
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

what i've been up to

This is what what you do when your two adorable sons share a room and one loves blue and the other green, and you want both brothers to adore their room. Well, it's what I am doing anyway.

I still have another day of painting ahead for a 2nd coat and touch-ups, followed by yet another day of white paint touch-ups. (Ugh) As you can see, I am also painting their furniture. Bye bye white bureaus with bright yellow knobs (sniff, sniff) from the nursery days of yellow gingham-and-ducks decor.

Primed and ready for coats of blue and green

I am a very messy painter -- one of the reasons I like shabby/romantic/cottage style so much, where to me -- there is no "perfect." Attempting straight lines and edges is blowing some of my circuits!

Stay tuned for the big reveal and please wish me luck because I need it! Please also forgive my lack of comments lately. I hope to visit soon!



  1. lol i love it! :) that is a perfect way to please them both :)
    cant wait to see the end result..
    i'll be repainting nursery furniture soon too ! :(

  2. What a great solution to the brother problem. My brothers used to use masking tape to mark "MY SIDE." You make me want to jump into a project, but I better do the dishes first...

  3. Love the shades of blue and green you've chosen. What a clever idea! Can't wait to see the big reveal!

  4. You are the best Mom and so are you:) Love it. Can't wait to see the reveal.

  5. So this is what you were doing when I called. Looks great. Have a fab evening. Hugs.

  6. Neat idea for two people sharing a room.
    Good luck.


  7. I know this is going to look just wonderful and the boys are going to love their new room after all they have creative Elyse as a mom!


  8. WOW! What a project! It is good to have things like this to do while it is cold and yucky outside! I cannot wait to see it all done!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. What a sweet mother you are to do your best to please them both! I can't wait to see how it all turns out! come say hi :D

  10. great to see you today.
    thanks for the perfect hug.
    i'm sorry i didn't get to say goodbye.
    i meant to tell you too I loved the candy cane pusher comment on my blog. you SO are.
    another item came in for you after you left!
    oh and i just love the blue and green, the shades, and your great idea. good luck. what a project. you're amazing. the boys will be so happy.

  11. I agree with the shabby chic thing.. what a great idea and I'll bet the boys are happy too. I'll be back to see how it turns out..

  12. Awesome idea! Love the colors, and I bet this will be one happy kingdom for boys!! Lori

  13. Elyse, great idea to please both boys!!! Hope you post the finished work.
    Maria Cecilia

  14. My boys share a room too. It needs a complete makeover. Painted it blue a couple of years ago. I'm a messy painter and don't believe that anything has to be perfect. Good luck getting done. I know it will be fabulous! :) Tammy

  15. WOW! You are one majorly ambitious woman! I look forward to the big reveal!

  16. Hello Darling!

    You have been busy! I am sure the boys will love it! Sweet sentiments of changing a room over. I remember very well. Hey, you are just like your fairyblogmother! I am a messy painter to!

    Have a wonderful week sweet Elyse!


  17. Well done! Our boys share a blue and yellow room, for similar reasons. I allowed them to choose the colours, although I had to really tone down their choices - the strength of the yellow chosen by Son 2 would have made it like sleeping under a sun lamp!

    Happy New Year.

  18. i can't wait to see the reveal Elyse!!!

  19. Looks like you and I have been spend a lot of time doing the same thing!! I just did my oldest sons room, now its on to my baby boys...okay, okay, he't not a baby anymore (turning 7 in a couple of weeks) but when its your last baby you tend to hang on longer and tighter don't ya think?
    Love how you are doing the room. SO creative Mom of you! The boys are going to love it I am sure!
    Will be watching for the final reveal! Have fun!!!

  20. how fun! love the blue green room...can't wait to see it done!
    lot's of luck:)

  21. Go for it, Elyse! I am also a messy painter - I start off very precise and then get sick of it all rather quickly and just start slapping it on.

    Seems like a perfect solution to me - I can't wait to see the finished project!


