
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

this and that (and another bonne maman jar)

I have a few little things that I am excited to share . . .
And yes, is making yet another appearance! I think I will add a Bonne Maman post label already!

LinkInspired by tag-making friends like Maryjane and Kathy, I made my first set.

And then another . . .

I like to work on a small scale so I bought the small sized tags (2-3/4 x 1 3/8")
Do you like glitter to give the look of sparkly diamonds?

Some are now available at my Etsy shop. Very fun.
Hanging up my GASP "Vintage Cottage" sign from Cindy at Cute Pink Stuff finally made it to the top of the "honeydew" list. (I need help with these types of tasks. I tend to rush, be way off, and end up with a wall that resembles a cork board)

This sign has the chippy quality that I adore and the lettering is just-right in every way.

I knew just the spot: over my memory board in the Girlie Office.

My dear and superfunny friend Shellie and I did a fun little trade of talents. I shabbified some drawer pulls for her and Shellie made this pillow for me! GASP! I can't get enough of this fabric!

Shellie and I hope to have a fun day together here this weekend!



  1. oh Elyse...i am kind jealous here...i have seen posts about brimfield and they have all been utterly amazing...i do hope you take lots of pics so i can at least pretend that i am there with you...LOVE your pillow from Shellie, that fabric really IS lovely...and you sign from Cindy is so the tags you have been cranking out...i like the little ones too...i am much better at small

  2. I think that everything that is in a Bonne Maman jar looks great! I love these too! And I use them in my little studio all the time. Your tags are beautiful and so is your cottage sign! And I won't forget the lovely pillow: it looks great too. Have fun at Brimfield, it seems a place that I would love to stroll!

  3. Those tags are adorably pretty! I just love swaps! That pillow is so very lovely! These photos are so nice and inspiring. :)

  4. You always have the perfect place and words! My Vintage Cottage sign never looked better! Thanks! Love your tags and sweet pillow!

  5. What lovely things. Have a good day at Brimfield.

  6. Love your tags...they're so sweet! That sign is wonderful, pretty lettering.
    Have fun at the antiques show this weekend...I'm jealous...wish I could go!

  7. Yay! You made some tags! Aren't they just so fun? I like the one with the button (?) in the middle best. ♥

  8. Hi Elyse,
    I love your tags! Of course, you did a beautiful job, as always. The sign is perfect for you and I can see why you bought it.

    Oh, Brimfield! I've always wanted to go - it is not all that far from me. Someday! Can't wait to hear about it.

  9. I have a love for the Bonne Maman jars as well. So happy to have found your lovely blog.

  10. Your tags turned out so cute!!!! And I love those jars! Next to the Spega jars, they are my favs! They have such a great shape!

    m ^..^

  11. Oh I love doing tags. You can just doll them up so cute, and then you don't even need a card! I don't have a website or an Etsy site, but somehow people see them and want to buy them. It's kinda cool actually! I used one on a bridal shower gift, the ladies went nuts and I ended up selling over a dozen sets. HA!
    Yours are to die for, as are your swaps!!
    Clue me in - (turning a little rosey blush here) what is a Bonne Maman jar? Sorry. I must be really out of it. ;}
    Thanks. Have a great day!

  12. I love your new tags and what a pretty pillow!! Have fun in Brimfield, wish I was going(;

  13. Hi Elyse!

    You are sooo lucky to be going to Brimfield with a friend!! I cant wait to see your finds!

    Those tags are so cute and I love that they are small! I have always loved little things :)

    LOVE that vintage cottage sign!! AND that pillow is gorgeous!!!!

    Have fun this weekend :)
    Love ya,

  14. Elyse - you are going to have so much fun this weekend!! You will have to tell us all about it (as if I need to say that!) I am hoping the Dr. will take me off my house arrest so I can get outside for a change!! This dumb rattlesnake bite is making me miss the best part of the year for me- summer!

