Saturday, August 6, 2011

beautiful painting giveaway!

To me, one of the coolest things about blogging is the access it offers to creative people all over the world!

How especially nice when you discover that some of that energy isn't across the sea or even across the country but just a few towns away. Through blogging I have connected with artist, mom, teacher and blogger Margaret Owen.

Margaret sells selected work at her online shop Permanent Magenta. She also teaches classes (that include snack time!) from her home studio and other places.

Grape Arbor = GASP!

Through online conversations, Margaret and I decided that I would host a giveaway and the prize would be a new still life painting of flowers. {Sigh ...} The other day Margaret called to let me know that the painting was ready and we met for the first time at a cafe. Very fun!

And here it is! A Margaret Owen original oil on canvas (8 x 10"). To enter the giveaway please leave a comment on this post.

For additional entries:
~ Please visit Margaret's Etsy shop and look around; then return and comment about what subject of Margaret's is your favorite (people, flowers, fruit, birds, landscapes, etc.).
~ Spread the news about this giveaway and leave separate entry comments of how you have shared (ex: Facebook, your own blog, email to friends, Twitter).
~ Add Permanent Magenta to your Favorites on Etsy
~ Visit Margaret's blog Daily Painting and say hello in a comment.
~ Subscribe to the Daily Painting blog feed.

Since summer is so busy, I will set the entry deadline for Saturday, August 20th at midnight EST. You do not need a blog to enter, simply leave your email address.

{Thanks for all the get well wishes! I'm feeling much better and ready for some fun in the sun!}



Annelies said...

Yes...the creativity and spirt of blogging is such a gift. Count me in...and please count me LUCKY!!!!

Annelies said...

May I pick two favorites. Anything that shares the oceans, and flowers, always FLOWERS!!!!

N. said...

Such lovely paintings!

Hearts Turned said...

Oh, Elyse...what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to your list of to visit Margaret & say hello!


M&M said...

Sooooooooo BeAuTiFuL!!! Will share on FB :)

N. said...

My favourite subject of hers are her beach/seascapes!

GerryART said...

I just now 'shared' your giveaway on FB

GerryART said...

I love Flowers, and Margaret's style is just charming as can be. Makes me feel happy and beckons me to look further into the canvas.

Such a generous giveaway, the both of you are such sweeties.


Cheryl S said...

So pretty, love your work! :)

The Dragonfly On Iron Gate said...

Oh add me to your list, fingers crossed, I did all the above.. favorite was the arbor ! Beautiful work ! Agree with you about getting to meet such talent !! Jules

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Thank you for this wonderful chance Elyse!! What an amazing artist.

Unknown said...

I do just love the girl under water with the bubbles! Just beautiful and detail exactly! Linda

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I just went to Margarets blog and said hello. I need to go back and spend more time there!!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

After visiting Margarets's Etsy shop it is hard to pick a favorite subject, but I am going to go with the fruit, because I fell in love with the lemon painting!

Unknown said...

I posted a comment on her blog

Unknown said...

I added her to my favorites on Etsy

Gill said...

This is gorgeous!
Count me in please!

Gill said...

I love Margaret's bird paintings!

Gill said...

I visited Margaret's blog and left a comment!

Gill said...

I don't have a blog or do FB so I emailed all my patchwork group!

Nicole said...

What a pretty painting! I am painting challenged so I admire other peoples talents.

Cheryl S said...

The Lemon painting is my fav in your Esty shop.... but it's tough to choose just one! Thanks for a chance to win!

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty said...

Absolutely gorgeous artwork!!! I'm off to look at Margaret's website now!

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty said...

Oooohhh! That ballet tutu painting is mine and Liberty's favourite!

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

This is sweet! Please count me in. What a talent. Thanks for this chance - to both you and Margaret.

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

I am drawn to her still lifes - whether fruit, veggie, or flower - they all sing to my soul. Thanks again!

Debby said...

Her work is amazing. I love the beach pictures and the birds. Wow, beautiful.

NanaDiana said...

Well, I have said I am not signing up for any more drawings and I lied. Sign me up- this is beautfiul.

KN712 said...