  22. Very good luck to you, what a trooper you are I do hope the boys appreciate your efforts, can't wait to see the finished project x

  23. Well aren't you little miss HGTV! Can't wait to see!

    m ^..^

  24. Hey that is so great to paint the room that way! Very fun and different. The boys will love that I am sure. I remember when my boy was little ( he is now 22 and 6'4") I painted his room blue on top then did a gritty sand paint on the bottom and did a beach/fishing theme. It was so cute but I do not have any pictures!
    I am with you on the painting thing I always start out thinking I am going to be neat and before you know it I am covered and there are splatters here and there that I don't even know where they came from. Ha!
    Good to hear from you, can not wait to see the finished product.

  25. Your boys are gonna love it! What a clever and talented Mom they have. :)

  26. You can do it Elyse! That is why I love shabby chic too. Nothing is perfect in a shabby world and I like it that way. Good luck and have a great day. :)

  27. A perfect solution!!! Two happy kids.

  28. oh my goodness, I have been having to paint again lately. Honestly, I wish I never had to pick up another paint brush in my life. But, it looks so wonderful when it is done! Yours included!
    xoxo, Tiffany

  29. GOOD GOOD luck!!!!! It will be perfect, I've no doubt. What a fun mom you are!!! At least they're not getting cottage vintage rose cutsie, right!??? Can't wait to see what it looks like! ♥

  30. what a GREAT idea!!! best of both worlds!! no more fighting about who gets to pick the room colour!! cannot wait to see the finished product!!
    Im going to start painting our interior house walls soon!! all white!! Hmmm what a JOB!!

  31. That is great! You're a good Mom, making both of them happy! I've been doing a re-do of my bedroom, and it just is going on and on, it's a lot more work and cost than you initially perceive it to be, isn't it? Good luck! Suzie

  32. That is very sweet. Isn't it funny the things we will do for our kids. Hang in there, you can do it. It'll all be worth it when it's done.
    I've been dealing with the flu here. Ugh.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Cari B

  33. I've just found your blog and I LOVE IT!
    I'm gradually working my way through your posts.


  34. An AH-HA perfect solution! :) Looking forward to the reveal!

  35. I spy a cute room unfolding before our eyes!

    Can't wait to see!

    I have some catching up to do myself!!! Wish we could blog in our sleep!!


  36. I love the blue/green sharing idea. What a great thing to do for them.

  37. You've been busy, Elyse. I imagine there will be lots of Legos in that room! I like the idea of splitting the paint color to please each son. Imagine the difficulty I had when our girl/boy twins (now 15 and have their own rooms) shared a nursery. Have fun with it!

  38. You have been one busy girl..what a great idea. oxox

  39. What a great idea, bet they will love it. Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog, it really does encourage me. Sounds like this year we are all into the projects. Mel xxx

  40. Elyse, this is the perfect solution!! It is so important for our children to feel that there voices are being heard and that they can be individuals. Especially when they have to share a space.

    I always lovey our comments Elyse!! You have me laughing so hard! Cheese free Cottage, lol! I love ya!!

  41. How true, the shabby style does conform well to non-perfection. That makes it so much more interesting.

    Cant' wait to see how you finish the room, its looking cute!

  42. Elyse,
    What a great idea, I never saw this before. You will make both boys happy. I know it's so fun having a nursery.

    The room looks wonderful. Karen

  43. You are SO CLEVER. I LOVE IT! Can't wait to see the end result. Happy NEw Year to you !!!

  44. Came to get your button for my side bar too.


  45. What a GREAT MOM you are!!!!!!!

    I am a messy painter too...and I painted furniture and odds and ends for a living when I had my antique mall spaces!!

    Your boys are lucky!

  46. I love it! What a great idea! Can't wait to see the end result! Terri

  47. I think that is wonderful that each boy gets to pick a color. It encourages their creativity and shows them that you appreciate their individuality. Way to go! Come for a visit.

  48. I can't wait to see what you do! My boys share a room as well and one loves blue and one loves green just like your boys!

  49. Loving EVERYTHING, as always. Come by to check up on you and see what you are up to.



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