
Friday, January 15, 2010

coffee break

What better way to wind-down from a sometimes frustrating week of painting the boys' room than with a stack of inspiring books.

Thanks to the magic of my state's online library database, I am able to search for books available at connected libraries and have them delivered to my local branch. A great way to test-drive beautiful (but sometimes pricey) books.

I swoon over almost every page. I revel in the wonderful imperfection: the cracked, chipped and worn

I have a hunch that neither Rachel Ashwell nor Cath Kidston use blue painter's tape.

Hope to wrap-up the boys' room this weekend. Thank you so much for cheering me on! I'll be sure to keep you posted.



  1. They have blue tape at the Scotch Boutique in my local mall. I went in there once thinking they also sold recording tape, but they don't -- just the sticky kind! How about that?!

  2. Glad you got a chance for a break!! I have two copies of Cath Kidston in Print. I'd love to pass one on to you if you want it.
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. That's so funny, I just used blue painters tape just this evening on my window project.

  4. Well now you are the smart one. I never thought about having the library get books from other librarys.. I have looked at Rachel Ashwell books at book stores,but never cath kidstons books. I am going to keep my eye out for those and take a peek. Thanks

  5. Looks like you found some yummy books to check out. Can't wait to see the boys' room!

  6. After you finish your boys' room and take another break, you can hop on over here and do my boys' bedroom. :) HA! Maybe when I see your big reveal, I'll be inspired to get to work over here. I don't seem to have any creative juices right now. Wishing you a most wonderful weekend. Best wishes, Tammy

  7. Hang in there'll be done soon. Its a lot of work but so rewarding.

  8. what a nice break you took, all those books are amazing and inspirational, to hard for me to acheive, but I can daydream...can't wait to see the finished room

  9. Im sure it is going to look awesome when you are done with their room. Cant wait to see it. you deserve a break. what a neat way to enjoy great books. i love that coffee mug!

  10. Sounds like you definitely deserve a break - now I know what that blue tape sitting in HH's tool box is for xx

  11. Well deserved this coffee brake Elyse! I think that the color split room is going to be super! Hope your sons agree! Have a very productive and inspiring weekend!

  12. Hello, NE Bloggers!
    Our 1-year anniversary is coming up on Jan 27. To mark the occasion I am going to put up a Mr. Linky on the evening of Monday, January 25. If you'd like to write a post about living in NE, fav places to visit, funny stories and stereotypes, recipes, photos of our gorgeous landscape, anything, it would be great if you would link in. I'd also like a little idea of # of participants, if you could just send me a reply.
    Since I don't have emails from everyone, I'm also leaving this message in your comments, sorry for the double-up.

  13. Great books to sit down and have a cup of coffe with.I'm a new blogger hope you will come visit...Kathy

  14. I have that same pattern in a fabric that you have in your coffee cup! Glad to see that you are having a bit of down time and inspiration amid the work! :)

  15. Ah, my friend Sarah over in NZ (Red Gingham) has been with you on the blue tape issue this week!

    Those books are wonderful. Since moving to France I haven't even joined the library, which is a real change from the way I used to be in the UK. I CAN read in French, so I really should get into the habit of going...

  16. hello sweet girl:) those look like lovely selections to pour over while sipping at your coffee...i can't wait to see the room makeover!!!

  17. Beautiful coffee cup, looks like it was made especially for you! Can't wait to see the finished paint job:) Go Elyse! Hugs from Georgia!

  18. Those books look so tempting.I must look out for the Rachel Ashwell to me.Looking forward to seeing how the boys room turns out.Bet they are getting excited too!


  19. Hello sweet Elyse..I love all those books!! Sometimes I want to jump inside & stay awhile! lol
    There just comes a time when you have to get out the blue painters tape.
    Have a lovely day..thank you for your visit too..xo Tami

  20. Love those books Elyse! I have found two or three of the shabby chic books at the Goodwill of all places!!!! I snatched them up quick!!

    Lovely coffee mug too!!

  21. Hey Elyse,
    I know how it feels to Paint, Paint, and then paint some more. When I was a young Mother you could find me at 2AM Wallpapering, stenciling, or installing a vinyl black and white checkered floor in the laundry room! When I was 8 months pregnant I put up a border in my Kitchen. Now this was all in the 80's as you can tell by the projects. Then five years ago when I bought my little cottage I painted every room! Keep on keeping on dear Elyse the results always make up for it.
    Hey how do you know Fran Tarkenton?
    Can not wait to see your room,

  22. hey doll,
    thanks for popping in and all your sweet word.
    you are the best.
    love you

  23. Good Morning,Glad your back ..I know how consuming painting rooms are..I use to do for a living..boy would I love to have energy for that? Are you going up to Heidi's workshop Jan 23rd? Lisa and Jenns workshops in April?