Very Beautiful! Flowers are my favorite : )

PamKittyMorning said...

Oh I love this little painting!

Nancy said...

I love the Hallway watercolor. So patchworky!

Nancy said...

such pretty colors!

sandy said...

I am drawn to her paintings of flowers and the landscapes. Amazed at her talent of using single simple strokes with brillant use of color that creates wonderful looking paintings.

wilhelmina said...

Ah what a cozy painting! I've just discovered your blog....a real treasure!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh my! Her paintings are absolutely delightful. So colorful and fun! How wonderful that you two got to meet.

I'm not entering, just stopping by to say hi! Be well! Best wishes, Tammy

Laura said...

Love this picture. Just popped over to Margaret's etsy store and I just love her paintings of the beach. Just make me want to be there right now... but it's raining :-( Lx

k said...

Of course I'll put in a comment. I read Daily Painting, well, daily.

Samantha from Colonial Curve Cottage said...

Beautiful picture and treasure! Happy to be a new follower of you both!

koralee said...

Pure joy my friend...I adore her pretty happy colours that she uses. Off to visit her RIGHT NOW!
Happy day to you. xoxox

Abramyan Avenue said...

Oh, I love, love, love her paintings! I love her flowers and her birds. Wow...she is super talented!!
Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!

Abramyan Avenue said...

I added Permanent Magenta to my Etsy favorites!

Abramyan Avenue said...

I just visited her blog and left a comment on #379...that piece first struck my eye when I visited her etsy store...just beautiful!
-april said...

I seldom enter the drawings on any blog because I know so many who enter everyone they can find. But I follow and enjoy your blog and today when I saw the painting my heart skipped a beat. It is gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity.

Abramyan Avenue said...

just tweeted the giveaway @aprilabramyan

Jeanne said...

Oh dear, Margaret's paintings are gorgeous! I love her floral paintings and the ones that feature children by the seashore. Thanks for offering us this opportunity to win one of this talented artist's painting!

Jeanne said...

Just added Margaret's blog to my Google Reader feed!

Jeanne said...

Just stopped by Margaret's blog to say hello!

Jeanne said...

Just added Margaret's Etsy shop to my favorites!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

What a sweet painting a lovely giveaway! She is talented! You get all better now!


elizabeth ann clawson said...

oooo the colors would be perfect in my house

JunqueMagnet said...

So lovely.Thanks for sharing.

Theresa said...

Well, I have been out of town and doing a little catching-up:) Gorgeous painting! I would be honored to own it! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Theresa said...

It is hard to pick favorites out of all of her gorgeous work! I love beach scenes, the sailboats were so pretty and anything KIDS:) HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I would love that painting. Very nice.


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

What an absolutely beautiful painting! I love it!! I hope I win, I have just the place for it. Headed over to her etsy shop now!


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Ok...visited the etsy shop and my favorite paintings are the birds, toys and the them all! they are so cheery!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Also, added her to my Etsy favorites!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Just left her a comment AND subscribed to her feed. She is so talented!

Diane Mars said...

I love the Hallway Water Color and she is no one of my favorites on Etsy... crossing fingers.. I would love to win one of her originals. Hugs, Diane

Jill said...

Wow... I really really love that painting. I'm going to head over to her etsy shop right now!

Captain & Mrs Duckman said...

the colours are so cheerful, thanks for sharing.

Captain & Mrs Duckman said...

Margarets birds are utterly delightful.

Kary said...

flowers ... love the flowers! Margret Owens shop has already been a FAV!!

Kary said...

yep - shared on facebook / left a comment @ daily painting ... sub'd to the feed & shop is a fav! P"ls pick me!! wheeeee!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

How fabulous! This is a beautiful painting! I would have to say my favorite subject are her flower pictures, but I did think those Fisher Price little people paintings were adorable! Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway! Have a nice day! Twyla

Judy said...

Very cute .. i love them all!!!!

Anonymous said...

this painting made me catch my breath! thank you for the chance to win! sharon t.

Suzie Button said...

What a lovely artist you have discovered! I'm tickled to have a chance to win! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

Suzie Button said...

Oh my! I LOVE her "Jump" portrait, I love how you can see, almost feel (!!), the water on the person in the painting! adore it! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

Suzie Button said...

