
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

GASP: vintage lizzie

Happy Pink Saturday!
This post has so many lovely pinks in it, that I decided to leave it as my
Pink Saturday post this week.
Happiest Pink Saturday to all!
Be sure to stop by Beverly's blog for more pink pics!


• • •

Greetings! My sisters and I had a great time on Cape Cod. We kicked off our little getaway by attending a literary luncheon followed by lots of shopping and lots of clam chowder! But my favorite part of our trip was going to the shop Vintage Lizzie and meeting my blogging friend, Lizzie!

I had been to Vintage Lizzie once last summer before I started blogging. Fabric goddess and adorable sweetie Lizzie has a beautiful blog that I follow and so this time visiting her shop and re-meeting her was a must! I packed a couple of personalized cottage clips in my bag to give to Lizzie and was floored when she handed me a large, heavy shopping tote!

Now this is wonderful packaging! A white tote with a b e a u t i f u l label affixed, tied with a long piece of floral fabric. GASP!

Inside the large bag was this lovely box–a gift on its own! "Open it later," said Lizzie and so I waited until that night when my sisters and I returned to our room, to slowly savor the fun of opening a beautiful package.

GASP! SWOON! GULP! and repeat!

Completely dreamy! Sweetly wrapped fabrics with floral prints, vintage seam binding, millinery flowers, a pin cushion with heart-shaped pins ...

cards by Jo-Ann Coletti, a bisque mermaid (SWOON), a strawberry sachet, and more!


Here are some photos I took around Lizzie's shop ...

Lizzie's online shop(s) feature beautiful things like these ruffled napkins. Ooh la la!

I hope you will visit Lizzie's blog and online shops and if you're ever taking a trip to Cape Cod, her shop will make your visit cottage-complete. Thank you SO VERY MUCH Lizzie! You are as inspiring and sweet as you are generous.

{Believe it or not, I had a box waiting for me when I got home from a "chintzy" pal of mine from the O.C. Stay tuned!}

Thank you so much for all of the Where Bloggers Create comments. I am still catching up and hope to visit everyone soon!

I love blogging!



  1. Christmas is ruined...what more could you ever want than was in that fabulous box!!!!! It's like a wonderland!!!! Pardon me whilst I wipe the drool from my chin!!! WOW!!

    m ^..^

  2. What a wonderful gift!!

    Love it all and I'm sure you do too.

    Barbara Jean

  3. What lovely treasures! I know you were thrilled! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  4. Wow, what a wonderful surprise. Lizzie's place is like a dream !
    I love all her pink and it looks like you have a fun time !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  5. Oh what a wonderful box of goodies. The shop is like a dream! I would love the fabric so much i would have to pry myself away! Lori

  6. glad you had a great time. what a sweeeeet gift!

  7. Wow what fab things - you lucky girl. And such a beautfiul shop too.
    Cal x

  8. Did ya buy me some fabric??!!

    How gorgeous! Hope you and the girls had as good a time as it looks and you are nice and relaxed. I kept the hubby busy with a few LOTR related emails while you were away. hehe

    Glad you're back. Let's catch up soon and you can tell me all about it.



  9. Oh my, the box alone is a wonderful gift, such gorgeous things, I wouldn't want to use them.
    The mermaid is just beautiful!
    I'm off to check out her blog now.
    Have a great week
    Beki xxx

  10. What a fabulous collage of cottage items! Gorgeous! Love them all! Thanks for sharing.

  11. What an amazing gift - may I say I am jealous? In the best possible way, of course! I bet you've looked at everything over and over again. You deserve that treasure trove, Elyse!

  12. ooooooh, what a wonderful shop. It looks gorgeous, and what a beautiful surprise, with that box filled with goodies to inspire. Thank you for the link. Now I'll have a new place to visit on the Cape. Looks like you had a glorious time.

  13. Lizzie's shop is beautiful! What a fabulous gift she gave you! It sounds like a lovely trip. The Literary Luncheon sounds cool, too! :)

  14. What a lovely looking shop! How sweet of Lizzie to gift you all of those wonderful items.

  15. I think I want to live in that shop!! What a nice gift she gave you and your right that is the prettiest packaging, I love it!!

  16. ok, I'm sneaking in and moving into that shop! you're a lucky girl!

