
Thursday, March 24, 2011

berry cheep project

Happy Spring! Or as we say in New England, "Did you check the forecast?" Popsicles outside one day, hot cocoa indoors the next. Never mind the weather, I'm ready to make some sunny treasures.

Never one to discount the possibilities held in a container, I saved a few plastic berry bins from last year.

I gathered a bunch of supplies like decals, ribbon, and flowers and started tinkering . . .

Vents throughout the bins lend themselves to weaving ribbon in and out.

Guess where this sweet oilcloth-type material in polka dots and gingham comes from? (Betty knows!)

A reusable shopping bag from TJ Maxx! The water-resistant fabric is especially useful if you plan to line your berry bins and use them to present foodie gifts.

Sweet mini holders for all kinds of spring treats and occasions.

Best of all, this project is very cheep!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

faux sew sewing jar

As a non-sewer borrowing Sew Sunny Homestyle from my library, I knew immediately upon swooning over Tone Finnanger's sewing jar project that I needed to put the idea through the tinker-translator which means glue over needles and guesstimating over precision.

First I painted the metal rings of two-piece lidded canning jars and placed them over fabric until I found a combination that I liked best to use for my project.

Because tinkering is also about gathering, I was determined to find something from around the house to use as pin cushion filler and found my solution in pulled-apart cotton balls.

I placed the tuft of cotton over the round inner lid, covered it with fabric, inserted it into the ring and pushed it through; then pulled at the sides until the top was as smooth as I wanted it to be.

I trimmed the excess fabric and secured it with tape.

To conceal the tape, I traced the lid's inner disc and cut a piece of sturdy cardstock to fit. I used swirls of school/craft glue to affix the cardstock, pushing it down into place and holding it for a few minutes to set.

Once the project was topped-off, I filled the jar with spools of thread.

So, why does a non-sewer need another pin cushion? Hmm. Because learning to sew is still somewhere on my to-do list.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

make it!

I am very excited to have another tutorial in Romantic Homes magazine.

A few weeks ago I was asked to write a how-to for April's The French Issue, and decided to feature a jar decorated with a printed and glittered French label (source: The Graphics Fairy; jar: Smucker's).

It's always fun to stage mini photo shoots and then write the corresponding text. I often use puns and am not sure if anyone "gets" my little jokes but me (words like: relishing -- as in a jar of relish; the title: French Dressing -- as in a bottle of salad dressing. Silly, I know).

Our blogs are like our own magazines, don't you think? A very heartfelt thank you to Romantic Homes for providing another opportunity for me to share in print.


Monday, March 7, 2011

spring morn

It's no wonder that the things I tinker blend so well with my home decor: I use leftover interior paint as the base for most projects.

Recently while trolling through the basement, I discovered a bit of Spring Morn that was used to paint the dining room/kitchen.

I gathered some random items just ready to be painted, including this small $1. birdhouse, and gave each treasure-to-be a quick coat or two.

Snipped at some paper while supervising homework . . .

did a little decoupage . . .

even sprinkled some glitter.

The moral of this tale: A little leftover paint can go a long way!


Tinkered Treasures now has a Facebook page where I share peeks at projects, pretty images and other things you might Like!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

cupcake day

I adore the stop-and-smell-the-roses nature of blogging.

Today I made my first visit to The Bakery Boutique, an adorable Rhode Island bakery I had somehow previously overlooked. I was happy to have my camera along while I stopped to admire the cupcakes; the cashier was so accommodating and even pulled this tray from the display case so that I could take photographs.

I purchased a sampling of cupcakes: Wedding Cake, chocolate, and Pink Champagne.

I believe these are the most delicious cupcakes ever! EVER! The prettiest, too.

Cupcakes just might be the perfect way to turn a plain old afternoon into a little celebration.
