
Sunday, July 19, 2009

bountiful brimfield

Source for pink polka-dotted ribbon and loose buttons: Nifty Thrifty Dry Goods

Today was my big day at the Brimfield antiques show. My sweet friend Shellie was the most fabulous tour guide a newbie could have! Everything from letting me pick the radio station for the hour drive (and driving) to knowing where certain vendors would be, Shellie made it the perfect day from start to finish.

The weather was warm and sunny and we wandered from vendor to vendor non-stop for about 4 hours. I bought this framed print (GASP-o-RAMA) from John at Architiques & New York Salvage.

Click to enlarge

When John gave me his business card I knew his wife's name in an instant. Ivy from Fragment Freaks where I just bought the frame (above) for my Karen Harvey Cox original watercolor! {details}

Source for cup: Scarlett Scales Antiques

Shellie brought her camera and we took lots of pics which I'm sure we'll both be sharing in upcoming posts. {The colors are way off in this photo: the small cup is actually a pale chalky gray--perfect for violets}

As you can see from my "loot" I bought many small things but there were lots of very cool substantial architectural pieces to be found. Ooh la la!

After leaving Brimfield happy but a little weary, Shellie took us to a nice cafè at Publick House in Sturbridge for coffee and cookies. Not only is this hotel listed in the National Register of Historic Places, it's historic to Shellie because it's where she got married!

Hope you had a lovely Sunday, too!



  1. just keep getting cuter and cuter Elyse...i see you found some great goodies on your trip...the print is very gasp~o~rama worthy, i totally agree with you on that...i love the button card too, i am always happen to find ones with cute or pretty graphics...the cup will look very sweet filled with violets...good shopping girl!!!

  2. I love to see what other people shop. And I can never get enough of buttons on cards or ribbons either, they look great! That sweet little grey zinc pot is a wax pot, used in France in orchards, as is told me. I have a lot of them and I use them to put little candles in, most of the time in the garden. Enjoy your purchases and of course I want to see more of your day in Brimfield. I love that watercolor that Karen made you even more now. That frame is just perfect for it! Have a great day!

  3. I always wanted to go there.I found some wood treasures on the beach!Wish we could get together before summer is gone!

  4. What a lovely time and the beautiful things you got.


  5. I love the print, Elyse - you are right...wowza! You must have had an amazing time, and I will try to let go of my jealousy over the whole thing! Sounds like the perfect day! Is there a website for the frame you bought, by the way?

  6. One day.....I will go to Brimfield. But a tour guided what a blessing.
    Love your finds.
    Did you think that prices were high there. I have always been told it is an expensive market. Is that true?
    A friend of mine drove up to set up and I sure hope she took pictures too.
    Have a great day playing with your new things.

  7. oh, i love all the treasures you found, sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friend!

  8. Hey Elyse! I love your post! I've actually eaten at the Publick House as well as attended a wedding there. It's neat to finally be able to have experienced something that another blogger has too. Usually we're so far away I can only imagine the places! I'm glad you had such a fun time and a fun tour guide as well! I am jealous!

  9. Hi Elyse,
    I have heard about this show but being from the west coast it would be a trek. Love your finds they are great. When my husbands grandmother moved into a smaller place she gave me a bag of old sewing notions because she knew I could sew. I treasure them and can't bring myself to ever use them. They are just too pretty sitting on the card. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Always nice too hear from someone new.

  10. WOW Elyse!!!! You lucky lucky girl!!! Fragment Freaks Rocks :) I LOVE both frames!!!!!! Your painting looks perfect in that and I love how chippy it is!!! The aqua frame is gorgeous!! I love everything you bought :) You are so cute, I wish we could hang out, we would have so much fun! I am so glad you went and had fun!!!!

    Love ya,

  11. Oh, you lucky girl!! I would LOVE to shop at Brimfield!!

  12. Oh what great loot! I love it all! You did have a great time!
    Hugs, Lisa

  13. Will look perfect in your cute house, that chippy frame! I would love to see nice big photos of the rooms of your house. I was looking at the photos of how you made your house "you" when you moved in. Hope to see more! I guess I'll go back and check to see if they'll enlarge. Didn't think of that...

  14. Lovely finds Elyse!! I know Ivy too. I purchased a framed rose print from her a few years ago on ebay. Then she purchased a duvet from me...and we ended up swapping one of her tin framed prints and moolah for another duvet I times! Still loving my items from her!!

  15. Great finds Elyse....I love those frames from fragment freaks...have tons of them. So happy for you that you got to go to Brimfield!

  16. Lucky you! I've always wanted to go to the Brimfield Antiques. Everything is beautiful -- love your photos!!!

  17. Elyse, I love the frame with the rose you found! So you sweetie! What fun!



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