I shared on my FB at
Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

Suzie Button said...

I made Permanent Magenta a favorite on my Etsy, I'm Cart789 there. Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

Suzie Button said...

I visited her lovely blog and left a comment! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

Suzie Button said...

I subscribed by email to her Daily Painting feed! Love it! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

Joy Burkhart said...

Beautifully painted! Love your blog! Thanks for this opportunity-hope I win!

Suz said...

That os a generous and beautiful giveaway, Elyse. I did one, two and three and love her underwater children's pictures. The roses are incredible and look so pretty against your blog background!

Anonymous said...

Oh I do love this painting. What a delightful discovery. My favorites are the flowers, particularly the rununculus (sp? I tried...). I also love the paintings of the kids at the beach...all of them. said...

Her birds!!! Oh the birds...(well the flowers and the underwater series...oh and the beachy and trail ones also...)

Wendi Unrein said...

I love your blog and her blog!!!! Lets see my fav is all I am afraid as I love love love color! I do fav the flowers a bit but love how she takes little objects like those little figurines and makes it adorable. thanks for doing this!

Wendi Unrein said...

Ok, I friended her on FB, I favorited her on Etsy, more a priviledge than a task. I shared her art on my FB page too.

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

oh elyse... i love her paintings... they are so innocent and pure.

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

i love everything in her etsy shop but if i had to choose a fav it would be the singing yellow bird. : ) it makes me happy!

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

i heart her on etsy!

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

i left margaret a sweet comment : )

Anonymous said...

Oh her painting style is stunning! I love it! and must check out her site!

what a beautiful giveaway!

Ciao Bella!

Creative Carmelina

Charming Gardens said...

Hi Elyse, The paintings are so pretty! Your blog is lovelier every time you post.

Liz said...

Margaret's work is beautiful! I am crossing my fingers.

Jan S said...

I love her use of color and simplicity!

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

Thank you for sharing and promoting the work of this very talented artist. Such beautiful work!

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

My favorite painting is titled jump. such a simple title, but perfectly captures the joy, color, and excitement of the moment. Way cool!

Blessings from Cindy said...

Please enter me for a chance to win a beautiful painting!

Blessings from Cindy said...

I would have to say my favorite is the courtyard garden watercolor, since I am partial to watercolor. But the birds are magnificent!

Blessings from Cindy said...

I visited Daily Painting Blog & left a comment! Thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway!

Ann O'Neill said...

Elyse, I am inspired both by your recent successes and Margaret's lovely painting. I'm finishing the research phase and my own food blog and ETSY store (jewelry) are coming soon! Good luck to everyone!

Beertje Zonn said...

What a beautiful giveaway!

Bear hugs from Beertje Zonn

birdie blue said...

love her painting style, so pretty. and, so sweet of you, miss elyse, to do a give-away...

i'd be delighted to win. (my favorite of her paintings, are the birds and flowers).

off to fulfill some of the other tasks...

birdie blue said...

left margaret a comment on her lovely blog.

love the name margaret, it's my real name.

birdie blue said...

hearted her on etsy.


Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

I love all the subject matters but especially bouquets of flowers. Her brush strokes add to the texture of the creation. Fabulous! Count me in your GIVEAWAY, please!! email address is

Sarah said...

How beautiful! I love the colors which she uses! thank you for hosting this wonderful giveaway.

Anonymous said...

How positively beautiful! I would love to win one of your gorgeous works to hang up in our cottage...please count me in!

Violet said...

Oh I would love to win a piece of her "ART" :) She has so many vibrant and colorful artwork; I think my favorite are the beach paintings and the marathoners portrait is great too. :)


Violet said...

I added her shop to my favorites on Etsy! :) Thanks for the giveway opportunity!


Violet said...

Oh gosh..looking at the rest of her is all so lovely; I think I love the flowers/plant life as well! :)


Mandy said...

I love the painting! I just found ur blog from an ad in Romantic Country magazine, and had to check it out. I am a dreamer and am always looking for new creative ideas. I hope to someday be able to make a living at it :) Hugs, Kaitkole

micki said...

