
Monday, January 26, 2015

girlie office: 2015!

Girlie Office work table, photo credit: Piper Brown Photography
Happy New Year! If you visit this blog from time to time you might know that for quite a while I've been trying to figure out how to transition my Girlie Office from cozy reading spot to working studio.

My photo credit: Marisa Bettencourt
A large motivator was the new magazine Room to Create, which provided me with the unique opportunity to view my space with fresh eyes, not to mention that the issue is packed with really great ideas! One article in and I was moving furniture.

Tinkering in-action, pre-switcheroo
Okay, so first I switched the couch with the desk. Next I rotated the bookcase to be flush against the other wall and swapped the coffee table with a $35 table I went bananas over but had no place to go. I also decided it was time to get rid of the braided rug which had served its purpose and was coming undone.
photo credit: Piper Brown Photography
I bought two yards of laminated fabric from Modern June to cover my desk and of course discovered that I prefer its faded (non-laminated) flip-side, which as it turns out makes it grip to surfaces fairly well.

Always sizing up possibilities, I wondered if the stiff laminated fabric would suit my decorated roller shade idea. To test things out, a scrap is affixed to the tippity-top of the shade with a few discreet pieces of low-tack painter's tape. Love!

Then I grabbed a section of ball fringe and pinned it up, and adored the window treatment even more. I'll complete the project once my second order of laminated fabric arrives and I get some more of the trimming.
photo credit: Piper Brown Photography
The Girlie Office still needs more storage space but I'm already feeling a renewed energy and my enjoyment of tinkering on a larger scale with furnishings has been rekindled.

Wish out loud!
Which is leading me to pursue this idea for a third book. What do you think?

Tomorrow's big project? Most likely baking cookies and shoveling snow as a blizzard is expected here in Rhode Island! Hopefully there will be some tinkering time, too.

I hope your 2015 is off to a happy and healthy start. Thank you for reading!