  24. Hi Elyse,
    I just know that the boys room will be delightful. Thanks for the link about the library search. What a great resource to have.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  25. Oh your books look lovely...enjoy you little piece of heaven while sipping your tea..nothing gets better than this. Books to inspire! xoxo

  26. I am with you all the way, a cup of coffee and some good reading. I belong to a book club and make a visit to Borders about once a month. I have been trying to cut down on my books and magazines cause it can get to much. I do not like to part with them so they hang around for years. Now that I have a shop I am offering my old magazines 3 for $1.00. What a score for someone. Goodluck on the boys room, I am also working on projects in my home and can't wait till they are all completed. XO MARY

  27. What can I say? I love what you love. We are kindred spirits. I'm gonna call my twin brother up and ask if you can be our triplet. OK with you, Elyse?


  28. Wow, such a wonderful blog, I see you like Cath....I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and come back to read your lovely blog..x

  29. Hi Elyse,

    Hope you are almost done painting the boys' rooms. You can dive into those books and imagine for a few hours more. Then you'll be running around the house redecorating. That's what I used to do. Now I just stare at everything and think to myself "hmm, I think you all look good right where you are".

    Have a fun weekend once you are out from under all the paint.

    xo Cath

  30. Hi Sweetie! Oh those books look so good! I love sitting with a cup of tea or coffee and reading decorating magazines or books! That is just the best way to relax :) I LOVE that yummy coffee cup too, I am swooning over it!! tee hee!
    Love ya,

  31. Nothing better than a stack of books awaiting you. And a cup of coffee or tea in a bright pretty mug.

  32. Hi Elyse,
    What a great way to get books! I wanted to say a big thank you for your sweet comments and good wishes, it means alot.

  33. that is a good way to test drive books...each one i would love to curl up with! can't wait to see the boys room! :D

  34. What a beautiful blog! Can you tell me about that teacup! It is gorgeous.

  35. Ah, a coffee break... it sounds like that's just what you need! :)
    I agree, "test-driving" books is the best way to get inspired, and not have to spend a fortune! Aren't our libraries great??

  36. Can't wait to see the finished room. What a pretty coffee cup. laurie

  37. Hi Elyse!

    I love the imperfect too! Thats how I came to self-acceptance!:):)

    Blue tape does have it place though! We can only do so much......

    Chippy trumps perfect everytime!

    love, kelee

  38. Can't wait to see the boys' room when you're finished!!! I work at my local library and the "Interlibrary Loans" are a wonderful thing - it opens so many more doors. Glad you found out about it and know how to use it. Have a great weekend ~ ♥

  39. Hello Sweet Elyse!

    You are soooo smart to get these books from the library! I end up buying books and not always liking them that much. If there is any you know I NEED to have, let me know! Good luck finishing up the boys room and have a nice week!


  40. A beautiful post. I'll have to check to see if my state has the database. I have so many books already that I need to start borrowing rather than owning. Have fun with the room redo. ♥

  41. Okay Elyse, totally loving the coffee mug! Is it Cath? hmmm you better tell me cause I'm lovin' it! Have a great day :)

  42. hi everyone,

    yes, the mug is from cath kidston. i purchased a set of 4 online last spring. i have seen the set at homegoods!

    you can order the new cath kidston spring catalog free. i love it. it's like a magazine!


  43. Painters tape is a friend...that is for sure. I know your project will look great!! I hope you are surviving a cold New England winter. I remember when I lived there....I never knew cold like that. However, I love it!! Hugs to you my sweet friend!!! Thanks for checking on my sis. Hugs and Cheers... Leslie

  44. Hi dear...visiting ur sweet blog...add me in ur blogroll ok...i have a super cute blog too,alywas with great poems and posts talkin about the life,love and God.Big Hug!!

  45. The Duchess of Tea has bestowed a title upon you. Her Grace requests the honour of your presence at the knighting ceremony to be held at Rose Tea Cottage.

    The Duchess will be honoured if you accept the award she is presenting you by copy and pasting it on your blog.

  46. Darling I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling low. I am not sure what it is, but it seems like everyone is experience a low of some sort including me. I am so glad to be able to bring a smile to your face as you do that to us each and every time we log into your lovely blog. You truly have a regal blog and I am honoured to present you with the ward. Smile darling!!

    Love & Hugs

  47. Hi Elyse,
    Hope you're hanging in there with the paint. It must be done by now?
    Love your coffee and books photos.
    And loved your Beetles book story too.
    See you soon.

  48. I just had to say, I do the same thing. Libraries are great! And the inspiration from books is great, but so is surfing for creative blogs!

  49. That's so funny, I just used blue painters tape just this evening on my window project.

    Work from home India


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