    Your tags are precious! I bought some tags at the coolest old hardware store back in Jan. Don't ask me why they had these tags but I am glad they did as they are naturally aged even!! Haven't done anything with them yet- If I could remember where I put them (I can't get up the stairs either and it is impossible for DH to find things like that unless I know exactly where I put them!)


  15. The tags came out beautifully! The pillow is really pretty. I love Brimfield but won't be going this month. I will miss it!

  16. Your tags turned out beautifully! And I know you are enjoying that scrumptious pillow!:)

  17. Cute, cute, cute! I love your tags. Especially with the little cottage logo. All so pretty. But then everything you make or decorate is cute as a bugs ear! I love that sign too. Wonder if she'd make one for my garden room? Oh, and I love your pillow. Such sweet fabrics! Love the eye candy I ALWAYS find at your blog!

  18. Love it all! Your jar is great!!
    Your tags are so great!! I love them!
    Hugs, Lisa

  19. Hi Elyse! I just came back over to say thank you for entering my giveaway! Good luck to you!

  20. Love your sweet! That bolster pillow is so wonderful! I had so much fun reading through your posts and getting caught up....your home is so beachy..I just love it!

    Hugs ~ Angie

  21. Hi Elyse!

    I love your tags! Nice pillow, too! It's neat to see where your inspirations take you...always something new and fresh! Come over and see some blocks I made; I thought of you while I was doing my decoupage!

    C. C.

  22. What pretty little tags with the sparkle on them. I have always wanted to go to Brimfield! I am soooo jealous! Your pillow and sign are lovely. Have a blast at Brimfield. laurie

  23. Hi Elyse, such beautiful tags, what is a Bonne maman jar, would love to know.

  24. WooHoo!!! Party day is just a week away! I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone's creative spaces. I have a request... I thought it would be easier for everyone to leave comments if we all turned off comment moderation and word verification during the day (or maybe week) of the party. To do that, go to customize, settings, comments...then scroll down to turn off comment moderation and word verification.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous week. See you next Friday!!
    BTW...I love your tags. They are very cute!

    My Desert Cottage

  25. I like the bookmark idea. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Beeeeaaaautiful tags!!! And I love the sign!

  27. Such gorgeous tage and they are all so different and unique. I love the pillow, what a wonderful swap. I also wanted to let you know that the next "Cloche Party" is scheduled for the 11th of Sept. for the Fall season. Grab the button on my sidebar to remind you and to let your friends know. See you there. Hugs, Marty

  28. What a sweet and delightful blog!!! I so enjoyed getting to know you and seeing all your wonderful talents...We have a lot in common... I Love Mixed Media art and am a Jewelry Artisan...Keep up the good work, xoxo~Kathy~@ Sweet Up-North Stop for a visit when your out !!!

  29. Too cute. Love the tags. Have a wonderful weekend.

  30. You read my blog and so you know how addicted to tags that I am. Good for you for making them, see how easy and fun they will be addicted to them just like I am. I LOVE tags of all kinds. Even tho I love to make them, I love to buy them as well, Happy Pink Saturday Elyse, Char

  31. Elyse,
    I am glad you enjoyed the shell post. Shelldon? of course! Her home was amazing in person. You would have loved it.

    Your tags are darling and so sparkly. I have done tags and my sister has a business doing them. I am sure you will sell a boatload as they are cuties.

    Ok Brimfield? Are you kidding? There are many of us here in California that have never been and we are dying to go. Please share and I hope you take tons of pictures. I WILL get there before I die!

  32. I just bought some things from your Etsy shop - can't wait to get them!! Soooo adorable - and who doesn't need tags ALWAYS?? I got other things too, but I actually needed some cute tags so it worked out perfectly!

  33. Love all your fun things...tags, signs, jar...just perfect! Have a wonderful day!

  34. Very cute! I have some catchin' up to do on your blog!!! Like you, I have been redecorating. Where does the time go?



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