaks) aka Purveyors of GASP!

They even had yardlong prints in white chippy frames.
Sigh ~ Swoon ~ Gasp
I passed on the chippy yardlong* this time because I am going away in a few days to Cape Cod with my sisters and didn't want to overspend, but one is on my wish list for sure.

When did I start loving wire and rust?

Hope you enjoyed some of my Brimfield faves!



When I typed "chippy yardlong" I chuckled thinking that it sounded like the makings of a new shabby storybook character. Maybe I got too much sun today? :)


  1. Oh I love this post Elyse!!!!! What a beautiful place full of beautiful things! I love the ceiling tile frames soo much! The trims are gorgeous! I cant wait to go on vacation!! I hope I find some pretty things :)

    Ahhhh Pippy Longstocking, lol! I had to be her for my first time trick or treating. I wanted to be Minnie Mouse. But, as a redhead, mom thought i would be so cute as Pippy. I was sooooo mad, lol!! Love the movie thought and so do my boys :)


  2. I laughed out loud at wire and rust. What is it with us bloggers?? And yes. P{ippi Longstocking. Great memories.

    Cal x

  3. Due to time difference this is your second post today for me! Good!!!! I love it when I ask: 'please show us more' that you do that within 24 hrs! Hehehe, my wish seems to be your command, that's what visitors of your blog like! :-D And I like the photos! Those trims sorted out in color, so inspiring!! Yes everybody can see now that one never never has enough trims and ribbons hehehe (I think that I'll show this post to hubby, though he might not think the same about the trims as me, can you imagine?). Love the frames too, it feels a bit like I was in Brimfield, thanks for taking me with you, have a nice day!

  4. Hi Elyse,

    Beautiful, beautiful pictures! Brimfield was so much fun - I can't wait to go again! Did you find lots of good stuff? By the end of the day, we barely had any room left in the car for the kids!


  5. Elyse, your Chippey yardlong and my Ilene would make for a great story! I think I started liking wire and rust the moment I saw it in a magazine. That's me, loving everything I see! I'm in PINK ribbon heaven now that I saw this post. Wish you could have shared our 106 degree weather at the French Flea!

  6. you said you went shopping, you didn't say you went to heaven...oh my goodness, that is one of the best flea market i have ever seen, and i would of just drooled all over the ribbons.

  7. Ah, Chippy Yardlong, previously unknown twin sister to Pippi Longstocking. Chippy and Pippi were separated at birth, but have since become fast friends.

    Oh, I covet all those wonderful things, even though I know its not polite to say such things. Thanks so much for the wonderful photos.


  8. Elyse...i am totally swooning...*catch me please*...over Susan's display!!! i don't think it could be any more stunning or eye catching...WOW!!!

  9. You know what all that ribbon on the shelves reminds me of? Those old shows about the frontier days when the family went to "town" on Saturdays and bought their fabric for dresses. The children got candy. The men...where did the men go? Perhaps the saloon.

  10. Very impressive displays on those first pics.

    What a fun place to visit.
    Barbara Jean

  11. Oh, that notions place is too dangerous! I know you had the best time!

  12. Oh yes! I remember that Nifty Thrifty drygoods booth from last May. Didn't run across it this time..sadly! I remember just was so beautifully put together! Great pics!

  13. I love all the pink froufrou but I'd take those frames over anything there, sugar!

  14. Oh, I wish I could find a flea market like that here. Of course, I'd probably trade my hubby away in a place like that! hehehe!

  15. Elyse, what a wonderful Flea Market that was. And you did bring home some beautiful treasures! OMG
    I sure wish I had been there!
    Hugs, Diane

  16. Elyse
    What a scrumptious place to shop!!! Lori

  17. I love your photos - wish I had been there! I remember being called Pippi as a child, last time I ever wore 2 braids!

  18. Each pic is prettier than the next! I want me some of those locker baskets!!!!!!!!!

  19. Is that what heaven will look like????

    m ^..^

  20. Oh Elyse, I forgot last weekend was Brimfield's. I went last year and was overwhelmed with the selection. Your frame person is wonderful, I love how your shabby shed looks in that frame. Oh and those ribbons and notions, I didn't see her when I went, but I surely would have fallen in love. Ribbons are one of my favorite addictions. Pippy Longstocking is so cute! I must follow the link to that framer, thanks.

    Have a lovely day,


  21. Oh elyse! That must have been the most amazing place! How did you only come home with the few items you did! I would have had to "take a fit" and stayed until I got it all!!
    What fun!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  22. ohh wow I am glad I came on your blog! What a great post for my first read! awesome colors and pics! I have been searching and searching for old ceiling tins but never have any luck what so ever looks like you did though! Big hugs


  23. Oh! I can scarcely take all that eye candy.

    So glad you had such fun. Wish I could have been there with you.

  24. Just look at all that trim and sweetness! Like frosting on a cake!


  25. Oh this is shopping bliss. Love it, love it. If that doesn't get the creative juices flowing nothing does. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Wow, Susan does know how to show it! i'm sure it's so much work to put it all up and take it all down! hope she made some good sales! ♥

  27. Fun, Fun, and more Fun! you lucky girl!

  28. Oooh.. I didn't see this post until now. That is some yummy goodness. Sigh.. wish I could have gone! :)

  29. oh my gosh, sometimes I think I could be sick (in a good excited way) when I come across an amazing selection of ribbons like that!


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