What beautiful paintings!

anotherbethsmith said...


anotherbethsmith said...

went to her awesome :)etsy shop!!! can't pick a favorite- either flowers or beach- but the little people are so fun!

anotherbethsmith said...

also left a comment on her blog- wow- seriously wonderful stuff!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Elyse Sweetie...
Oh I simply adore this post. Flowers, yes the flowers make my heart SO happy. Now the ocean takes me to many places and her love of the ocean as well is lovely. What a beautiful artist indeed. I am so tickled to be added to your list of hopefuls sweet friend.

Thank you for the gorgeous share today.

This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Hi Elyse,
Oh beauty! An art giveaway - thank you for introducing us to Margaret's work. The colors and textures are bright and cheerful.
A happy August it will be!

Hedy King said...

She is a very talented artist and I would love to add her work to my collection. Thanks for your generous offer! Loving both sites.

Rustique Gal said...

Oh, her art is lovely. Please count me in! Going to explore her shop now.
Have a great week!

SLR said...

such beautiful work, i am in love!

SLR said...

my faves are...oh it's so hard to choose... flowers and people!

Linda said...

Gorgeous paintings ... oh how I wish I could paint!

Linda said...

I have to choose "Ranunculus" as my favorite on Etsy! What a beauty!
Blessings, L

kimberlyPayne said...

Hi elyse!! Nice to meet you. I have been a collector of Martha's work for sometime now...would LOVE another prize. I have gotten 5 of my friends involved with her shop and blog and have myself joined her facebook page/regularly buy her art and follow all her travels. Love her work..I am a huge fan and own several of the fruit paintings and I love the flowers too!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Elyse,

I just stopped by your friend's daily painting site. I love her paintings of the little girl. I was browsing and the one of the little girl swimming underwater is amazing.

Such a lovely painting, I love her style. Her children paintings are gorgeous too.


Louisette said...

Lovely painting ,greeting from belgium

Genevieve said...

A just LOVE her paintings! My favorites are the still life flowers. I also love the still life with fruit and the children by the sea.

I particularly love the orange dahlias on her Etsy store at the moment. Such beautiful colors. Thanks for opportunity to own one of her beautiful paintings.


Genevieve said...

I have just popped over to Margaret's blog and commented.

Genevieve said...

I have just subscribed to Margaret's blog.

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

That is so beautiful! Her work is memerizing, I could just stare at it for hours!

:) Michelle

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

My favorite subject was hard to choose, but if I had to I would choose FLOWERS!


Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

Added to favorites on FB.
:) Michelle

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

Went and visited Daily Painting and left a comment.

:) Michelle

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

Suscribed to Daily Paintings

:) Michelle

Mise said...

I shan't enter, as Margaret has just given me two of her beautiful paintings, but I just want to say how lovely, vibrant and pretty her works are in real life!

Unknown said...

I have always appreciated art work in which you can feel the touch of the artist. It's not the same with prints, I think. I really love the flower painting you are offering, and the grape arbor. Living in Northern California, we have many and I'd love have one myself someday! What a fun thought, shade you can eat!

Thanks for the fun drawing. I wish everyone luck (but, I hope I win!) hee hee

Unknown said...

What a feast for the eyes Permanent Magenta is! The painting that caught my eye was the courtyard because I wanted to step into it and be there! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful talent she has! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful talent she has! Thanks for sharing

bethnbijoux said...

What a wonderful give away! The painting is divine and the blog is a joy! Toasts to the both of you for doing this :)

permanent magenta said...

You guys are terrific. I am swooning. wallowing. clearly I am a very bright girl because this little "give away" is really great big TAKE AWAY for ME! Oh thank you for all the kind words and for all the friendly liking and favoriting. Now I'm gonna print up these comments in enormous type, put them on my bed and roll around on them naked saying "they love me! they love me!". (Okay, I stole that last part from Michael Chabon, at least i think, I definitely lifted it from an interview with an author commenting on fan mail. Its good no?)

krylon water based spray paint said...

Yes, I like paintings. In a above painting every thing looking nice. This is a one of best because i love different types of paintings. Red flower is looking lovely. Thanks for share your ideas with us.