One year ago I found myself swooning like crazy over blogging friend Cindy's post simply titled WHITE, in which she shared image after image of her dreamy home. It's fun to see the comment I left then that says:
Well, guess what? Cindy took my advice and by August, Fabulous Fifi was blogging about her July shoot schedule in California which included Cindy's home! Thrilled about this connection, I asked to be considered to write the article. Just before Christmas, I received the assignment!

Fifi's go-to photographer Mark Lohman took the prettiest images. The article titled warmed with white is part of the Romantic section of the magazine and is filled with Cindy's French/Nordic decor and tips. If you like chipped finishes, ruffles of linen and muslin, and touches of pink you will LOVE this feature. Working on the article even prompted me to buy another reclaimed window ($5!) to hang indoors.
I'm so honored to have contributed to this beautiful publication. It was two years ago that an issue of Cottage Style inspired me to re-do my bedroom. With so many places to find images and inspiration, to me still nothing compares to savoring a printed magazine!

On newsstands March 6th!
Congratulations, Elyse! I'll definitely be looking for this issue. It's amazing what can happen when we just take a chance ~ something I need to remember more often!
Love your post, Elyse! Thanks SO MUCH for prompting me to call Fifi. Without your confidence in my decor and your words of advice, I never would have made the leap of faith that our home could someday be featured in a magazine! I can't wait to get my issue and post on my blog!
P.S. What would we do without Power Rangers? And Legos?
xoxo Cindy
Congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Elyse! Cottage Style is one of the most fantastic magazines out there and I honestly think that I would go hungry before doing without it! I love it that much! It's always shock full of inspiration and it covers just about all the decorating styles out there. Thanks so much for the date of its coming out in March. I will certainly be picking it up. Looking forward to reading your article and seeing what Fifi and Mark have done. I am forever looking at my old issues!
Love that magazine!!!! Can't wait to get my hands on it, I know you did an awesome job! Have a blessed evening, HUGS!
hooray for you...looks like your dreams are all coming true, can't wait to see it, looks like my kind of room!
looks like a beautiful article, elyse. well done, you.
Good call Elyse! I went and looked and oooohhhh...So pretty!
One of my fave mags! I will surely enjoy looking through this one.
have a great weekend!
So beautiful, Elyse! I've been loving your contributions to the magazine, too--so YOU!
Wishing you a lovely night, my friend...
oooooh so excited for another "Cottage Style" mag...i will be on the lookout!
congrats on your article inside...i look forward to reading it, as I do, everything from you, my bobbsie~twinsie friend!
Congratulations Elyse!! Can't wait to read the article.
I just read this article today! Good job Elyse!!
I read your post. You share best information. Cottage Style is one of the most fantastic magazines. Its too good.
Congratulations to both you and Cindy, Elyse! :)
I picked this up today. I loved the article, but I'll have to look again. I didn't know it was by you. How fun! Congratulations!
I bought the issue on saturday...I love your friends home!! Great job on the article!!
Congratulations sweetie! Her home is beautiful and I am sure your article is the bomb! Running out to get my copy! xoxoxox
Hello Elyse! I've seen your work in Romantic Homes, and was so excited to see your article in the latest Cottage Style mag. Cindy's home is beautiful, and your words are complement it perfectly.
Thank you for all your inspiration and talent,
hi old friend! awesomeness from you once again!!! Hope all is happy and healthy! : ) -fonz
Congratulations...pure joy! xoxo
Congrats! I just found your blog and really like it, fresh looking...I am your latest follower too.
I'm so stinking excited for you Elyse. I'm dreaming the same dream although I'm going to wait until later in the Summer to start pursuing it whole halfheartedly. You are such an inspiration!
Beautiful, pictures & beautiful editorial!Cindy's home is amazing!
I just found my way to your wonderful blog after viewing the "White" post on Cindy's blog. I own a tiny 8'x 24' house and I decorate it mostly in white with splashes of pink. I have a new color scheme of Robins egg blue mixed in with a beach theme décor for the future. Just being on your blog for 5 minutes has inspired me to create some cute things for my tiny home. Thanks for inspiring me. Your blog is wonderful.
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