
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

mini milestones


I am celebrating a mini milestone of completing the revisions of a second draft of text for the book before reviewing it again (and again?) and sending it off to my publisher (I still love saying that) for the next deadline. Each time I reach one of these mini-goals, I give myself a little break to visit a blog, scroll around Facebook, or grab a glass of fruit-flavored seltzer ... and, maybe a cookie or two ...

Most of the project-making is behind me. There will be 35 projects in all! Some will be familiar and some will be new but all will be very easy and very pretty!

How is it already May 15th?!

Okay ... back to work!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

girl and wallpaper reunite


It was back in 2010 that I posted: girl meets wallpaper a tale of GASPing over wallpaper in Romantic Homes, tracking it down, and using it here and there ... on a wall, framed as art and to cover the side of a small cabinet.


For a while now, I'd been thinking about using the left over scraps to line the insides of cabinets. The other afternoon while on a writing break, I needed a project to clear my head and out came the last rolled remnant!


Without much planning (er, none) I peeled a first sheet of contact paper from a shelf and used it as my template to cut a piece of wallpaper to fit. Not even taking the time to grab the wallpaper paste from the basement, I zig-zagged a line of school glue, smeared it around with my hand (with a plastic lunch bag as a glove) and "installed" the wallpaper. I added spots of glue where needed and then rubbed the paper smooth with a dry paper towel.

When I finished the first shelf I thought: Am I crazy? No planning, no measuring, no nothing? But, somehow it worked and so I continued and completed two more shelves until, alas there was not enough paper left. I pulled out some pretty shelf lining I had purchased at The Rose Victorian and used it to trim the top shelves. Again motivated by haste, I secured the lace paper with tape.

Even though I was only able to cover three shelves, it gives the kitchen the little boost I craved and might just make unloading the dishwasher a tiny bit more pleasant.

In book news: My first text deadline is complete! Thanks as always for your much-appreciated well-wishes and cheers!

In blogging news: It looks like Blogger has changed a bit and I have no idea how this post is going to look when published! Why so many constant online changes? LOL

Happy May!
