
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

aqua paint + anything = beachy charm

Thank you so much to everyone for your sought-after suggestions about what color to paint my armoire (see post).

In the lead is the idea from Heather to paint it white and place pretty blue bottles on top (GASP!), so I am thinking of doing coats of watered-down white and then beginning a hunt for blue mason jars. I'm also pondering painting the inside the dreamy blue color, just to get it out of my system. I don't see this project happening until fall but am looking forward to it.


The other day I found an almost-full quart of aqua paint in the basement. I can't recall what the original intent was but suddenly found myself gathering up everything I could to paint.

Remember this once-red then-lilac chair? It didn't stand a chance of not being painted. As you can see, I even painted an emptied spice jar, now a vase! Nothing was safe.

Then in stolen bits of time I added decals ...

and added a "test" jar to my online shop, Tinkered Treasures ...

and then decoupaged an old hanger.

Still have a few painted odds and ends left to play with, too. Hope you're also finding a little time to play this summer!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

when it's time to change you've got to rearrange

One of the many rewards of blogging is that you tend to chronicle enjoyable pursuits. As mentioned in previous posts, I have been moving the living room furniture around quite a bit but as my iPhoto library shows me, this has been going on for 12 months. Please join me as I review where the couch has been and what color the armoire may become!

Summer '09
The couch and love seat formed a V; the wooden screens are open; there are touches of orange in the room; not digging the placement of things over the screens (too linear?).

Late Winter 2010
New seating arrangement; orange replaced by a few pops of red; dark frames switched out for lighter ones; a canvas print now hangs over the screens.

Weeks later, prepping the room to take photos to send to Fifi. Balloon valances are added; lace panels come off the windows and onto the bookcase and screens; round mirror added to give the room a little shine and curve.

Furniture is completely rearranged in an attempt to make a more Wii-friendly layout for the boys. We all kind of like this arrangement but only kind of.

Weeks later
The furniture returns to a similar layout only this time the couch and love seat swap spots (because we all like the comfy love seat best). The wooden screens get folded.

Days later
I realize that the window backed with wallpaper, which is one of my favorite pieces, gets overlooked behind the couch ...

so it swaps places with the wooden screens ...

Much better.

And beachy elements get put on display.

I am very happy with the impact these small changes have added up to make.

I'm thinking of painting the armoir (scroll up to view) this fall when the weather is cooler, maybe a pale blue.

I am smitten and inspired by this photo of brilliant Maria's at Dreamy Whites. What do you think of Maria's blue for my armoire? Any other suggestions?

Thanks for hanging on through this long post!



Of course this post was titled after the Brady Bunch song ...

sha na na na na na na na na
sha na na na na!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

provence rose {and signature moves}

My order from Cath Kidston arrived yesterday!

The three sets of cutlery just too pretty to be hidden away in a drawer, were washed and immediately placed in different jars. {I like jars}

I ordered sets of forks, knives, and spoons but couldn't decide between all green or all blue so I opted for both: green forks and knives, and blue teaspoons.

Each set came packaged in cardboard tubes featuring the same Provence Rose pattern as the cutlery handles. The little oilcloth bag was a last-minute Gee, while I'm already paying $20 for shipping, why not add one more teensy item to my shopping cart ...
{A signature Elyse move -- evidence here}

Even though ordering from Cath Kidston can end up being pricey (I never get the pounds-to-dollars things quite right and then there's the aforementioned shipping), I am never remorseful about my purchases because I enjoy them so much. I've already rationalized that this is possibly my birthday present (even though it's months away).
{Again with the signature moves}

Shipping is prompt, communication is good, and the items are packaged in containers worthy of display.

At first I had my cereal bowls alongside but then thought maybe it looked too matchy-matchy.

I dug around for something white that wouldn't compete with the cutlery and pulled a few petal-shaped bowls from the back of a cupboard.

Click to enlarge

As mentioned in my previous post, I've been moving furniture around in my living room. One more idea to try and I'll be ready to take pics to post.

Only in blogland could I ramble endlessly about flatware. For this and so much more, I am very thankful.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

bookcase + lace

For those occasions when I don't feel like having the spines of Wii cases as my living room decor, I simply close the curtains.

All it took was 1 tension rod and 2 lace panels (which have been hemmed by Shellie since I took this photo) and voila! Rows of movies and games concealed.

Ever have one of those seasons where you keep rearranging the furniture? I have been playing with the living room a lot and just can't seem to get it right. I'll be sure to photograph and share soon!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

a few more treats

I found this sweet set of cupcake liners the other day at Michaels. I had to spread the word knowing that so many of us out there are gingham fans.

Speaking of cupcakes ...

One night while blog-hopping, I happened upon a cupcake topper giveaway at A Rose Without A Thorn. GASP! I ended up being one of the lucky winners of Maureen's generous carnival o' toppers.

Thank you again, Maureen!


Guess what? Yep. All of your sweet "go for it" cheers worked. The on-sale cutlery of crush-fame is on its way!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

cutlery crush

Kinda smitten with this.

And this.

And this, too.

All from Cath Kidston, of course.

{Don't know if even I could rationalize even considering making this purchase}

Are you smitten over any household objects these days?
Please share!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

sweet 'n cheap summer treats

When you have boys to keep busy, finding me-time can be catch-as-catch can, that's why little treats for oneself peppered throughout the summer are as important as ever (for me, anyway). Here are a few recent indulgences, each costing $10 or less (way less).

Beach Cottage sign from Cindy's shop, Cute Pink Stuff

Garden marker from Vintage Garden

Glitter nail polish from Target

Pretty baking cups from Bake It Pretty

{not just for baking ...}

Side-swap gift from Jeanne

Supermarket bunches of flowers

Pretty postage

Well, I hear some doors slamming. Time to get those boys busy again!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

paris swap - for moi

As mentioned in my previous post, I took part in a très magnifique Paris-inspired swap. My two swap partners created and filled the loveliest boxes. Our hostess Heather, really selected a harmonious trio in grouping the three of us!

My inspiration box from the dear and talented Jeanne of Dream, Create, Inspire was wrapped in paper and tied in dreamy tulle.

{All photos are click-to-enlarge}

I have already put the postcard on my memory board and was so happy that Jeanne included one of her beautiful paper roses.

This sugary confection of a box came from sweet Becca of the Pink Girlie Room blog. Swaps can be a really nice way to meet other bloggers.

Becca put together the prettiest assortment of treats in the best colors.

Warmest thank yous, swap partners, I am inspired! And thank you again to Heather.

For more boxes, visit Speckled Egg's Petite Inspiration Swap Box Flickr site. It's truly amazing to see how everyone interprets the same idea in such unique and personal ways.

Wishing everyone a safe, fun, healthy (and yummy) Fourth of July!
