
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wow Wow Wednesday!

Despite a rainy dismal day outside things are feeling warm inside thanks to some extra special deliveries I just received.

Lori from My Faerie Window graciously agreed to do a swap with me. Her creations are truly amazing, so sweet, and filled with extraordinary detail and materials. When she told me I should be expecting my box today, I waited for the mailman like a puppy! Make that a puppy with a digital camera!

GASP! I love pretty packaging. Even a card with my name is attached to the bag with a small brad. So clever! I could hardly wait to open it. GASP!

How adorable is this? They're aren't words!

Lori calls these "felties" and I have no idea how she even makes them. I'm guessing faeries take care of things while she sleeps. Pale blue is my favorite color.

And another pretty package with a felted heart and millinery flowers on top!

Inside were Lori's wonderful collages and I love her business card!!! Check out more of Lori's creations at her shop ~ here!

Next came my order from MaryJane's new Etsy shop. MaryJane of The Beehive Cottage was my very first Etsy customer. As soon as I saw that she opened a shop, I couldn't wait to buy from her. Look at these beautiful tags! I love the images and the ribbon!

And MaryJane being the sweetie that she is, also surprised me with a beautiful journal that she made.

I love the details, the ribbon, the images ... the thoughtfulness

I have never received anything like this before and just adore it.

MaryJane is about to receive her own special delivery. Here's a sneak peek (inspired by her trailer ButtonWillow).

Borrowed some Playmobil props from my youngest son for the chick pic! Serving suggestion only.

Hope you're all having a Wow Wow Wednesday, too!



  1. Elyse, you did have a Wow Wow Wednesday!!! i am SO happy that you like your goodies from me...and thanks again for curing my swap phobia...i really had so much fun doing this with you...making something for you and getting my own sweet goodies in return!!!your goodies from MaryJane are super cute too...i will have to go have a look at her is raining and yucky here too!!!

  2. Hello Sweet Elyse! Don't you just love the postman more on some days!!! Lori's package is so darling! I love her handiwork and the bunny box is adorable! Glad you like your journal! I had so much fun making it for you sweetie! Hummm, I see something really cute in the last picture, kinda like a canned ham with wheels! Screaming!!!!

    Great pictures. Love the close-ups!

    Maryjane xox

  3. That bunny is SO sweet! I love the journal too! ~Lori

  4. Your blog is just wonderful! Those next tags are so cute, I need to do some more poking around Etsy!

  5. OMG, OMG....that Feltie Bunny is too cute for words!!!!!! Too too cute!!!! You are a lucky one!

    btw: your comment on my McDonald post was very cute and funny girl!!!

    :) Cheryl

  6. What precious goodies! THat rabbit is just too adorable- that tiny little crown and septer-

  7. So much artful and beautiful eye candy in these photos, loved all the artwork in each. Lori is amazing!
    Magic and Joy!

  8. I jumped over from Lori's to see your sweet goodies she sent.. I am in love with "Queen of Cottage"! Even more so now that I know she even created the felted bunny & heart! It's an amazing piece! I would have been as tickled as you were, waiting for the mailman! I'm like a little kid when a box arrives! lol...

    I so enjoyed my visit, have a wonderful week~

  9. I just blog hopped over here from Lori's blog and boy, oh, boy is that the cutest thing ever! I can't wait to see what you gave her it looks ADORABLE from the sneak peek! I just love swaps they are so much fun! It looks like you two are treating each other very well and it is so sweet!

  10. Oh Elyse!!! I am so happy you had such a wonderful Wednesday!! You are such a sweetie and you deserve it all! I LOVE the bunny Lori made!! Arent they the sweetest things? Her talent is just amazing! How sweet of Maryjane too! What a gorgeous journal and I love the tags!!

    I hope you have a beautiful day!

  11. Wow! You really got quite the haul of cuteness there! I love that bunnie that Lori made - she does amazing things - doesn't she? And I am quite smitten with Mary Jane's "nest" tags and may have to go find some for myself. Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. Omg, no wonder you *GASPED*, I would have too! everything is so gorgeous and I'll be running right over to see her things!! You must be so happy! :) what talent!! I also ADORE Maryjanes journals, I've had my eye on them and keep peeking in, so pretty soon I intend to order one too!

    What a pretty post girly!! Love it all! Hugs, Cyn

  13. WOW is right! What a great Wednesday!

    Everything is beautiful and I LOVE your birdhouses

    Can't wait to see the new do


  14. Love your goodies from Lori. That little bunny is just so cute.. I want one.... Your goodies from MaryJane are just so cute also.. I'll have to check out her shop. Hope all is well...

  15. Always something cute at your cottage.

  16. Oh My Gosh, BUNNY BUNNY BUNNY, I love the bunny : ) You lucky girl! You made me laugh that you borrowed your Son's toys for the picture, to cute. I hope you are having a good week. I am still watching for a bird house with a bunny living in it, lol.

  17. I LOVE your sweet swap with Lori! that little feltie is just the cuuutest little thing.

    wow wow wednesday for sure!

  18. Hi
    I am fairly new to blogging and have just discovered your lovely blog via My Faerie Window's blog. That bunny is gorgeous! I like the things that you make. I can't make anything at the moment as the whole house is undoing redecoration and quite a few changes. Can't to be all up straight again so that I can start making things again.
    Isabelle x

  19. Elyse, thank you so much for dropping by my blog.

    You have some very pretty things here. I am adding you to my bloglines list, I hope you do not mind.

    Knitty, Vintage and Rosy

  20. eeekkk cuteness!
    i love lori.
    super cute stuff.
    your blog is darling!

  21. This is all so wonderful!!
    Love how you dress your chicks!

    Ant the tags you ordered are adorable.

    love it all!!

    Barbara Jean

    PS I may have to dress my little bird nest birdies. They are about an inch long!! =0)

  22. Wow, how beautiful! Thanks for sharing and for being such an inspiration! Have a super weekend!


i treasure your comments and thank you so much!