  17. LOVE those napkins - adorable - what a lovely generous little parcel of goodies

  18. Lizzy has the prettiest things doesn't she..That box is a girls dream come true...You lucky girl!
    Love to you

  19. This all looks wonderful! I love such a box! I can perfectly imagine how you felt unpacking it, this is sooo sweet! Now I am going to visit Lizzie's shop too! (virtually :-(

  20. OH MY!!!!!! i am swooning and gasping all over the place...i refuse to gulp though...LOL...that shop looks absolutely amazing!!!!! i would love to visit there, for sure...the package she gave you is utterly delightful...the wrapping is so just knew there was something amazing inside...and there was...WOW!!! she really spoiled you ELyse...that mermaid doll is so adorable...and all of your other goodies are really special too!!!

  21. Hoooray~what a lovely box of delightful treats! glad you are home safely from your girl getaway. Blogland missed you 8-)
    The fabric in Lizzie's shop is to die for and oh those bags!


  22. Hi Elyse!

    Oh my word!! what a beautiful gift package! Everything is just sooooo beautiful! I wish her store was closer, but I'm totally going to check out her online one! Thanks!!

    Hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer sweetie, it's been the craziest busiest summer here, but I'm stealing an hour to blog surf today! I love coming here to yours!! Hope all is well!

    Hugs, Cyn xoxo

  23. Wow - what a pretty pink, white and green haul! You made out! :)
    I love the pics of her shop. I am so jealous of all the fun places you get to go shopping! Waaa.... waaaa! (that's me, crying a like a baby...) Ha.

  24. You can just pack that up and send it to me. It would fit perfectly in Migg G4s shabby chic bedroom.

    I am starting a NEW Mr. Linky party. It will begin on Aug 10th so everyone will have a week and a half to think about their first post. I have a poll up for votes on which button should be the new button. The "party" is called The Knock Off Knock Out-where THRIFTY meets creative sensation. Go over and learn more about the new weekly event and I would appreciate if you would cast your vote and HELP pick the new button design and its the last week for the July GIVE-A-Way, if you would like to be a part of that event..

  25. Oh my goodness! What a treasure trove of goodies she bestowed upon you. I know you will cherish each and every item.

  26. Oh, That box was full of dreamy stuff and that fabric!!! squeeelllll. I would have to check her blog out.
    Thank you for coming by. Yes you where right on with the clue gal....;) I think thats a fun idea, dont you think?

    Big Hugs!!

  27. What a lovely box of treasures! Her shop looks so wonderful. I WILL go over and visit. Thanks for telling me. laurie

  28. I love the mermaid! Not to mention all the vintage floral goodies in that box! What was on top of the box was fabulous too! I love the pin cushions sooooo much! I hope she sells some of this in her shop!

    Thanks for coming over to visit me yesterday. I love hearing from you. Are you going to post pictures of the cape? Did you have time to take any? When I was in Maine last year I did not go to the cape but loved the other beaches so much. I would love to relive that.

    I am leaving for vacation tomorrow so I won't be around for a week or so. See ya when I get back!


  29. Hey - just got your note. Thanks for understanding that Mommies need time too - and for not saying something instead about parenting that makes me feel guilty! :) I do believe that a happy Mom is a good Mom! :)

  30. Hi Elyse, I'm back again! This time to say thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog

    You had asked about how I first fell for tatting. I wrote about what I thought of a tatting as a very young child in this post and in this Mother's Day Post I wrote about how I learned!
    Thanks for asking! :)

  31. Gorgeous treasures Eylse! Lizzie's store is fabulous too!!

    A gift from the OC? I just love M :)


  32. I bet you couldn't wait to get that package opened! And the things inside are so beautiful! I'm going over to shop with Lizzie now and check your links. Blogging buddies are just THE best!

  33. Elyse,

    You go girl. Look at that box of awesome treasures. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift from Lizzie. I am definitely going to stop by her website, but I think I need to scoot down and visit her shop too! Thanks for sharing your pretties with us.

    xo Cath

  34. Oh WOW! What a great box!!! I'm booking a flight right now! Well at least she has a web site!
    Hugs, Lisa

  35. Oh what a wonderful gift you received. I love the wrapping very vintage. The shop looks wonderful, are you sure you do not want to go back and take us all along. OK.. the walk with you through the shop was good enough. Love all the treasures in the package. I just started a new blog so come visit when you can. I love your blog...Sharon K

  36. Cape Cod has always been on my list of places to visit. Now, more than ever do I want to go there! I ordered a set of ruffled napkins from Vintage Lizzie yesterday!

  37. Thank you for your sweet comment.. You are such a doll... So glad you had a wonderful time on Cape Cod. That store looks amazing!!! I would love to visit it someday. Maybe we can meet there. :)

  38. Oh my! what beautiful things she gave you! and you deserve it all :) glad you had a wonderful time with your sisters.

