
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

tinkered muffins

One of my favorite things about summertime is the abundance of my favorite fruits: blueberries, nectarines, and watermelon! I have a super-easy muffin recipe to share. Not many ingredients needed and not long in the oven.

Tinkered Berry Muffins
2 eggs
2 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup quick oats
2/3 cup sugar
2 mashed bananas*
1/4 cup milk
1 cup berries

Prep muffin tin with cooking spray or cupcake liners
Mix all ingredients except berries
Fold berries in last
Bake at 375 for 20 minutes

*If you want to skip the bananas, double the milk to 1/2 cup

I like to sprinkle the tops with cinnamon before baking

Light and consistently yummy.

Makes a nice self-serve breakfast, too, for boys who seem to wake up earlier in the summer than they do all school year. {Explain?}

My blogging time will be very catch-as-catch-can over the summer but I hope to catch as many moments to visit as possible. I did manage to get my Paris-themed swap boxes ready. The photo above is a sneak-peek for my swap-peeps.

Thanks so much to visitors at my the Where Bloggers Create II party post. This is such an enjoyable and inspiring happening. I look forward to more party hopping!



  1. Elyse- this sounds like a great muffin recipe to try!! Pretty pictures as usual too!

    Loved reading about your creative space. It is an amazing environment you have created - I would so love to have a space like this!

    Been away for over a week and trying to catch up on all my fav blogs-it's amazing how behind you can get in a week!!

    bee blessed

  2. Oh yummy, these sound and look so delicious! Thank you for recipe! xo Paulette :)

  3. And such pretty muffin wrappers as well. :)

    Thank you for your sweet, pretty blog. I'm always inspired when I drop in here.

  4. Oh, YUMS! I will have to try this one out since I am always buying fresh organic blueberries! :D
    ~TattingChic ♥

  5. The muffins sound delicious, Elyse! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Hope your summer is much to do!


  6. Dang! Wish I had some Bisquik on hand. I'd make these up right away. But the again, I've been making a lot of banana muffins lately. I probably need to give the oven a break. :) Will keep the recipe and make them over the summer. My kids oddly have been sleeping a little later than usual. This is the first summer they've done that. I so enjoy waking earlier than they do and starting my day off in quiet way. Enjoy your summer time fun! Best wishes, Tammy

  7. Sweet muffins and beautiful too:) Enjoy your day whatever you do! HUGS!

  8. Elyse, those muffins looks so yummy! I'll have to give that recipe a try. And you are way ahead of me with the Paris swap all wrapped and read to go!
    Have a great day!

  9. Elyse,
    The pictures are so beautiful that they make me want to go cook...and I am not a morning person! It looks like a versatile recipe, too.

    I am just finishing my Paris swaps today and sending them out. I love decorating matchboxes. My friends think I am mad!!!


  10. These look amazing my friend...I think I could whip up a batch this morning!!! Can't wait for the blueberry season to hit! Hugs for a wonderful fun filled day with your boys. xoxoxo

  11. i love your posts, elyse! the muffins look yummy and i can't wait to see more of your paris boxes!

  12. Wowwww.....these looks yammie yammie !!!! yhanks for share,............happy summer evening..hugs from me...Ria....

  13. Oh my goodness!!! Your not going to
    believe this,but I just ask my neighbor did she have a good blueberry muffin receipe. She said
    she used Bisquick mix. I am so glad
    you put this on here. I need it with all the blueberries I had left over from making all that jelly. I had to save some fresh for
    Your right about the kids, all the
    grandchildren do the same thing.":O)

  14. Elyse where did you get the adorable cupcake liners? Love em!
    Sounds like a keeper of a recipe. Runnin to the fruit stand right now for some blueberries.
    I am having a giveaway so swing on by if you have time!

  15. Elyse, those sound so yummy...i love your cupcake liners too, very cute...your "puff mommy" comment on my hair cut post cracked me up:)

  16. Elyse, those boys wake up precisely because it's summer, and something has to throw a wrench in mama getting to sleep in! I don't really know why that works out, but I remember how it went when my girls were young. Those blueberries look so good. I managed to have them with strawberries on cereal for breakfast and lunch! I'm not very creative with food, obviously!

  17. Elyse, These muffins look fantastic! Thank you for the recipe!

  18. your so sweet thak you my dear! i cant wait to see your precious creations!

    my hubby Loves blueberries!
    ill have to make this for him!

  19. Enjoy summer and those delicious muffins!!!

  20. MMMMMM......

    and why is it that children wake up much earlier in the summer months. just wait till they are older and sleep till noon.

    go figure.

    enjoy the summer, dear friend!


  21. Oh, your muffins look yummy!!

    And as always, your pictures are so pretty! It just makes me want to go bake something.

  22. These blueberry-banana muffins sound yummy! I like the addition of oats...makes them even tastier!
    Jane (Artfully graced)

  23. Thanks for the congats on the romantic homes feature, I am just thrilled how it all turned out!

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