  39. Elyse!

    Wow!!! *Swoon*.... is right!! What a shop Lizzie has and such a beautiful care package! Thank you so much for popping by today!!!

    Christina XX

  40. Oooooooh!! What a beautiful place...wish that was close to home. And what a wonderful, sweet gift to receive from your friend. You'll have fun with those beauties!

  41. Everything looks so beautiful!!!

    Have a great weekend and stop by and say hi if you get a chance!

  42. I envy you, sugar! That would have been great to visit that place. AND the box of trinkets/goodies/special items???? Delightful! You are much loved.

    Yesssssss, I love doing laundry in that bright and roses room now......Hah


  43. How wonderful that you have gotten to meet Lizzie. I had lunch to meet 3 fellow bloggers for the first time yesterday myself. This getaway to Cape Cod sounds like so much fun--just rambling around and doing what you want to do! I always admire people who can make the outside of a gift as exciting as the inside--Lizzie fills the bill!

  44. Are you ever fortunate to be near her store. That woman is really something else. I can't say enough kind words to describe her sweet beautiful things she presents with her incredible style! I have found her thru Ebay some years ago. I'm very happy she has a blog too! What a lovely gift and the wrapping was so nicely done. I bet it had you anxious to see what was inside.. very nice things.... how exciting!

    Have a Wonderful Day-

  45. Wonderful gift. I love them all
    Happy PS and have a great weekend


  46. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Lovely packages!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  47. Hi Elyse,
    What wonderful pink goodies in that fabulous box! Would love to visit Lizzies! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Pink Saturday!


  48. What a wonderful gift. There was a treasure in every corner of this box. I so loved the little treasures. Everything was so exquisite. Just loved it. I would be opening and closing that box for some time to come. Happy Pink Saturday. Please pop over and say hi. I would so love to have you visit. Country Hugs, Sherry

  49. Lizzie's is just a dream come true!
    Your post was too perfect!
    Hope you have a perfect Pink Saturday & great week!
    xo Tami

  50. I have not been to her shop..was Loraine there of Ruffles n Roses? I get those two mixed up?
    I almost posted the photo of my vintage pink bike sign in this shop today ..How funny!Yummy goodies and photos.Loraine sent me a huge box of vintage pink pretties in early spring at the right time out here on the peninsula(cottage fever!).
    H.P.Saturday..I saw Halloween items in a shop today oh no!
    Denise xxoo Hull,Massachusetts

  51. what a beautiful package, just gorgeous, sounds like a wonderful trip, I am going to visit her website now, thanks

  52. Cold, dark, raining all week. Summer is not going to make it to northern Michigan this year. We haven't seen many days over 70! WOWZA! So, with that in mind, Pink Saturday is especially important for me. I sit back and cruise around the blogs filling myself to the brim with my favorite color.

    I'm swooning in all of that pink☺

    ♥Thanks so much for adding a bit of sunshine to my day♥

  53. Hi Elyse,
    Wow, what a beautiful shop, and a beautiful bag of sweet gifts for you! I would love to visist that shop. Happy Pink Saturday.

  54. Oh - you are one LOVED girlfriend, that is for SURE! Such pretty gifts. I love the little mermaid, too!

  55. Oh, you lucky gal! First, to be able to visit and THEN to get such a great pressie? Toooo wonderful.


  56. I can't believe it, I am also gulping right now. The beauty of it all, what a wonderful surprise and a special treat. I can see why Lizzie wanted you to open the box later. You needed to be able to savor every second of it. I am so happy you decided to use this for ps as it fits in just perfectly. What a wonderful trip and her shop is devine, just gorgeous. I am off to explore it some more, thankyou and Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  57. wowser! I just caught up reading your alst few blog posts, and it made my day! Too much lovliness to handle! I love your creative space, the box and Lizzie's shop are fabulous, and Brimfield?? oh goddness~!!
    looks like you have been having a ton of fun lately!
    xoxo, Tiffany

  58. Oh Elyse!...This is just the sweetest post!...Makes ME want to visit ME!!!...It was so totally cool to meet you!!...Or re-meet you!...I had so much fun!...Isn't blogging the coolest!!!...So many people that share our enthusiasum (sp??) and SO much talent!...which reminds me Gotta order some of those wonderful Clips of yours for the shop!...LOVE them!...and It's so cool they say Vintage Lizzie!...Big Hugs!!!...

  59. What a beautiful box of goodies..I'm loving it all...That shop looks amazing...Alot of eye candy in one place.. Love all the pretty fabric to...


i treasure your comments and thank you so much!
